
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, October 31, 2022


 Been busy last few days folks. Could not update the Blog as much.

This morning, an old acquaintance met me and asked for some "campaigning" advise for his "boss" (of all people - an UMNO Ketua Bahagian) who is a Parliamentary candidate somewhere. I know some of the stuff, having been closely linked for so, so long. So I said what I said.  

I have said this before - never ignore the Online surveys and Online polls - no matter how "simple" they are.  There are many Online Polls that are genuine in that you cannot vote more than once. And their numbers can be huge. Run an online poll and "push" it through FB, Twitter, the Blogs etc and you can very quickly get tens and hundreds of thousands of hits. And for a country the size of Malaysia those numbers are a pretty representative sample size.

So for example in the following survey or poll using smartpolls.co.uk over 675,000 people have voted. 

This poll was about support for the local political parties in the upcoming GE15.

You can see that the Barisan Nasional has only 13% of the support - from over 675,000 people. PH has 'exactly' 50% of the vote while PN has 29%.

Folks, the BN is going to be wiped out.



Then this morning the Malay Mail ran the results of a poll by the Merdeka Center :


67% dissatisfied with Ngoro Ngoro
51% dissatisfied with BN in Sept 2022 
  • Approval for BN 38% now
  • 39% in April 2018, days before GE14 
  • Sept 2021 - 50% liked PM Sabri
  • now 46% satisfied with Ismail Sabri
  • 33% satisfied with Brader 
  • Muhyiddin Yassin most popular with 51% approval

My Comments :

Merdeka Center should have included Rafizi Ramli. 

No one will be surprised that Ngoro Ngoro is disliked by 67% of the pollsters.

I am not surprised that only 33% are satisfied with the Brader.

That Tan Sri Muhyiddin is the most popular with 51% approval rating is interesting.

If Ngoro-Ngoro gives a sh_t at all about Umno he should just withdraw from running in the elections. That may help Umno a little - not much.

He can likely win in his kawasan but in the rest of the country Umno will lose more because of his presence on the ballot.

The same thing with Najib in 2018. If Najib had withdrawn from contesting in 2018 (which he was advised to do by many people) it is possible UMNO would have done better.

Being party president and long time incumbents these folks can win in their kawasan but they sacrifice their party everywhere else.

They do not give a sh_t about their party.

It is also obvious that Pakatan Harapan may enjoy a higher popularity than the Brader.  In other words the Brader is less popular than the Pakatan Harapan.

Pakatan Harapan seems to have about 50% popularity. 

The latest news says "PKR think tank claimed PH has 100 seats in the bag"

That means the others STILL have 122 seats. 

Look at the numbers again. BN has 38% approval rating. 

They need to form a coalition with just another 12.1% and they form the majority. 

What about Sabah and Sarawak?

In 2018 PKR achieved their biggest success when the Brader was not around. 




The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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