
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, June 7, 2017

"The GCC States Led By Saudi Arabia Will Collapse Into Oblivion"

Image result for The GCC States Led By Saudi Arabia

Here is more analysis about the Saudi led boycott against Qatar :

immediate consequences huge. 
37 million passengers cross through Doha each year. 
Qatar Airways now has to fly through Iran, Iraq and Turkey to reach Europe. 

Half of food in Qatar comes via Saudi through Qatar's only land border. 
600-800 trucks per day can no longer pass. 
19 flights per day between Doha and Dubai called off. 
Qatar and Saudi funding terrorism in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere. 
Saudi view is  "liberal" Qatar is simply supporting "wrong" kind of terrorists.

Qatar and Al-Jazeera installed Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
Saudis financed military coup against it. 

Qatar supporting Muslim Brotherhood govt of Turkey. 
supporting Hamas, also Muslim Brotherhood affiliate. 
Qatar financing al-Qaeda groups in Libya, Syria, Afghanistan. 
Taliban have only diplomatic mission in Doha. 

Saudis financing ISIS,  jihadi groups in Syria 

UAE sponsoring Libyan general Hiftar, fighting Qatari supported al-Qaeda groups
Saudis have no interest in Palestinian cause which Qatar supports

tribal groups in Saudi's Najd desert  renewed ties to Qatar 
an "in your face" for the al-Sauds.

Turkey allied with Qatar but stayed suspiciously quiet. 
defense agreement between Qatar and Turkey 
Turkish support if Qatar is attacked

Turkish military base in Qatar with 600 soldiers. 
huge share of foreign investment in Turkey come from Qatar. 
Turk and Qatar coordinate support for al-Qaeda and Takfiris in Syria

U.S. military has huge interests in Qatar 
Al-Udeid in Qatar is biggest U.S. airbase in Middle East. 
forward hq of U.S. Central Command with 10,000 U.S. soldiers 
U.S. Navy fifth fleet in Bahrain which declared cold war with Qatar. 

intense Saudi / UAE lobbying against Qatar ongoing for months
Saudi lobbyist threatened Qatar with "same fate as Egypt's Morsi"
"Foundation for Defense of Democracy" advising UAE how to fight Qatar

Saudi clerics declared Qatari rulers no longer "part of Abdel Wahhab clan". 
takes away Wahhabi rulers religious legitimacy.

extreme bullying of Qatar designed to create immediate capitulation. 
Qatar is likely to fold
will have to stop support for "terrorism" i.e. Muslim Brotherhood. 

Another scenario is putsch in Doha with some Saudi puppet to take over 
If unsuccessful a military move could follow. 
Qatar has little capabilities to withstand Saudi invasion.

GCC unity exposed as a sham. 
It cannot be repaired. 
Saudi "leadership" is just brutal bullying 

linch pin of all this is Saudi war on Yemen. 
war and coalition have failed. 
Houthi resistance continues unabated. 

Kuwait, Oman and Qatar are talking with Houthis in Sanaa. 
U.S. and Britain, behind closed doors, threaten to withdraw support 

prediction made nearly two years ago by Yemeni lawyer in Sanaa :

At the end of this war on #Yemen, the GCC states led by Saudi Arabia will collapse into oblivion. I do not know what will replace them.
9:29am · 15 Aug 2015" 

My comments :  Iran has announced that they will send food to Qatar.  If the Saudis do not escalate this affair they would have lost the moment. The whole thing may become just a drama.

If the Saudis escalate, Turkey has a treaty with Qatar. Will there be shooting between Turkish and Saudi troops in Qatar?

Perpetual anger, violence and fighting. 

These people call themselves Muslims.

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