
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, October 31, 2022

Selangor voters increase more than 50pct for GE15


The number of registered voters in Selangor went up by 52.28 percent or 1,262,774 people as eligible voters for the 15th general election taking the total in the state to 3,677,848 compared to 2,415,074 in GE14.

Selangor Election Commission deputy director Kamarul Azman Ahmad Sabri said the larger electoral roll which was gazetted on Sept 25, was attributed to the implementation of Undi18 and automatic registration.

“The total made Selangor the state with the highest number of registered voters for GE15,” he told reporters after a GE15 media personnel briefing in Shah Alam today.

The total state voters comprised 3,652,790 ordinary voters, early voters for armed forces (7,468), police (16,779) as well as absentee voters from abroad (811).

In terms of age, he said adult voters aged 21-59 in the state made up the largest voter sector at 2,805,596 or 76.29 percent, senior citizens aged 60 and above 598,549 people while youths aged 18 to 20 about 273,703 people or 7.44 percent.

Kamarul said 56,707 EC personnel have been appointed to manage the GE15 polling process compared to 35,000 in GE14.

A total of 974 polling centres has been gazetted involving 51 early voting centres and 923 normal polling centres, he said.

In GE15, four polling centres will operate from 8am to 2pm namely Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Seri Cempaka in Sabak Bernam parliamentary constituency, Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) Ladang Bukit Ijok in Kuala Selangor, Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJKC) Bukit Fraser, Hulu Selangor and Balai Raya Lubuk Jaya in Tanjong Karang.

Four polling stations operating from 8am to 4pm are SJKT Ladang Sabak Bernam in Sabak Bernam parliamentary constituency, SJKT Ladang Mary and SK Seri Gambut Tanjong Karang in Tanjong Karang, as well as SJKT Selangor River in Kuala Selangor parliamentary constituency.

The EC has set GE15 polling day on Nov 19, nomination day on Nov 5 and early voting on Nov 15.


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