
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, July 8, 2018

The Good Thing About Barisan Nasional Losing GE14

Most importantly, though, GE14 has been able to prove what I said all along: which is Pakatan Harapan is merely the reverse side of the same coin called Barisan Nasional, and that there is nothing noble and sincere about what Pakatan Harapan is doing, and you are just replacing one set of thieves and crooks with another set of thieves and crooks, and that GE14 is merely about race and religion and about replacing a Malay-led government with a Chinese-led government.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Of course, the million-dollar question is: did Pakatan Harapan win GE14 on 9th May 2018 or did Barisan Nasional lose the general election? “What’s the difference?” you may ask. Actually, there is a big difference and if you do not understand this then maybe you should stop reading this article at this point, as clearly you are not ‘qualified enough’ to be reading Malaysia Today.
One Umno strategist I met up with last year told me that Barisan Nasional is either going to win only 80 parliament seats in GE14 or 130 seats. And whether it is going to be 80 or 130 depends on one very important factor. Yes, just one very important factor. Unfortunately, due to reasons known only to those in Najib Razak’s inner circle, that matter was not attended to and we all know what happened on 9th May 2018.
Actually, Umno is not the only one guilty of this. In 2001, it was pointed out that unless PKR addresses one very important factor, the 2004 general election was going to be a disaster for the opposition. And that factor was 1999 was a Mahathir hate-campaign. What happens if Mahathir resigns and hands power to Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi? What is the new strategy for the 2004 general election? So, they need a new strategy to replace the Mahathir hate-campaign.
That was not addressed and on 31st October 2003 Mahathir retired and Abdullah took over — and in the March 2004 general election the opposition got slaughtered. So, yes, people do tend to ignore the doomsday warnings, and with drastic results. It is like smokers still continuing two packs a day even when they know they run the risk of lung cancer and then get lung cancer and die.

Tok Guru Abdul Rahman Pattani

Anyway, today we are not going to talk about why Barisan lost and Pakatan won GE14 (or whether Pakatan won or Barisan lost GE14). Today, we are going to talk about what my Tok Guru Abdul Rahman Ahmad Pombing a.k.a. Abdul Rahman Pattani told me more than 30 years ago in the early 1980s.
Tok Guru Rahman said everything happens for a reason and Allah knows best why it happened. It is like half a glass of water. We tend to look at the glass as half-empty whereas it is also half-full. So, focus on the positive of it being half-full rather than on the negative of it being half-empty.
So, today, we shall focus on the good thing about Barisan Nasional losing GE14 and not the bad thing about Pakatan Harapan winning GE14 (because Barisan Nasional lost GE14 and not Pakatan Harapan won GE14).
The first good thing is that Umno and Barisan Nasional are being purged of insincere and opportunistic members and leaders. These are people who were in Umno and Barisan Nasional for personal gain and now that there is no longer any financial benefit in being in the opposition the rats are deserting the sinking ship.

This same bunch of thieves who stole RM200 billion of the rakyat’s money are now leading the so-called good versus evil war

And this brings us to the second good thing. And this second good thing is Pakatan Harapan is gladly taking in those rats and bapak penyamun with open arms, starting with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Tun Daim Zainuddin, Muhyiddin Yassin, and many more — of course, Anwar Ibrahim included.
No doubt they try to explain and justify why they are taking in those kleptocrats and they are presenting it as something noble. But that is as valid as trying to explain and justify why Nazis from Hitler’s inner circle are being appointed leaders and the Prime Minister of Israel. Explain and justify however you want but you can never cleanse a Nazi enough to make him the Israeli Prime Minister, especially if it is Hitler himself.
They say they need Mahathir to be able to oust Najib Razak, Umno and Barisan Nasional. With Mahathir and his entire gang of thieves, Najib Razak, Umno and Barisan Nasional would not have been ousted on 9th May 2018 (because they failed to do this four times in 1999, 2004, 2008 and 2013).

The Americans have been using evil to fight evil for 100 years, just like in Malaysia today

That is what the Allies said in WWII. Even though Stalin is an evil man who killed more Jews, Russians and those of other ethnicities than Hitler ever did, they need to work with a bigger evil called Stalin to defeat a comparatively smaller evil called Hitler. Then they worked with a bigger evil called Saddam Hussein to defeat a smaller evil called Ruhollah Khomeini. Then they worked with a bigger evil called the Taliban to defeat a smaller evil called USSR.
Yes, we have heard this before about how the end justifies the means and an enemy of my enemy is my friend and use a thief to catch a thief and so on. In short, principles have no place in this game of thrones just as there is no such thing as a virgin prostitute.
Before this, the opposition was claiming the moral high ground and those who supported the government were seen as thieves and crooks. Today, there is no longer any moral high ground. At best, both sides are full of thieves and crooks. It is only whether you support one group of thieves and crooks or the other group of thieves and crooks. No one can claim the moral high ground any more.

Pakatan Harapan versus Barisan Nasional is no longer about good versus evil like the fallacy all this while

In the US, UK, etc., both sides of the political divide are seen as evil. Neither Labour, Conservative, Democrat, Republican, etc., can claim they are fighting for justice, the truth, good governance, a clean government, an end to abuse of power and corruption, for the good of the people, and so on. Most Brits and Americans will say dua-dua pun sama juga.
Since GE14 this has now happened in Malaysia. Before this, Pakatan Harapan pretended they were the reincarnation of Mandela, Gandhi and Mother Teresa all-in-one. Today, they are seen as merely the reverse side of the same coin. So, in the next general election, it is no longer a choice between good and evil. It is just which evil do you prefer over the other.
So, without sounding like sour grapes, it is good that Barisan Nasional lost GE14. This helps shatter the myth that this is a fight between good and evil. Malaysians can now see that both sides are the same — diantara lanun dan penyamun (since Mahathir calls Najib a Bugis pirate). So, in GE15, you need to just decide whether you want the lanun or the penyamun to run Malaysia.

The weaker Umno gets, the more relevant movements such as Perkasa become

The result of GE14 was because the Chinese were 98% united behind Pakatan Harapan while the Malays were split five ways. This helped wake up many Malays, while movements such as Perkasa now become more relevant. Malay nationalism is going to re-emerge like it once did back in 1946 and Malays will find ways to unite before they lose the country to the non-Malays.
Mahathir is trying to kill Umno but that does not matter. Others will rise from the ashes of Umno and those others will not be carrying the Umno baggage. So, in the end, it will prove better for the perjuangan Melayu.
On a personal note, from 1977 I have been with the opposition. And no one accused me of makan dedak or of being a paid mercenary or whatever. I spent so much of my time and money on the struggle that I eventually went bankrupt. And many are laughing at me and mocking me for my bankruptcy. And Anwar’s family did not once call me to thank me for all the work I did for them from 1999 to 2004 and for all the money I spent while working for them free-of-charge without any salary.

I never once met Najib from 2015 till today and the last time I met Najib was in 1987 and Rosmah in 2008

Then, in 2015, when I supported Najib Razak, they accused me of makan dedak and of being a paid mercenary and so on. Well, for the last two months Najib is no longer in power and yet I still support him. And all Najib’s cash and assets have been confiscated and his bank accounts frozen, including that of his baby cucu. All off Najib’s friends have run away and no longer want anything to do with him. I cannot even get a cup of coffee from Najib’s one-time friends let alone dedak.
So, for personal reasons, and very selfish reasons at that too, Barisan Nasional losing GE14 allows me to prove myself and to clear my name. If it is about money I would have abandoned Najib on 10th May 2018. Instead, I am now spending my own money for Najib’s cause and not the other way around. And I draw great satisfaction to finally, after three years, being able to tell the Pakatan Harapan people this is not about money, as they have been alleging all this while.
Most importantly, though, GE14 has been able to prove what I said all along: which is Pakatan Harapan is merely the reverse side of the same coin called Barisan Nasional, and that there is nothing noble and sincere about what Pakatan Harapan is doing, and you are just replacing one set of thieves and crooks with another set of thieves and crooks, and that GE14 is merely about race and religion and about replacing a Malay-led government with a Chinese-led government.

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