
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Yoursay: Mahathir inviting the rot into Harapan

YOURSAY | ‘The other Harapan parties are holding to principles, Bersatu holds to none.’
Aktan: This is the beginning of the end of Pakatan Harapan.
There are many issues that Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad could have tackled by reviewing the performance of his cabinet. But no, he is only interested in consolidating the position of his party Bersatu.
Non-Malays and many Malays will certainly be against this movement into Bersatu of the seven former Umno members who were kicked off the gravy train.
Hafidz Baharom: It would be rather stupid if DAP, PKR and Amanah didn't consider that perhaps Bersatu was set up to take over everything and become the new Umno.
I mean, surely you all weighed this risk happening, didn't you, when you formed Harapan? Well, now that risk has come true.
Lodestar: I can feel a chilly wind blowing. Have we given Mahathir so much power and respect to the extent that he can now do whatever he likes? Has be become our ‘God-PM’, the saviour of the nation who can never be criticised?
Hplooi: This is a Malay narrative. Nothing any 'progressive' does can dictate this narrative.
Remember, the Malay polity driving this narrative comes not only from the Umno right-wing fringe, but also the ‘mainstream' of PKR and Bersatu. While DAP and the 'progressives' within PKR – especially the non-Malay leaders in the latter, who seem to be particularly silent on this – may gripe, the unpalatable truth on the ground is that it will make no difference whatsoever if the general Malay polity do not react.
In my opinion, instead of just griping, a better strategy is to concentrate on basic reforms, such as: electoral reforms, especially a more balanced voter representation system (which will disincentivise race rhetoric from politicians); checks and balances, particularly with the MACC (institute checks against corruption with reforms insulated against future dismantling); independence of the three branches of government (to restore true professionalism in the civil service and security apparatus).
Basic reforms will be key steps ensuring at least a measure of protection for Malaysians, whoever wins the next election.
In Malaysia, there is no middle ground, there is only the ‘Malay ground’. So the strategy is to confuse, muddy the water against Harapan.
The narrative is that “the Harapan government is failing so better don't vote (a strategy of voters suppression) or vote Umno to teach Harapan a lesson.”
The same strategy was used by Russian trolls during the 2016 US presidential election. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, but lost due to the electoral college, because this voter suppression strategy works. Ditto Brexit.
Kim Quek: It has been Mahathir’s plan to take over Umno, and he has been doing it by the carrot-and-stick formula with prosecution and jail on the one hand, and reward on the other.
Bersatu will soon become Umno 2.0, riding on Harapan which will become another version of BN – unless the leadership of PKR, DAP and Amanah has the guts to take the necessary bold action – and it has to be done now before it is too late.
Harry Mou: DAP leaders, where are your voices? Why are you quiet like mice? If you don't take strong action now, be notified that Harapan voters will make you lose in next general election.
They are extremely angry with Bersatu, and with DAP for not standing up to their partners in Harapan.
Spratlys: @Harry Mou, the next general election is four years away. In four years’ time, there will be no credible opposition to challenge Harapan.
Please don’t tell me you wish DAP to go against Mahathir. That would mean DAP quitting Harapan en bloc, and then what? Let them form a unity government with the ‘Muslim brotherhood’? Is that what you wish DAP to do?
Why should DAP rock the boat now with seven ministries under its belt to serve the rakyat? DAP are finally in government after battling as opposition for more than five decades, do you seriously think it will go against Mahathir?
Better for the non-Malays to be safe than sorry when Mahathir is uniting the Malays. It’s a new Malaysia in a new world. You are either in or out, there is no middle ground. To survive in this globalised world, national unity is key to success.
KSL: That old fox Mahathir. I won’t be surprised if the Sabah Umno members joining in will be the next to be announced.
How can one trust Mahathir? He is historically unreliable. A veritable liar right and will be until the end. Say goodbye to the premiership, Anwar Ibrahim.
KitP: Umno is a rotting party, and Mahathir is inviting in the rot.
Justice Now: Bersatu’s full name when translated into English is Malaysian United Indigenous Party, not a far cry from United Malay National Organisation. Was that done on purpose? It will be a Nakba if these MPs eventually become members of cabinet again.
Sixty years of these leaders is surely more than enough. The breath of fresh air is fast depleting, because of the foulness coming in through the backdoor.
What does Mahathir seek to achieve by bringing these leaders into the Harapan fold? I would rather have a bungling and wrong-footed new government than to have these known evils in Harapan.
The coalition is becoming a sterilising plant. I hope Mahathir is not inviting the proverbial nyamuk (mosquitoes) into the kelambu (netting).
Bruclax: Dear Mahathir, haven't you heard of the adage a leopard never changes its spots? If we only need to look at “what they are now”, you might as well take the whole lot of thieves into your party.
For a statesperson of your stature sometimes your rationale is disappointing. These actions go against the very grain of what Harapan is.
Corruption, deception and thievery is part of the Umno DNA. Why did the rakyat work hard to ensure these politicians are not in power? You so easily open the backdoor for them.
Do you seriously believe that they want to join you to serve the people? Or is this to strengthen your power base? I shudder to think of the ramifications from your actions.
Drngsc: You are severely wrong, Mahathir. Can a person pretend for six months to be good, or in your case, pretend to be good for three years?
People cannot shed their values and character in six months. No way. You are just desperate to get more MPs by the backdoor into Bersatu. What you failed to do in GE14, you are trying to ‘buy’ over.
While the other Harapan component parties hold firm to principles, Bersatu holds to none. Any corrupt scumbag will do. Surely the Harapan presidential council can see that? This will ruin the coalition.
Anonymous_2679c6e5: Dr M’s one-item agenda is becoming now very clear – to overthrow former premier Najib Abdul Razak.
Forget about reform and democracy. The tail is becoming bigger than the dog. Dirty money is washed clean by admission into Bersatu. Past misdeeds are forgotten once a Bersatu shirt is worn.
The obsession with a two-thirds majority is a clear example of future intentions.
What you cannot achieve by your simple majority now because of lack of political will cannot be achieved even though you have a supermajority.
It is meant for other ulterior purposes, which will be known in due time. Harapan is turning a deaf ear to all the feedback from the rakyat at their own risk. - Mkini

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