
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Iran Protests Continue Into 3rd Week, 92 Shot And Killed

 First a quick video :


This time around it is the women of Iran who are inspiring the protests in that country. The young men are taking up the charge to protect the freedoms of their sisters and friends. So far 92 people have been shot and killed by the mullahs.

The protests have spread to all over Iran with reports saying that people in 150 towns and cities are protesting.

The mullahs are certainly getting very worried and yesterday for the first time chief mullah Ali Khamenei made his first public statement - blaming "foreign elements" for stirring up the troubles in Iran. 

This time around I think the mullahs in Iran have blinked. In the previous November 2019 protests the mullahs reacted quickly and viciously and in four to six days they shot and killed 1,500 protesters.

In the November 2019 protests (ended 26 months ago in July 2020) 

  • up to 1,500 Iranian protesters were killed
  • mullahs shut down Internet nationwide, near-total internet blackout six days. 
  • according to Amnesty International mullahs shot protesters dead from rooftops, helicopters, and at close range with machine gun fire. 
  • to cover up they hauled away large numbers of dead
  • threatened families of dead not to speak to media or hold funerals

In 2019 the mullahs shot and killed 1,500 people in just a few days.

Now in 2022 the protests have been going on for almost three weeks (started 16th September 2022) and the body count is "only" 92. (Innalillahi ..)

The mullahs have blinked.

The protesters have also attacked and burned down the mullahs official newspaper the Kayhan.

"Kayhan is a newspaper published in Tehran, Iran. It is considered "the most conservative Iranian newspaper.""

What the protesters do not yet have is an organised opposition or an identifiable leader who can lead them to freedom.

There are two candidates who do have some standing among different sections of the Iranian population. One is this woman Maryam Rajavi. 

Maryam Rajavi is a leader of the People's Mujahedin of Iran (MEK), an organization advocating for the overthrow of the Iranian government.

She lives in exile overseas but she does have a widesprad grassroots network in Iran.  Her party MEK maintains a very active website with news updates from all over Iran.

The other candidate (though much less popular) is this guy Reza Pahlavi, the oldest son of the late Shah of Iran and the former Crown Prince of Iran.  

What these folks need to understand is that mullahs, absolute monarchs etc belong to quite the Stone Age. They should just respect the people's wishes. Power resides with the people.

In conclusion I have always held that some day the Iranian people will chase the mullahs down the streets and hang them from the lamp posts. Maybe that day is coming close.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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