
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Yoursay: Aide’s threat against RTM doesn’t augur well for Malaysia Baru

YOURSAY | ‘Make RTM an independent body answerable to Parliament, not to a minister.’
Jasmine: From what I understand, this national-level function had many “dignitaries” including the prime minister. As such, many - probably too many - lengthy and glorifying speeches must have been delivered.
This excludes all the time allotted for the mandatory formalities of addressing the multitude of honorifics before the speeches begin.
As such, any sensible live coverage, taking into consideration many factors, including costs (taxpayers’ money) and time allotted would have to prioritise its selection and live airing of elements of a major event.
To inform, entertain and educate isn’t always an easy criterion for the media to fulfil.
Nevertheless, I agree that if there were grouses for whatever agenda, no politician should threaten the media. The public want to be truly free of any kind of bullying.
Isn’t this the freedom of the press that the opposition parties were clamouring for prior to the 14th general election, when the media apparatus, lock, stock, and barrel, were under the thumbs of Umno, MCA and MIC?
Lim Swee Kuan, who is the aide to Transport Ministry Anthony Loke, needs to re-educate himself if he wishes to add any value to Loke’s work.
Palmyra: Make RTM an independent body, answerable to Parliament, not to a minister of the government. Then no minister or his aide can complain of lack of coverage of their speeches. Let RTM decide on the newsworthiness of a minister’s speech.
Maybe lawyer Latheefa Koya has a point here. The TV station should not be used as a propaganda tool of the ruling party, like it was under BN.
The government TV station was shunned by most people during the BN era because of the heavy bias in their reporting, which was nauseating. So let’s see a drastic change under the Pakatan Harapan government.
Fellow Malaysian: Dear Latheefa, Communications and Multimedia Minister Gobind Singh Deo has tasked RTM to come up with a report of the hullaballoo.
Let’s just wait for him to respond. What do you gain by overreacting and being skittish? Two wrongs don't make a right.
Anonymous 1e23ccf0: Latheefa has a point which a lot of her detractors have missed - not the ones who put forward their objections in a civilised manner, but those who go after her with a racist, misogynist angle and who don't see the forest for the trees.
Latheefa did not say the government cannot check why the speeches were not covered, but warned against what can be seen as arrogant overreach by a minister's aide, and that it is not going to look good for the minister Loke.
With Harapan supporters like these shooting off their mouths, I don't see why former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak needs cybertroopers.
Admonitor: The last thing we want is government politicians bullying the media again. So what if a minister’s speech is not covered? Sometimes it is covered, sometimes it is not. That’s editorial discretion.
Some here say Latheefa should have used proper channels to express herself. What about this press secretary? Did he use proper channels?
No. He threatened for heads to roll. If even a minister's press secretary can make a threat like this in Malaysia Baru, it doesn't augur well.
Frankie: Bravo to the Election Commission (EC) (for stopping the Harapan ceramah because it did not have a permit) and also the organiser for respecting the decision without any brouhaha.
It's a good start to a clean election, and let's hope it stays that way.
Roger 5201: Yes, EC got it right this time. Event organiser Ammar Fauzi must follow, not just observe, the law.
As the executor, you were aware that this Harapan ceramah does not have a permit, but yet you went ahead with it. How can this not be Harapan's fault?
We need to set a good example for others to follow. If you are not good with permits, then let someone else do it.
Open Mind: It’s great to see that the newly minted EC is exercising its power to ensure a fair campaign. This is a big change compared to all the previous ECs.
I think the Harapan government should be given credit for appointing the right people for the task. Well done, Harapan.
Mano: Congratulations and thank you, EC. But why wait till they finish the speeches? Just walk up to the stage and stop them.
The message that EC means business will sink in throughout the country much better and faster.
Cogito Ergo Sum: If there is a rule that requires a permit, please comply. This is the rule of law. Harapan is woefully inadequate to even take part in a by-election, how are they going to win GE15?
Let’s give PSM the vote.
Vijay47: If this event cancellation is a feature of the new EC, then congratulations to them for taking firm immediate action, unmindful of who the offending party was.
On a related matter, the ceramah permit, while it may be necessary so that the police would be aware in case there is a need to step in, should not be a cumbersome process.
Kangkung: Good. The EC must continue to enforce all rules without fear or favour. We need to turn this lawless country back to one that follows the rule of law.
I hope EC will monitor all parties like a hawk so that the culture of free and fair elections can be practised in this country.
And I am happy the Harapan organiser took the EC officers' reprimand in a good spirit. Congratulations to all. - Mkini

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