
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, February 18, 2019

Mat Sabu Angry With PAS For Blocking The Vote Of No Confidence Against The PM

Mat Sabu said Anwar is guilty of sodomy. Mat Sabu also said Anwar cannot stop himself from buggering young men and boys. “Sudah jadi satu penyakit,” said Mat Sabu. Mat Sabu used to call Anwar ‘Anwar Al-Juburi’ and said, “Anwar suka makan kunyit.”

Raja Petra Kamarudin
The story that Anwar Ibrahim is planning a vote of no confidence in Parliament against Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has been circulating since last year. Today, that story has finally come out into the open, triggered by the visit of a number of senior PAS leaders to the Prime Minister’s office last Friday.
People were curious as to why these senior PAS leaders visited the Prime Minister. The PAS leaders said it was to discuss administrative issues. Other said these ‘administrative issues’ were actually regarding the RM1.5 billion oil royalty for Terengganu and Kelantan, which the Prime Minister approved last year but which Lim Guan Eng refuses to release.
The Prime Minister himself said the purpose of the meeting was for PAS to promise not to help or work with Umno in the Semenyih by-election and that this promise was made in writing. But then this is Mahathir: just like when he said, tongue-in-cheek, that Malaysia is bankrupt because he was the most corrupt Prime Minister for 22 years from 1981 to 2003.

The meeting between PAS leaders and the PM last Friday triggered talk of an impending vote of no confidence against him in Parliament

The President of PAN a.k.a. Amanah was furious. This was what Malay Mail Online reported:
Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu reportedly threw his “kopiah”, or skullcap, in anger as he related the sacrifices of former PAS leaders while its current leadership were allegedly receiving funds from rival Umno.
In several media reports, the former PAS deputy president known as Mat Sabu was worried about how the accusation would hurt the image of Islam, accusing the Islamist party of being a “party of lies” for their leaders’ previous denials over the issue.
Yes, the last time Mat Sabu threw the microphone to the ground. This time he threw his white cap to the ground in anger. And the reason Mat Sabu is angry is because PAS is giving Islam a bad name.

Mat Sabu got caught tangkap basah in room 121 Hotel Perdana on 31st January 1995 but escaped punishment

Hello…PAS is giving Islam a bad name? Was is not Mat Sabu who was caught in close proximity or ‘tangkap basah’ with Norma, a former police officer’s wife, in room 121 in Hotel Perdana, Kota Bharu, on 31st January 1995?
There were four witnesses who confirmed that Mat Sabu was alone with Norma in the hotel room and that he had only a towel around his waist. But then when the case went to trial one of the witnesses suddenly suffered amnesia so only three witnesses testified. And because it was only three witnesses and not four witnesses, Mat Sabu was discharged.
How much do you think Mat Sabu paid one of the witnesses to lose his memory? The rumour at that time was it was only RM20,000.
More importantly, it made a mockery of Islam. From that day on, non-Muslims made fun of Islam and said that it is okay to rape a woman because as long as you do not have four witnesses nothing will happen to you. Hence Islam allows rape as long as no one witnesses the rape.

Mat Sabu said Anwar is guilty of sodomy and yet he wants Anwar to take over as PM

Yes, this is how non-Muslims mock Islam and it is all because Mat Sabu escaped on the technicality of having only three witnesses and not four. So, if Mat Sabu is angry with PAS for ‘hurting the image of Islam’, he should be angry with himself. He has done more damage to the image of Islam than 100 other people could ever have done.
And what about his penchant for G-strings and his ‘talk dirty’ conversations with young girls? He talks about Islam and throws his white cap to the ground but he is as horny as a toad.
You want to talk about ‘hurting the image of Islam’, then let’s talk about ‘hurting the image of Islam’.

Will Anwar have the numbers in his vote of no confidence move in Parliament?

Mat Sabu said Anwar is guilty of sodomy. Mat Sabu also said Anwar cannot stop himself from buggering young men and boys. “Sudah jadi satu penyakit,” said Mat Sabu. Mat Sabu used to call Anwar ‘Anwar Al-Juburi’ and said, “Anwar suka makan kunyit.”
Today, Mat Sabu supports Anwar in his plan to push for a vote of no confidence against Mahathir in Parliament so that Anwar can take over as Prime Minister. Supporting a kaki bontot to take over as Prime Minister is not hurting the image of Islam? Apalah Mat Sabu ni. Dah mabuk G-string ke?

1 comment:

  1. I cannot stop wondering what RPK got from all the support he gave to Mr Kleptocrat and Lebai from PAS.


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