The Sarawak government will review the state's syariah laws especially family laws including on mixed marriages, divorces and conversion to Islam, for improvements, said Chief Minister Abang Johari Openg.
He said that he had directed State Law, State-Federal Relations and Project Monitoring assistant minister Sharifah Hasidah Sayeed Aman Ghazali to monitor the review.
"We will review our Islamic Council Ordinances. Several items under the syariah laws will be reviewed because we want to have laws that we can manage well," he told reporters after launching the distribution of Masja-SA porridge at the Sarawak State Jamek Mosque in Kuching today.
Commenting further, Abang Johari said the review was necessary to give justice to those involved in family disputes.
"In divorce cases, for example, we should be giving justice to those facing the problem.
"A comprehensive review will also be made involving mixed marriages. As for converts, what is happening now is that some (converts) don't change their names in their identity cards. This will be among the items to be studied for the well-being of the people," he said.
"The review would take six to eight months to be completed. When, it is ready, we will table it in the state assembly sitting in November or April 2018," he added.
- Bernama
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