
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Now It’s DAP’s Turn To Be Investigated On Donations From Israel

So over to the MACC. Start investigating the allegation that DAP received donations from Israel just like how you investigated the allegation that PAS received RM90 million from Najib. Show us that the MACC officers are not corrupt like many say. Show us your officers are not Muslims in name only but in actual fact are worse than Yahudi.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
(Free Malaysia Today) – On 2nd February 2019, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang and Clare Rewcastle-Brown reached an out-of-court settlement to settle the former’s case against the Sarawak Report founder and editor. Rewcastle-Brown, as the defendant and editor of Sarawak Report, also withdrew her counterclaim against the PAS president.
According to PAS vice-president Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah, the allegations made by Rewcastle-Brown against PAS were baseless and without any strong evidence. “To us, the fact that she agreed for the matter to be settled out of court indicates that she had no solid proof,” he said.
Hadi had filed his defamation suit at the London High Court following an article Rewcastle-Brown wrote, which Sarawak Report published on Aug 6, 2017. The eight-paragraph article had alleged that RM90 million was “reckoned” to have entered the accounts of top PAS leaders to woo them into supporting Umno and Barisan Nasional.

Sarawak Report alleged that RM90 million was “reckoned” to have entered the accounts of top PAS leaders to woo them into supporting Umno and Barisan Nasional

Since then, the 2nd of February, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has recorded statements from Clare Rewcastle Brown, Ambiga Sreenevasan, ex-PAS leaders such as Nasharudin Mat Isa and Husam Musa, plus a number of current PAS leaders.
Yes, that was very fast. In a mere ten days, the MACC has more or less wrapped up its case, compiled its investigation report, and met Attorney-General Tommy Thomas to discuss the next move.
Who says the MACC moves at a snail’s pace? When they want to they can open and close their file in just a week and even mark it NFA (no further action) if that is what their political masters wish for.
Will the file of the investigation into the allegation that former prime minister Najib Tun Razak gave PAS (or a number of its party leaders) RM90 million from money stolen from 1MDB be marked NFA?
Well, that is a question that prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad will decide and PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police), MACC, and the AGC (Attorney-Generals Chambers) will do precisely what Mahathir wants them to do and not a bit more or a bit less.

PAS will support Mahathir against DAP and Anwar Ibrahim

Clearly Mahathir does not like PAS. He has only nasty things to say about PAS. In 1969, Mahathir was defeated in the May general election by a PAS candidate, Yusof Rawa, the only time Mahathir ever lost an election.

But then Mahathir lost the Kota Setar Selatan parliament seat in 1969 not because Yusof Rawa was a stronger candidate but because the Chinese wanted to punish Mahathir. The Chinese voted for PAS just to ‘kill’ Mahathir. And Mahathir has never forgotten this, how the Chinese killed him — which is why he wrote his anti-Chinese book called ‘The Malay Dilemma’ the following year.
Since then, the following general election in 1974, Mahathir has had to kowtow to the Chinese.
In the 1990 general election, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah’s Semangat 46 teamed up with PAS on the East Coast, DAP on the West Coast, and PBS in Sabah. Umno-Barisan Nasional would have lost the 1990 general election if not because of the Chinese (and Indian) voters.

Mahathir needed the Chinese to save him in 1990, 1999 and 2018

In the 1999 general election, the same thing happened. The Chinese saved Umno-Barisan Nasional from getting slaughtered by Barisan Alternatif.
In GE14 last year, the Chinese (with about 30% of the Malays) kicked out Umno and Barisan Nasional. If only 30% of the Malays voted for Pakatan Harapan (like in 1990 and 1999), Umno-Barisan Nasional could not have been defeated. It was because 95% of the Chinese votes voted for Pakatan Harapan.
In short, Mahathir’s and PPBM’s lives depend on charity from the Chinese. And Mahathir hates this more than he hates PAS. Hence, he is prepared to work with PAS, in spite of his less-than-warm feelings for that Islamic party, just to make sure he does not continue to be a Chinese running dog.
And that is another reason why PPBM is accepting ex-Umno or ex-Barisan Nasional people — MPs, State Assemblypersons or mere party leaders/members (especially the Malays and Bumiputeras/natives).

Mahathir is strengthening his position with ex-Umno leaders joining PPBM

And this is why DAP and their Chinese supporters are extremely upset. They know Malaysian politics is going to transform to Malays versus Chinese and there is nothing DAP can do about it.
Anyway, back to the issue of the RM90 million donation that Najib was alleged to have given PAS and its leaders. The MACC has found not a single record of RM90 million leaving 1MDB’s bank accounts or RM90 million finding its way into PAS’s bank accounts.
In short, the RM90 million donation never happened as Clare, Ambiga, Husam Musa and Rafizi Ramli said. They just tembak babi buta. Cerita dongeng.

It was Saifuddin and not Nasharudin who received the RM1 million, which was then stolen

What did happen, though, is that RM1 million appears in Global Movement of Moderates Foundation (GMM) bank account. But that was not during the time of Nasharudin Mat Isa. It was during the time of Pakatan Harapan’s Foreign Minister, Saifuddin Abdullah. And GMM has reported criminal breach of trust and misappropriation of funds during Saifuddin’s tenure as its chairman — and this has been confirmed by the external auditors.
Saifuddin Abdullah is cooked good and proper. He has stolen money from GMM. And Clare, Ambiga, Husam and Rafizi are cooked as well. They, too, are cooked because the MACC has told the AG that the RM90 million story is a lie.
Anyway, the basis of this whole investigation is because of what Sarawak Report said, even if there was no evidence. As long as Sarawak Report says so then an investigation is in order. So, PAS now wants the MACC to also investigate the allegation that DAP received money from Israel since a mere allegation even without evidence is enough to launch the investigation.
So over to the MACC. Start investigating the allegation that DAP received donations from Israel just like how you investigated the allegation that PAS received RM90 million from Najib. Show us that the MACC officers are not corrupt like many say. Show us your officers are not Muslims in name only but in actual fact are worse than Yahudi.

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