
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 17, 2022

61 years vs 22 months – this is our choice


This Saturday, remember that every single vote counts. Vote for whoever you want but make sure you vote. It is the only way we can bring progress for ourselves and our country.

Being indifferent simply won’t do us any good.

I will not be bullied, guilt-tripped, or ‘bribed’ to vote for a candidate, party or coalition. I will cast my vote for whoever appeases my conscience.

As I prepare to vote, I remind myself that in GE15, we are being presented with three main choices. Barisan Nasional (BN), Pakatan Harapan (PH), and Perikatan Nasional (PN). All three coalitions have been strange bedfellows at one time or another.

Let’s take PH and PN. Their intimacy is quite remarkable.

In the last legitimately elected PH government in 2018, Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) from PN even had their choice of prime minister installed.

Strangely, PN’s Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) nowadays refuses to work with PH’s Democratic Action Party (DAP). But from 2008 to 2015, they cuddled up together as best buddies in the now defunct Pakatan Rakyat.

As for BN and PN, whilst being at loggerheads now, together they toppled the last legitimate government and carried on like ‘illicit-lovers’, just to maintain power in government.

Each coalition’s leader is also fraught with tainted baggage.

The PH leader, Anwar Ibrahim focusses on his narrative as a reformist trailblazer. But those of us old enough will remember him as a BN leader. Some even argue that in his ‘former life’, he contributed a great deal to the rot in the country.

The PN leader, Muhyiddin Yassin was always a stalwart in both the BN and PH governments. He is now best known as the ‘traitor’ who led the coup against PH.

The BN leader, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has been a loyal party guy. But let’s not forget that he was also an ‘Anwar-man’ in his past political life. Currently, it’s an open secret that he is simply fighting for his own survival with the slew of corruption charges mounting against him.

So, what do I make of all of this?

Well, I can’t really trust any of these fellas. They are all tainted and each of them is capable of making ‘alliances of convenience’ at any point, if they think it will get them to power.

I have resigned myself not to be concerned about who becomes prime minister. Instead, I have decided to just focus on what these coalitions have done for Malaysia, as I vote.

BN and PN are literally identical, in composition and ideology. And let’s face it, if there is a ‘hung parliament’ after elections, these two will probably end up in bed, again.

On the other side, PH is touting a reformist agenda. Whether or not they will succeed in reforming anything if they come into power, remains a real mystery to all of us.

So, my decision comes down to basic math.

BN had 61 years in power, and together with PN, a further two years. Some might argue that BN was only formed in 1973. The reality is that BN employs the same inter-communal governing model like its ‘parent’, the Alliance Party.

PH, quite unexpectedly, found itself in power with a majority in 2018. Finding themselves in Putrajaya was as much a shock to them, as it was for BN.

But unlike BN governments, which were always given a clear five-year term, this PH motley crew got only 22 months before the wheels came undone, due to internal sabotage. Remember the ‘Sheraton Move’ when we witnessed traitors jump ship and throw egg on the faces of us voters.

Now, I have questions in my mind that need answers.

What did BN do in 61-years?

Of course, BN (and its original Alliance Party) did so many good things for our country. They nurtured a fledgling nation. Brought a disparate group of citizens together with nation-building as the priority. BN presided over tremendous advancements in education, technology, wealth creation, infrastructure development, and proudly flew the Malaysian flag around the world.

But, as is the case of anyone who stays in power for too long, BN also turned. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, as the saying goes.

After hitting a crescendo, BN led the country on a systemic downward trajectory. Undeniable corruption, race-baiting, preferential treatment for elites, the practice of money politics, cronyism, and overt state-sponsored racism became the norm, while they had absolute power.

What did PH do in their 22-months?

PH was swept into power because voters wanted to rid Malaysia of these ailments, which were brought on by BN. Of course, PH’s biggest failure was to allow our former strongman, who was the ultimate architect of both the modernisation of Malaysia, and the reason for our corruption malaise, to lead them.

Aside from ensuring corrupt leaders were charged in court, Malaysians scarcely remember much else. They forget that PH introduced open tenders for government projects to stop corruption, and started to reform our system of governance.

Unfortunately, they only had 22-months to govern.

So, how will I choose?

For me, the choice between a clear run of 61-years and a congested 22-months, is a no-brainer.

When we go out to vote on Saturday, remember that power is in our hands. We can make a change every five years, if our elected representatives don’t deliver. We don’t have to be stuck with them.

But for this, we must vote, first. Vote wisely, everyone. - FMT

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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