
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 2, 2018

Answering Blackman On Words That Do Not Exist In The Quran.

Image result for spirit, roh or soul

To non Muslim readers this could be a little difficult to understand. If you wish you can still read this. It would be of some use for you.

I received the following comment (Thank you) from Blackman who is a reader and frequent commenter on this Blog. Here is my reply.

Blackman said...

Dear Tuan Syed,

You have deleted your article on something related to the existence of spirit, roh or soul. How do we know it exist in the first place. I wish to state that it is clearly stated in the Al-Quran verses, as follows:-

1. Surah As-Sajdah Verse: 9

Kemudian Ia menyempurnakan kejadiannya, serta meniupkan padanya: roh ciptaanNya. Dan Ia mengurniakan kepada kamu pendengaran dan penglihatan serta hati (akal fikiran), (supaya kamu bersyukur, tetapi) amatlah sedikit kamu bersyukur.

Then He fashioned him and breathed into him something of a spirit from Him; and He ordained for you hearing and sight and hearts. Little is the thanks ye return. Abdul Daryabadi

Then He fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed into him the soul (created by Allâh for that person), and He gave you hearing (ears), sight (eyes) and hearts. Little is the thanks you give!  Dr. Mohsin

Then He gave him a proportioned shape, and breathed into him of His spirit. And He granted you the (power of) hearing and the eyes and the hearts. Little you give thanks.   Mufti-Taqi-Usmani

Then He fashioned him and breathed into him of His Spirit; and appointed for you hearing and sight and hearts. Small thanks give ye!   Pickthal

But He fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed into him something of His spirit. And He gave you (the faculties of) hearing and sight and feeling (and understanding): little thanks do ye give!    Yusuf Ali

2. Surah 56 - Al-Waqiah : Verse 83

Maka mengapa tidak semasa (roh seseorang dari kamu yang hampir mati) sampai ke kerongkongnya, 

So why (do you) not (intervene) when the soul (of a dying person) reaches the throat, 

Then why do ye not (intervene) when (the soul of the dying man) reaches the throat
Yusuf Ali

Wherefore then - when the soul cometh up to the wind-pipe -  Abdul Daryabadi

Why, then, when (the soul) cometh up to the throat (of the dying)  Pickthal

3. Surah 75 – Al- Qiyammah : Verse 2

Sedarlah (janganlah mengutamakan dunia dan melupakan akhirat. Ingatlah akan hal orang yang hendak mati) apabila rohnya sampai ke pangkal kerongkong,

Yea, when (the soul) reaches to the collar-bone (in its exit)  Yusuf Ali

4. Surah 79 - An-Naaziaat : Verse 2

Dan yang menarik (apa yang ditugaskan menariknya) dengan cara yang selembut-lembutnya;

And by those (angels) who untie the knot (of the souls of the believers) smoothly, 

Sunday, July 01, 2018 3:17:00 PM  

My comments :  Dear Blackman,  I sometimes check up on what the head-butters (kafirun) are saying about me.  I have frequently repeated this phrase  "It is NOT in the Quran".  Some of them are referring to this same phrase but to make fun at me. 

They are trying to associate my name with this phrase "It is not in the Quran".  

I really hope they will become successful in this endeavour because that is exactly what I intend to achieve - as a first step. 

To share information about what is in the Quran and what is NOT in the Quran.
It is very important to first know what is in the Quran and what is NOT in the Quran.

  • I have said this before : Muslims and NON Muslims must know that NOT A SINGLE ritual or religious act that ALL Muslims perform is found in the Quran.  
  • Or it is not detailed in the Quran. 
  • Or it is DIFFERENT from what is found in the Quran.

The most famous and well known example are the FIVE TIMES daily prayers. It is NOT found in the Quran.   The question  "How can you pray FIVE times a day if you refer to the Quran?" is a well known question among the religious people. 

They ask this question because indeed the FIVE DAILY prayers are NOT detailed at all in the Quran.

Only the words Salat Fajri and Salat Isyak are mentioned in the Quran but NOT in respect to prayers.  The words Solat Zuhur, Solat Asar and Solat Maghrib are NOT found in the Quran.

The exact methods of the rituals of prayer are also NOT found in the Quran. 
The call to prayer (Azan) is not found in the Quran. 
The Syahadah is NOT found in the Quran.

All these things above are found in the EXTRA QURANIC sources. 
There are many EXTRA QURANIC sources. 
These are the theologies written by various human beings.  

And because they are EXTRA QURANIC they are subject to various interpretations, debates and sectarianism. 

Some people say that the PRAYERS are detailed in the hadith. Others may dispute this sentence because they say that not all the details of PRAYER are found in one single collection of hadith. 

There is a well known hadith which goes : 'Sollu kama ra'aytu munni usalli' which means 'Pray as how you see me pray'.

There are no more details given in this hadith.  

There are more at this site :   http://ahadith.co.uk/chapter.php?cid=36

Again not much more details are given in these hadith either.  

Now back to Blackmans's comment above.

ALL the translations quoted by Blackman have added things that are NOT in the original Arabic Quran.

Blackman, please note all those words in brackets.  Those words in brackets are not from the Quran.  So let me just delete (d) those words in brackets and see what happens.  Here are your verses again, minus the words in brackets :

1. Surah As-Sajdah Verse: 9

Kemudian Ia menyempurnakan kejadiannya, serta meniupkan padanya: roh ciptaanNya. Dan Ia mengurniakan kepada kamu pendengaran dan penglihatan serta hati (d), (d) amatlah sedikit kamu bersyukur.

Note : ciptaanNya is not in the Arabic Quran.

Then He fashioned him and breathed into him something of a spirit from Him; and He ordained for you hearing and sight and hearts. Little is the thanks ye return. Abdul Daryabadi

Note :  something of a is not in the Arabic Quran

Then He fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed into him the soul (d), and He gave you hearing (d), sight (d) and hearts. Little is the thanks you give!  Dr. Mohsin

Note : What happened to "roohihi : from His rooh"? It is missing.

Then He gave him a proportioned shape, and breathed into him of His spirit. And He granted you the (d) hearing and the eyes and the hearts. Little you give thanks.  

Then He fashioned him and breathed into him of His Spirit; and appointed for you hearing and sight and hearts. Small thanks give ye!   Pickthall

But He fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed into him something of His spirit. And He gave you (d) hearing and sight and feeling (d): little thanks do ye give!  Yusuf Ali

Note : "something" is not in the Arabic Quran.

Ok now let us look at the arabic (transliteration) of Surah Sajdah verse 9, and see what they mean :

Surah Sajdah 32 : 9 

Thumma : Then
sawwahu : He completed
wanafakha : and breathed
fee hi : in him
min : from
roohihi : His rooh
wa ja'ala : and made 
lakumu : for you
al-sama' : the ears / hearing
wa al-absara : and the eyes / sight 
wa al-af-idata : and the mind / brain 
qaleelan : little it is
ma : that 
tashkuroona : you give thanks 

Next Blackman quoted  Surah 56 - Al-Waqiah : Verse 83.  

I cannot comment on this verse because the word rooh is not even found here at all. Just like I always say "It is NOT in the Quran" the arabic word rooh is NOT in Surah 56:83.

Here is the Arabic transliteration :  Fa-lawla itha balaghati al hulqooma.

Thats it. A very short verse. There is no rooh mentioned in this verse.

4. Surah 79 - An-Naaziaat : Verse 2

Again I cannot comment on this verse because the Arabic word rooh is also not found here at all in 79:2. 

In fact the arabic word rooh is NOT found in the entire Surah 79 at all.

The Christian bible talks about soul. 
Soul is an English word from Biblical influences.  
They say the soul is a spirit. 
What is a spirit? I dont know.

The Arabic Wiktionary also describes rooh as :   breath of life,  essence,  life.  Another form  ie  "rawh" means refreshment.  That is what I found in the Wiktionary.

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