
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, July 10, 2018

In Six Years China Has THREE Aircraft Carriers And A Fourth Under Construction.

CHINA navy's giant leap forward

long way since first landed jet aboard scrap carrier in 1987

former Australian carrier proved valuable technical intelligence 

No. 1  China unveiled first carrier, Liaoning, in 2012.

China's 1st aircraft carrier Liaoning 2012

Liaoning battle group. Submarine escort as well.

bought from Ukraine in 1998.

emerged as fully armed operational warship

Meanwhile busy building another.

No 2  carrier Type 001A (CV-17), reverse-engineered version of Liaoning

China's 2nd carrier Type 001A (Shandong), launched 2017.

hull launched at Dalian Shipyard April last year

since been undergoing fit-out, harbourside tests and trials

testing in Bohai Sea 

sea trials of China’s second aircraft carrier in Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea

China has two armed and operational aircraft carriers 

Meanwhile, Beijing’s building two more.

No 3 Work on carrier Type 002 resumed May 2017

3rd Carrier : Construction begun in February 2016

suggested naming carrier “Wei Wen”, after general from Three Kingdoms 

70,000 tons, 44 aircraft, 6 anti-submarine copters, 4 early-warning, 2 transport

Exactly when work began on China’s third aircraft carrier is uncertain.

Type 002 do away with ‘ski ramp’ at the bow.

vessels will have ultra-modern electromagnetic catapults.

China’s third aircraft carrier is not expected to be nuclear powered
new electromagnetic versions of these devices.

Type 002 much bigger than Type 001A, at 85,000 tons.

No 4 work begun on China’s fourth carrier, Type 003.

at Jiangnan Shipyard, on Shanghai’s Changxing Island, late 2017 

China wants six carriers, with four carrier battle groups active by 2030

The United States currently operates 10 and is in the process of building two more.

My comments :  THREE aircraft carriers launched and the FOURTH nearing completion in SIX Years !! 

Te first carrier Liaoning took some time to be refurbished, rebuilt, relaunched and become operational. The Liaoning was a test bed for everything including China's carrier based jets.

The THIRD  carrier (started construction last year) will be revolutionary in that it will have an electro-magnetic launch system versus the old (but reliable) steam catapult used by most US carriers too. 

An electro-magnetic launch mechanism will have a very quick turnaround time and will be efficient to launch airplanes with different weights. You can fine tune the power to launch like turning the volume on the radio up or down.  (Well, a simplified description).

These Chinese carriers are in the 70,000 - 80,000 tonnes class. Big ships.  The news says that China will have SIX of these aircraft carriers.  Possibly EIGHT - by 2030. They are building one every two years. 

The US takes up to 15 years to build, launch and put an aircraft carrier into operation.

The latest US carrier Gerald Ford is said to have problems with the new, first time in operation, electro-magnetic launch catapult.

I believe the Chinese will have theirs working smooth and easy. The reason I say this is because their very first carrier Liaoning is sailing without a hitch. So is their first homegrown Type 001 carrier Shandong launched in 2017. It is all systems go for the Chinese. 

There is a reason behind why the Chinese can design, build, launch, test and operate such huge and complicated ships and equipment plus weapons systems and the battle group formations in such double quick time. It is their advanced management skills which they seem to apply in all their endeavours from building aircraft carriers to high speed trains to skyscrapers to how they plant and harvest crops. 

Other than these 80,000 tonners the Chinese are also believed to be building "landing ship" type aircraft carriers of "smaller" tonnage (40,000 tons), maybe FOUR more of this type. That will take the number of Chinese aircraft carriers to between 10 - 12 within the next 10 years or so. 

This means the Chinese are going to dominate the western Pacific Ocean,  the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean.  They will eventually have their own "Monroe Doctrine".

The Monroe Doctrine was established by US President James Monroe in 1823. Basically it said "no European powers will be allowed to establish any more colonial possessions in the Americas"  (from the North Pole to the South Pole).

What it meant in practise was the European powers (Britain, France, Spain, Holland etc)  could not deploy military forces in the Americas. Hence there are almost ZERO European military bases in the Americas (other than small military outposts like in the Falklands and French Guyana).

This will happen one day in the western Pacific, South China Sea and Indian Oceans. The Chinese will tell the US, UK, France etc to take a hike. 

What does it mean for us - Malaysia - a tiny nation confused between Zakir Naik, marrying 11 year old girls and dont know what is going on in the neighborhood? 

We cannot depend on goodwill and good neighborliness alone.  There is no such thing.

We need to develop our defenses. We need to develop an advanced, indigenous missile capacity in double quick time.  Its no big deal. It does NOT need billions of Ringgit. The Houthis in Yemen are building and launching ballistic missiles over 700 km for just a few hundred thousand US dollars each.  

The technology is now available everywhere.  We need to put on our thinking caps.   

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