
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Khairuddin urges MACC chief commissioner to apologise

Former Umno division leader Khairuddin Abu Hassan has urged the chief commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, Dzulkifli Ahmad, to make a public apology and retract the MACC statement congratulating Umno for its 71st anniversary.
Khairuddin, who is also a Parti Generasi Baru leader, described the move by the MACC to issue such a statement as “stupid, unethical and immoral”.
He said: “You must be seen to be neutral in the public's eyes and the chief commissioner should not be making such a political statement.
“The MACC should be seen and remain neutral. Hence, the statement today in congratulating Umno, is it a political speech? This affects the integrity of a body like the MACC in the eyes of the people.”
Khairuddin added that a public institution such as the MACC should be independent and be non-partisan as it serves the rakyat.
A public institution should not be seen as being partisan, as this is unethical and immoral.
He was commenting on the MACC statement issued today, which congratulated the Malay nationalist party on its anniversary. The statement also called on Umno to fight corruption.
MACC said in the statement: "As a backbone of the country's administration and a party with the most seats, (Umno) leaders have a role in formulating the policies for the administration of the country and the progress of the nation.
"As leaders, Umno members are the hope of the community to execute their responsibility and trust given to safeguard the interest and welfare (of the community)."
Instead, Khairuddin said, Dzulkifli (photo) should have thanked individuals like DAP leader Lim Kit Siang, Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua and Pandan MP and PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli for highlighting issues of corruption and exposing them over the years.
The issuing of such statements by the MACC, the once Batu Kawan Umno division vice-chief said, has affected public trust in it.
He said that he has lodged at least six or seven reports with the MACC on the 1MDB issues since 2014, but until today he does not know what has happened to his reports.
“Such actions (to issue the congratulatory message to Umno) raises the question as to whether they are close to Umno and follow Umno's whims,” he said.
“I want the chief commissioner to apologise to the public for daring to issue such a statement and if he does not, it means that MACC is Umno's lackey (barua Umno),” he said.
Khairuddin said he appreciates the stern action taken by the MACC in charging and remanding others for corruption, but until it takes action on the source that has scandalised the country, namely the 1MDB issue, the credibility of the MACC is put at stake.

His lawyer, Haniff Khatri Abdulla, said a public authority should not be seen as taking sides.
“The MACC chief commissioner should serve the public and not a political party. He is creating shame on the MACC as an institution. If the MACC chief commissioner does not retract to this, it is akin to admission of guilt on its leaning towards the government of the day,” he said.
Haniff had previously questioned Dzulkifli's statement that the MACC would act on a number of high profile cases only after the forthcoming general election, and he reminded the MACC chief of legal maxim “Justice delayed is justice denied”.- Mkini

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