
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, February 18, 2019

Imran Khan's New Pakistan

Meanwhile over in the country which is now sending tens of thousands of manual workers to Malaysia,  more violence is flaring up on two of its borders :

As you can see in the map above,  Pakistan shares borders with Iran in the West and India in the East. There is trouble on both these borders.

1.  Last Wednesday Sunni Balochi militants, operating from inside the Pakistani border with Iran, sent a suicide bomber across the border and killed 27 Iranian Revolutionary Guards.  Here be the news:

Iran urged Pakistan to crack down on militants who killed 27 Revolutionary Guards
or expect military action by Tehran "to punish the terrorists"
Iran will retaliate to punish the terrorists General Mohammad Ali Jafari said

suicide bomber killed 27  elite Revolutionary Guards Wed
southeast facing rise in attacks by militants 

Jaish al Adl (Army of Justice), ethnic Baluchi, claimed responsibility for attack
militants operate from safe havens in Pakistan 



2.  Then on Thursday, on the Indian side of their border,  Pakistani terror outfit Jais-e-Mohamed killed 37 Indian troops in another suicide car bombing in Pulwama, Kashmir.

NEW DELHI — At least 38 (?) paramilitary police killed 
massive car bomb -  worst attack in three decades  

attack occurred Thurs - on security convoy of 70 vehicles 

explosives-laden vehicle rammed into bus carrying paramilitary personnel
India’s Central Reserve Police Force. 

militants cross into Indian-controlled territory to carry out attacks

Jaish-e-Mohammed or Army of Mohammed claimed responsibility 
Based in Pakistan, group is led by Masood Azhar
US officially labeled terrorist organization nearly two decades ago

Indian PM Modi called attack “despicable” 
India’s Foreign Ministry pointed finger at Pakistan
Jais-e-Mohammed “given full freedom” by Pakistan to “carry out attacks"

this type of large bomb attack rare in Kashmir
militants often use firearms, not improvised explosive devices

Bharatiya Janata Party said  “They will not forget this” 

My comments :  Tension with both Iran and India.  This is not the last we will be hearing about these problems. Just like the Malaysian Ringgit the Pakistani currency has dropped like a stone.  After the collapse of oil prices, hundreds of thousands of Pakistani labourers have also been sent back home from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf.  (Which is why they are now coming to Malaysia.) 

Remittances from the Arab countries - a major source of income in Pakistan - is now drying up.

Here is a chart of the US Dollar versus the Pakistani Rupee from February 2018 till now (February 2019).  As you can see the Pakistani Rupee has fallen like a Hollywood stuntman falling down a staircase :

My view is these militant attacks have nothing to do with Iran or India. These are poor people being exploited to become suicide bombers in exchange for a little cash that will be paid to their dirt poor families. 

The terrorist leaders who recruit these suicide bombers also do it for money. It is all because of money.

If they had skills to build and manage a factory, a supermarket or some useful business then these things will not happen.

But it is time to pray. Please close your businesses for a while. 

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