
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, February 14, 2019

MEF Says 30,000 Will Lose Jobs This Year

The following is taken from  http://politischeiss.blogspot.com

I suppose that with the world economy heading towards the shitter, we cannot blame all of Malaysia's economic woes on our "New Malaysia" government, 

  • the top leaders of which are currently paying more attention to politicking and horse trading members of parliament, 
  • arguing over whether or not PAS received an RM90 million donation or bribe from 1MDB funds, 
  • accusing ministers and deputy ministers and heads of GLCs of having degrees from unaccredited universities or claiming to have professional qualifications, 
  • bringing up issues of race and religion, 
  • filing reports to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission or to the police over alleged wrongdoings of others, 
  • suing each other over allegations of defamation and so forth, 
  • antagonise China, antagonise our neighbour Singapore and so forth.

And all the above, when we have bigger issues such as this issue below, reported in The Sun of 13 February 2019.


MALAYSIAN Employers Federation (MEF) estimates 30,000 laid off this year
increasing cost of business as main reason for big jump in retrenchment
Last year, 21,000 people lost their jobs

Given bleak outlook MEF urged government to help employers 

economy both within and without Malaysia on downward trend
posing big challenge to employers maintaining profitability

Employers’ main concern is increasingly higher input costs.

In Peninsular employers affected by 10% hike in minimum wage 
new policy requiring them to pay Socso for foreign workers
We can expect  . . retrenchment

economic outlook for Malaysia and challenges facing employers
2018 -  21,000 employees retrenched
2017 about 30,000 laid off

worse this year, smaller companies might not survive

urged Pakatan government not to introduce measures that will increase input costs

What are our "New Malaysia" government's priorities?

Bloody useless government, I'd say. Like Nero fiddling, whilst Malaysians burn.

Don't you have anything better to do for Malaysia and Malaysians at large?

Oh yeah! You guys plan to set up an Economic Action Council to deal with our economic woes. Well, let's see how that pans out.

The Prime Minister's own communications and media advisor does not think too much about the reasons for this Economic Action Council  :-

"New economic council a message to ‘selfie-taking’, underperforming ministers, says Kadir"  


My comments :

Indeed Kadir Jasin is quoted saying :

A Kadir Jasin, who is the prime minister’s communications and media adviser, said it was no longer a secret that Pakatan Harapan (PH) had failed to live up to people’s expectations.

“In reality, after eight months, the PH government has not been able to show tangible results to the masses,” the PPBM Supreme Council member wrote on his personal blog today.

That is the PM's own communications and media adviser.  
Ini bukan saya cakap tau. 
Jangan marah saya.  
Ini Kadir Jasin cakap.

It does not matter whether the Cabinet is made up of oldies or young freshies. Same with the new Economic Action Council.

It does not matter whether they are old, young, male, female, Malay, Chinese, Indian, Dayak etc.

What matters are two things :

For the oldies, look at their past track record.  The rakyat have most correctly just kicked out 63 years of their presence. These people are failures. It has been proven. The rakyat have no more confidence in them. Why re-appoint all these failures back into the NEAC?

For the freshies - again youth or inexperience is not fatal. What is more important is talent, common sense, hard work, commitment and honesty. (The list can be longer). But we are not seeing too much of that either.

There is a new Super Moron in town. His name is Khalid Samad. I hope to say something about this Super Moron's latest escapade soon.

Going back to the news report above, please listen to the MEF saying that while business is shrinking, the input factors (largely caused by bad government policy) are becoming more expensive for businesses.

That Minimum Wage is a real killer. It has gone up 10% in January. So it is now RM1,100. 

Please believe me when I tell you that many, many kedai runcit cannot even make RM3,000 a month for their owners.  How are they going to pay RM1,100 to their workers? They will not be able to employ any workers at all. Unemployment will certainly increase.

Every year less than 0.5% of our 32 million population enter higher education - diplomas and degrees.  Many of these become unemployable graduates.

What about the balance school leavers who do not qualify for university ? They become the masses - the entry level super dumb masses who cannot compete with the half educated Banglas, Indons, Myanmars and others. 

(Let me share  a secret - many Chinese businesses are now employing Banglas to do executive level work already.  I can show you Chinese businesses where the Bangla is practically the manager. To the ketuanan folks - do you know why? The Bangla comes to work on time, he really works, no teh tarik breaks, no sembahyang breaks, they are cheerful, they provide good customer service without looking at agama, bahasa, bangsa etc. They are obviously more trusted, otherwise they will not be put in charge.)

Then you have the constipated unworkable government policies - especially the left over policies from the previous government.  

Nothing has changed.

A Kadir Jasin, who is the prime minister’s communications and media adviser, said it was no longer a secret that Pakatan Harapan (PH) had failed to live up to people’s expectations.

“In reality, after eight months, the PH government has not been able to show tangible results to the masses,” the PPBM Supreme Council member wrote on his personal blog today.  

Obviously the same incompetents and the inepts are now in the Cabinet.  

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