
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 13, 2018

Yoursay: Apandi failed to explain why Swiss request was rebuffed

YOURSAY | ‘His decision must be clearly explained, not merely waved away like his refusal to prosecute.’
Anonymous #40538199: “Section 20(1)(i) of the law, which concerns refusal of assistance, states that a request by a foreign state shall be refused if in the opinion of the attorney-general (AG), ‘the provision of assistance would affect the sovereignty, security, public order or other essential public interest of Malaysia’.”
Former attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali's reasoning that acceding to the Swiss’ request for mutual legal assistance could prejudice the criminal matter in Malaysia just doesn't seem to fit this section of the law.
Lakhy Perth: Indeed, why would cooperation with the Swiss AG “affect the sovereignty, security, public order or other essential public interest of Malaysia”? That cooperation exactly serves the essential public interest of Malaysia.
Cooperation with all foreign investigations is needed to enhance local investigations and give fool-proof, watertight evidence on the case.
Anonymous_201a3ce9: Yes, Apandi’s explanation quoting Section 20(1)(i) of the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 2002 (Act 621) isn't complete if he doesn't state the reasons why cooperating would jeopardise local investigations.
His opinion must be clearly and logically explained, not merely waved away like his refusal to prosecute.
Cogito Ergo Sum: How in the blazes can mutual legal assistance with the Swiss AG “affect the sovereignty, security, public order or other essential public interest of Malaysia”?
In fact, the reverse had happened. Without mutually exchanging notes, Apandi would almost have ruined the nation, had it not been for the fact that a new government was elected.
Roger 5201: Apandi ordered the 1MDB investigation to seal the fund’s audit report on Jan 22, 2016 shortly after being appointed by then prime minister Najib Abdul Razak to be the new AG.
How could he conclude there was no wrongdoing if the investigation was ongoing? What was so wrong with providing assistance to the Swiss AG Michael Lauber then?
Hmmmmmmmm: Apandi, how did you manage to clear Najib of all wrongdoing if investigations were still ongoing?
There was a long period between you clearing Najib until you were removed as AG. Was there any time in between where you sought out the AG from Switzerland to give him the results of your findings?
Anonymous 2436471476414726: You quoting section 20(1)(i) of the Act is totally wrong.
Both countries are investigating the 1MDB scandal and money laundering. In fact, it was in the interest of Malaysia that you should have given your cooperation to the Swiss AG.
FlabberPro: Apandi, someone of your intellect would know that none of us rakyat would believe you by now. 
You did show in the past two years how uninterested you were in wanting the truth to be made known and accountable to the entire nation. You can cry wolf now, but no one is going to come to your defence.
Ex-Wfw: Can we really change our way of doing business when we have been allowing costs to escalate to meet our “social responsibility” to selected parties all these years?
Since we started trying to improve our railway system with just lip-service, our rail projects have been practically twice what others have been paying.
Unless and until we stop kidding ourselves with special incentives for such national projects, we will continue to pay a price for it.
The expectation of getting involved in such projects literally means becoming millionaires overnight for all these people.
Until and unless we get experts with experience to work out the terms and conditions in detail, we are unlikely to get an equitable conclusion to all our rail projects.
Anonymous 19811504508400: Let us have the cost breakdown so that people can see what's in that final sum of RM110 billion.
Let quantity surveyors, project managers, and economists study the plans and see what the real cost should be.
Fair Play: Perhaps, the most likely reason is that those who are awarded the contracts need not have to pay a hefty fee for the middlemen or powerbrokers, hence the costs could be reduced substantially.
Anonymous_d395a08d: There will be substantial passenger demand for the High-Speed Rail (HSR). Many Malaysians work in Singapore. The Kuala Lumpur-Singapore air route is also the busiest in the world.
However, the project can only be justified at a right cost. The feasibility study must be made public for transparency and public trust. Don't repeat the murky backdoor deals of the Najib government.
Bamboo: Pay Singapore the RM500 million compensation, spend some money to widen and double track the rail line.
Even at RM55 billion for the HSR, that's still a lot of money and that's the money we don’t have.
VIM: May our government be humble and honest in all our dealings with our own countrymen and with other countries.
May our government be transparent and be willing to keep to our side of an agreement.
If our government can do so, the haze of confusion and disunity over our nation will be lifted and we will be able to make wise decisions.
Have you not heard of the saying “A fool and his money will soon part”? - Mkini

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