
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, May 8, 2017

Guan Eng, too, can claim he’s not a public officer

YOURSAY | ‘As long as there is air in your lungs and your heart still beating strong, your fight is not over.’
Caripasal: In the era of super corruption under the current BN government, the clean opposition leaders are the ones who pay the price.
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has done his job well. Fear nothing as long as your conscience is clear.
Lim will go down in Malaysia's history as a respected politician, regardless of how the judgment of the court turns out.
Fair&Just: Lim’s lawyers can go use the precedent of the prime minister not being a public officer - it should mean the chief minister too is not a public officer so you can buy the house at a lower price and they won't be able to convict you.
Jaycee: If Lim goes to jail, this further goes to demonstrate there are two sets of laws in this country. One to protect the ruling elite and another for the opposition leaders and rakyat who are not cronies.
If the PM is not a civil servant, then using the same logic, Lim is also not a civil servant.
This regime is getting more evil by the day. The corrupt and evil are made out as champions, while the people who are trying to make a better place for all Malaysians are hauled to jail over ridiculous charges.
Appum: Lim, we all admire you and your father (Kit Siang). We know the sacrifice you both have made.
DAP has progressed well through the many years of tenacity and disadvantage. Although DAP is not only about the two Lims, your leadership and sacrifice have helped bring DAP to where it is today.
What you and all the other opposition members will face is expected in a pariah political environment. That is why it makes it more valuable the recognition of what all the members of the opposition - especially the leaders - have done, given this adverse political environment.
It is not easy, and will never be easy, to bring this vile beast of corruption down. They are misleading the majority with lies and emotions using race and religion as their political capital. But you can't use the same tactic, and neither would you like to.
Coming back to you specifically, Lim, you have a good family. You are a true and great father.
Your children will not suffer any shame and they will recognise that they have a special father who has made so many sacrifices for the good of the nation. They are not the decision makers of this tribute, it is the rakyat who recognise this.
We just don't bother about your detractors, they can say anything. A great man's recognition is not made by one's enemies or critics, but by those who can see the deeds. Your battle is all not lost and in vain.
You still have a very capable and intelligent wife who will fill that vacuum in your family (if you are imprisoned) and care for the children. You would just be relocated to another place to spend your time. You have not expired.
As long as there is air in your lungs and your heart still beating strong, your fight is not over.
The day will come when all the evil will be gotten rid of, and that day is not far away. It could be sooner or later, as the rakyat are totally fed up with all the bad news coming out of this country.
Mahsuri: Unfortunately Lim, the uncomfortable bed you now lie in was of you and your wife's own making.
But I do acknowledge that on the whole, Lim has largely been genuine in his fight for progress and accountability; my sympathies that he has to fight the case out in an allegedly kangaroo court.
His children are innocent bystanders, everyone should leave them out of the spotlight.
Fair&Just: Why were you so stupid go buy the bungalow? If you were not chief minister, could you afford the property at that price? You have suffered from a sense of false invincibility.
Conspiracies against opposition leaders are always a danger. Why give them an excuse to charge you by buying that house?
Ah Hoe: Lim should perhaps have lived in an attap house, like Prime Minister Najib Razak, former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, former Kedah menteri besar Mukhriz Mahathir and Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali.
TRX: Lim should spare the party and Pakatan Harapan the trouble, and take leave, fight and come back.
Let Chow Kon Yeow lead the 14th general election (GE14) charge in Penang. He is acceptable by all.
Anonymous #13114320: Lim, with so many people in support of your struggle, I think your children can have the comfort of knowing many are behind you. You are not alone.
Stay strong. Keep up the good fight for the people and the country. You and your father shall be remembered.
Drngsc: I feel sorry for your kids and family. Just like you, they too have sacrificed a lot for this country that we all love.
I agree that psyching yourself up to going to jail is the best approach. This Umno government is all about politics and not justice.
Unfortunately, the judiciary is not seen to be independent, and so the court case will probably turn out as Umno wishes. We will keep fighting, until this corrupt kleptocratic government is replaced.
Chefoo: The country is really getting worse, with lots of thieves dressed in corporate suits and a bunch of religious fanatics who don't think of anyone but those of their own skin.

The rakyat know you are innocent. All this will only make the rakyat hate BN more. They can jail one Guan Eng, but another 1,000 will appear in his place.- Mkini

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