
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 21, 2018

Maszlee Malik, Khalid Samad Peneraju A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) Taraf Antarabangsa

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This Blog has now passed 47 MILLION visitors. Thank you very much folks. 

Many of you come here to this blog to read an alternative view.  I try to be critical so that it may raise a useful response in our masyarakat.  (I just heard that yesterday's  post about Omar Khayyam, Ibn Khaldun being atheists has gone viral via WhatsApp.) 

Since the PH won the elections on May 9th I have not been criticising the PH too much. This is out of respect for Tun Dr Mahathir, Tun Daim and the fact that we have just been in power for about 70 days.   

However lately I have been suffering some withdrawal symptoms. 

Some of the new Ministers are saying some pretty cuckoo stuff that is attracting plenty of criticism and doubts among the public.   They are beginning to embarrass the PH and making things more difficult for Tun Dr Mahathir - whether he agrees or not.  

So I have decided to make some comments.

The Minister of Education Maszlee Malik seems to stand out from Day 1.  If you think I am picking on him, read what I have to say first and decide for yourself.

1. Uni students reading Quran in masjid for last 10 nights of bulan puasa.

The brader first said that Muslim siswa and siswi at the universities should spend the last 10 nights of the bulan puasa in the masjid to read the Quran.  

This is not as per the Quran.   The Quran says quite something else.  

I think Maszlee will not know what the Quran says.   
The relevant reference is in Surah Baqarah, ayat 187.

These are university students. It would be better if they spent TEN nights studying their university books or doing research for their degrees and diplomas in the library.

The non Muslim students will be studying and doing research for TEN nights while the Muslim students will be reading the Quran for the same amount of time. The non Muslim students will likely get better grades than the Muslims.   

Spending the whole night reading the Quran will also make the Muslim students  miss their  sleeping hours  and wake up tired in the morning.  The non Muslim students who get better rest will wake up fresh and rested. And then we wonder why the Muslims are always falling behind the non Muslims. 

I dont think the Minister was thinking straight.

2.  Black school shoes.

The latest announcement by Maszlee Malik is that school students will now wear black shoes to school. And the reason is also provided - because white shoes become dirty easily. 

What the Minister is actually saying is that wearing black shoes will allow the students to get their shoes dirty without being noticed.  Lagi kotor lagi bagus. 

First thing is - who are the dirty and lazy people who complained about wearing white shoes in the first place?  Lazy and dirty people  who are malas to wash their children's shoes?   Or teach their children how to be disciplined and take care of their cleanliness?

It is going to cost parents extra money to buy these black shoes for their children. 
What do the kedaikasut and the kilang kasut do with all the existing stock of white school shoes? Siapa tanggung rugi? Or is it because they are orang kapir? Who cares about the kapir? Very islamic lah brader.

It is going to cost more money for the shoe factories to order new black coloured materials, black sewing threads etc to manufacture the new black shoes. Prices may go up. 

Wearing white shoes is part of training young children to be neat, clean and disciplined. All of us recall having to wash our own white shoes when we were in school. In later years the kids could just throw their shoes in the washing machine. Keeping their shoes clean - along with their uniforms. It was all part of the discipline that young people need. 

The Minister has suggested black shoes so that the kids can get dirtier without being noticeable.  This is very strange thinking.

3. Special car number plates.

Then Maszlee also said that to help raise funds for public universities (IPTA) he wanted special car registration numbers (car number plates) for alumni of public universities !!   Huh ??  Since when does a Minister of Education  get involved in the issue of car number plates to raise funds for public universities?   This is just a silly idea.

This is also an obvious discrimination against private universities (IPTS). I know many of the IPTS are run by the orang kapir but they also need to raise funds. It seems like he is showing a clear bias against IPTS.  

It will also create elitism even on our roads.  Is it very Islamic to show off  that you are "UM 69" or "UITM 786" on our roads?  What are you trying to say ? "I am a university graduate. I am cleverer than you?" That is how it will appear to the society. No one will know that you are helping public universities raise funds.   I think these guys still just have too much kampong in them. 

Here is something better for Maszlee to do. 

The previous ketuanan gomen of UMNO kept the SPM passing marks a secret. It was OSA. That must be changed. 

Maszlee must tell the public what are the minimum passing marks for ALL SPM subjects especially Additional Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Biology, Physics etc.

There is plenty of talk that the minimum passing marks for Additional Maths was (and maybe still is) just TWELVE MARKS !!  12 markah sahaja untuk lulus Matematik Tambahan.

For English it is TWENTY MARKS. 20 markah untuk lulus Bahasa Inggeris. 

Is this true? 

If true that is why many of our SPM graduates cannot even work as dish washers. 

Please divulge to the Malaysian public what are the minimum passing marks for ALL SPM subjects. DO NOT HIDE THIS INFORMATION.

And what are the minimum marks to get an 'A'  (distinction) for all SPM subjects? 

During my time it was so simple. 90 and above was an A. 80 to 90 was a B. 70 to 80 was a C and so on.

Ketuanan UMNO messed up all that.  Tens of thousands of students were given As for their subjects. We had the phenomenon of 17As, 21As etc.  

I hope the Media, the NGOs (PAGE??) and other outfits out there can back me up on demanding that all these grading information be made public by the Ministry of Education.  


The Ministry of Education must also make public the results by race and geographical location.

How do Malay, Indian, Iban, Chinese, Kadazan students perform in Additional Maths, Chemistry, Biology, English, Bahasa Malaysia etc ?

How do they perform according to State or region? Urban, rural, etc. Kedah versus Selangor versus Sabah versus Sarawak versus Kuala Lumpur ?

All this must be made known to the public. We insist on knowing all this information. 


Todate, other than suggesting reading Quran in the masjid, suggesting black school shoes and special IPTA car number plates,  the Minister Maszlee Malik has not said a single word about our education policy. Not one. Hello brader, cakap lah pasal dasar pendidikan.

We need English. At least Maths and Science must be in English. 
We also do not need religious indoctrination in schools. 
Lagi banyak agama lagi ramai jadi d_nggu brader. 
What is the Minister doing about this? 

Then Khalid Samad the Minister of the Federal Territory suddenly blurted out about some Harapan-Coin crypto-currency. He said he wanted to introduce a Harapan Coin crypto-currency and that one day it may become our official currency.   Nauzubillah !!

Brader, hang Menteri Wilayah. Bukan Menteri Kewangan.  You are confused. 

Also obviously you do not understand anything about crypto-currency. 

Even Jack Ma of Ali Baba (a billionaire) says he does not understand bitcoin and crypto-currency.  Somehow you have become expert?

Since you are Minister of Federal Territory here is something that you can focus on :  TIKUS or RATS.

Here is a secret some Chinese people told me. In Malaysia the Chinese people (orang kapir lah) never or rarely suffer leptospirosis (rat urine fever or demam kencing tikus or just demam lepto). Why?  

They say that when they go camping or picnicking at the waterfalls  whenever they see rubbbish and garbage at the water falls they avoid the water. 

Because the rubbish and garbage become food for rats.  
The rats multiply quickly and they urinate and crap everywhere. 
That is how the demam lepto spreads.

Tapi paling ramai Melayu yang selalu kena demam lepto. Why?  Orang Melayu tak kisah brader.  Lepto tak lepto depa terjun terus ke dalam air terjun, waterfall dan mandi sungai. So ramai orang Melayu kena demam lepto.  Cina tak kena. 

Also the Chinese do not throw rubbish and garbage at the waterfall and tempat berkelah. I know this personally. Saya dulu selalu masuk hutan (FWD expedition). The Chinese bury their garbage or they put it in plastic bags and take it home. Saya pun hairan. 

Sekarang bukan saja restoran tapi TESCO pun sudah ada banyak TIKUS. Restoran mamak, melayu, cina, india semua ada TIKUS.


Because of the very poor garbage disposal. 

Di Wilayah Persekutun Kuala Lumpur terlalu banyak warong. Warong haram, warong Indon, warong duk atas longkang, warong tepi parit, warong tepi sungai. 

Pasal apa warong suka longkang, parit dan sungai? 
Sebab lagi senang buang sampah, sisa makanan, tulang ayam, kepala ikan dsbnya.  

So TIKUS happy lah. Again TIKUS membiak lagi cepat daripada ber-bini empat.  

So again we have demam lepto problem. Dan siapa yang suka makan di warong tepi longkang? Yap Ah Loy ke atau Al Species Al Khalid bin Al Samad? 

Here is a suggestion.  Pada tahun 2000 dulu DBKL (Dewan Berasuah Kuala Lumpur) sudah kata by 2015 tidak akan ada lagi warong di Kuala Lumpur.  No more warong by 2015. This is what the DBKL said.  I know because I was there listening to the DBKL. 

Saya masih Timbalan Pengerusi Majlis Bertindak Kawasan Masjid India. 

Tetapi sekarang sudah jadi 2018. Lagi banyak warong di Kuala Lumpur.

Warong tak payah bayar cukai pintu, pekerja Indon depa tak payah bayar Fomema, depa tak payah ujian HIV, tak payah ujian Hepatitis. 

Bukan itu saja brader tetapi pekerja warong tak payah cuci tangan pun. 
Do you know why? 
Sebab tak ada air paip. 
A warong duduk atas longkang does not have piped water.
That is why.

Antara pekerja warong dan TIKUS, saya rasa TIKUS lebih bersih brader. 
TIKUS lebih selamat.
Bergurau saja tetapi you know what I mean.  

So instead of talking of Harapan Coin crypto-currency please abolish all warong.

Especially the warong atas longkang, warong atas parit, warong tepi jalan and warong tepi sungai. 

The warong people WILL throw rubbish everywhere.  You cannot control them. 

This is the 21st century brader. The year is 2018.  Kuala Lumpur must be free from warong and pekerja Hepatitis dan pekerja Tuberculosis (semua ada).

Kita tak mahu nasi lemak lepto brader. Atau teh tarik campur kencing TIKUS.

Do some real work. Dont waste time talking about black school shoes, car number plates, crypto-curency Harapan Coins etc.

You must use Real Intelligence. 

Jangan pula Artificial Intelligence. 
Maksudnya intelligence that is not original. 
It becomes  Artificial Intelligence or AI.

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