Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah has voiced support for the country's state assemblies and Parliament to have consistent live broadcasts of the sittings.
This comes after Johor monarch Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar voiced disapproval of such a proposal by the Johor state opposition.
At his opening speech during the meeting of speakers of Parliament and state assembles 2017 in Shah Alam today, Sultan Sharafuddin said the people have the right to know what goes on in the state assembly sitting.
“As such, the Selangor legislature has broadcast live all sittings to inform the people. I also know Malaysia's Parliament has consistently broadcast live all parliamentary sittings, and this should be commended.
Sultan Sharafuddin said he felt proud to officiate the Selangor
assembly's official website, which contains among other things, the
complete Hansard, speeches and documents related to the state
administration and its enactment and laws.
assembly's official website, which contains among other things, the
complete Hansard, speeches and documents related to the state
administration and its enactment and laws.
“It is also my hope to see debates at the assemblies being conducted
with full manners and responsibility.
with full manners and responsibility.
“The elected representatives who debate a motion or put forth an
opinion should do so in a respectful manner, and in accordance with
the standing orders.
opinion should do so in a respectful manner, and in accordance with
the standing orders.
“I do not wish to see instances of elected representatives clawing at
one another in the Dewan by hurling abusive language and hurting the
feelings of others, without controlling their emotions,” he said,
stressing the importance of “decorum and ethics”.
one another in the Dewan by hurling abusive language and hurting the
feelings of others, without controlling their emotions,” he said,
stressing the importance of “decorum and ethics”.
“We need to show the people and the world that we are able to debate
and discuss matters relating to the people and country, in a manner
that is well mannered and mature."
and discuss matters relating to the people and country, in a manner
that is well mannered and mature."
In his speech, the sultan also reminded the speaker to be “fair,
mature, honest, knowledgeable, and have the highest integrity, as well
as not be biased whether towards the ruling party or the opposition”.
mature, honest, knowledgeable, and have the highest integrity, as well
as not be biased whether towards the ruling party or the opposition”.
The decisions of the speaker, he added, should be made such that it is
beyond reproach.
beyond reproach.
'Opposition leader for PAC chair'
Expressing pride at the growing percentage of women in the Selangor
assembly, the sultan said he approved of the Selangor legislature led
by speaker Hannah Yeoh's move to make the opposition leader head the
state public accounts committee. http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/247993
assembly, the sultan said he approved of the Selangor legislature led
by speaker Hannah Yeoh's move to make the opposition leader head the
state public accounts committee. http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/247993
Furthermore, the provisions of various benefits for the opposition
leader in the Selangor assembly is a “mature move that is justified,in ensuring the state assembly truly functions as an effective
He urged the state assembly and legislature to continue to be "forward
looking" and to play their role in ensuring checks and balances.
looking" and to play their role in ensuring checks and balances.
“That is why the role of the opposition in any state assembly should
be recognised and given full space to ensure checks and balances,”
said Sultan Sharafuddin.
be recognised and given full space to ensure checks and balances,”
said Sultan Sharafuddin.
Meanwhile on the matter of assembly sessions, the sultan also urged
for sessions not to exceed 12 midnight as he believes all parties
involved in the sitting would no longer be at optimum mental
alertness.- Mkini
for sessions not to exceed 12 midnight as he believes all parties
involved in the sitting would no longer be at optimum mental
alertness.- Mkini
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