
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, May 12, 2017

Mujahid: PAS-PKR split follows Umno's script

Parti Amanah Negara is unfazed with PAS syura council's decision to sever political cooperation with PKR.
Amanah vice-president Mujahid Yusof Rawa said the decision has merely confirmed PAS’ intention in the last two years, of wanting to alienate itself from the opposition coalition.
“It was evident in the way they acted with (the now defunct) Pakatan Rakyat; they first squabbled with DAP, then Amanah, which they hated very much, and they also found a reason to criticise Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, and its chairperson Dr Mahathir Mohamad,” Mujahid said.
“Breaking up with PKR is the final episode of the drama, it goes in line with the script directed by Umno,” he told Malaysiakini.
Pakatan Rakyat was disbanded and replaced with Pakatan Harapan, which includes Amanah, after PAS severed ties with DAP in 2015.
Since then, PAS has continued to have tiffs with PKR, accusing the party of not supporting its president Abdul Hadi Awang’s move to table a private members bill on amendments to syariah laws in Parliament.
PAS was also sore with PKR for backing Amanah candidates in two by-elections last year, when the splinter party contested in a three-corner fight with Umno and the Islamist party.
Finally, at the PAS 63rd muktamar in Alor Setar, Kedah, last month, the delegates unanimously supported a motion to end it all with PKR, paving the way for the Ulama council to officially approve the decision last night.
'PAS is now the lonely wolf'
Mujahid said it may be no coincidence that the decision to "divorce" PKR was made on Umno’s 71st anniversary celebrations, which the latter celebrated with much pomp and fanfare in Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur, last night.
“For the past two years, Umno has been trying hard to break PAS and isolate them, and finally they used Act 355 to achieve their aims.
“With Hadi tabling amendments to Act 355 in Parliament, the episodes culminated into the final one,” Mujahid said.
“PAS is now isolated, it suits Umno very well”.
Mujahid said PAS has now become “the lonely wolf” which can take sides with anyone it wants.

He added that this was Umno’s aim to spoil the “Save Malaysia” movement, a big coalition of opposition parties and civil society organisations.
However, Mujahid views the new development as a “blessing in disguise”.
“We can move forward, and draw a clear battle line.
“The future is Pakatan vs BN, and there is no more issue of coaxing PAS to join us,” he said.
“There is now no value added or price for them to join us,” he added.
“Even if there are groups in PAS who may want to be in the opposition, it would all just be a show, a gimmick only,” he stressed.- Mkini

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