
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



17 Ramadhan 1446H (18 March 2025)

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Yoursay: Can Zahid stand the glare of spotlight on his wealth?

YOURSAY | ‘There’s more where this came from. The MACC must get to work.’
Anonymous_4b55eb98: If the Nepali Times is making false claims in its report on Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s relative profiting from a contract to handle the applications of workers from Nepal, he can always sue.
Or is he waiting for the right time, like his ex-boss Najib Abdul Razak and the 1MDB expose by the Wall Street Journal?
Anonymous #69337042: Not surprising at all. There is no secret that the former ruling party harboured powerful, corrupt figures in their midst. Umno has become a target of public ire and ridicule because of all sorts of wrongdoing and mismanagement.
This party was only good at defaulting to race and religion to hoodwink the people and bid for their support during the 60 years of its very bad rule, and they’re still at it. Thank God they were kicked out on May 9.
Clever Voter: Which BN politician would happily admit to such an allegation?
Next time, Zahid should be asked what motivates him in his current position, and about his thoughts on foreign labour. I wouldn't be surprised if he has nothing to say.
Ssa: There’s more where this came from. The MACC should carry out a detailed investigation on the issue of labour migration. The worms will definitely jump out of the can.
Hopefully, the Pakatan Harapan government will come out with a simplified procedure that cuts unnecessary red tape and procedure so that the process can be made more transparent.
Horizon: Foreign workers are squeezed and milked dry by these labour recruitment agencies, to the tune of hundreds of millions of ringgit.
Something has to be done to revamp the agencies and to catch the culprits who cheated the poor workers.
Likki: How many times have we been told that the country is awash with migrant labour because Malaysians refuse to do ‘dirty, dangerous and demeaning’ jobs?
Of course, employers share part of the blame. In their quest for greater profits, they need to keep labour costs down, even if it means unemployment for Malaysians and stagnant wages across the board.
But these employers are motivated by profit. So it’s technically not their ‘job’ to worry about the larger socio-economic impact. That job belongs to the government.
And all this while – despite releasing worrying statistics about the number of undocumented workers in the country, and all the token crackdowns by the Immigration Department – they were profiting from it the whole time.
And when the number of undocumented workers becomes uncontrollable – becoming a quarter of the whole Malaysian population – those in the government make another round of profits by legalising them. Absolutely disgusting.
Anonymous_1527658987: In 1996, Zahid allegedly had RM230 million in his bank account alone? What about investments?
If I remember correctly, the ringgit was around 2.4-2.5 to the US dollar then, just before the Asian financial crisis. So he was sitting on the equivalent of US$100 million back then?
Boeyks: If he made the RM230 million that Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad claimed he has in his bank account through legitimate means, then he would have no problem declaring his assets.
Ruben: I just cannot imagine how Zahid could accumulate RM230 million in wealth in 1996. It is just incredible. MACC must investigate all senior politicians from BN, with Zahid at the head of the queue.
Likki: If Zahid had that much in his bank account back then, as a first-time parliamentarian and Umno Youth chief, I wonder how much he has now, 22 years later?
Cocomomo: Maybe he started saving up a century before he was born? If he did have RM230 million, it would be easy to see if it jives with his tax returns.
If they don’t, we need a full-fledged investigation. No more of this nonsense of getting away with corruption.
If he did actually earn it, or another Arab prince gave it to him, then he will have nothing to worry about.
Ultimately: What to do? Even after the massive polls defeat, new party chief Zahid and his rival Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah both sang the same tune that it was opposition slander that caused it, not the millions carted out of their ex-boss’ house and the SRC money allegedly put in his bank account but never returned.
As seen from day one, the only thing BN knows about being an ‘effective opposition’ is to ape – literally – the former opposition in walking out (regardless of relevance), making lots of noise (regardless of relevance), and raising various complaints (regardless of relevance).
They don’t realise, because they never had to pay attention back then, that the former opposition walked out over serious breaches by the ruling party.
Cocomomo: DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang, what do you expect this bunch of opportunists to say? They must be inconsolable that their gravy train has been derailed. Especially the newer BN leaders, who cannot get their share.
Many them know they only won their seats because BN was in power when GE14 was held. All are guilty, in one way or another.
Anonymous_97d3c1a7: Their meekness is a demonstration of Najib’s power over them. As long as their paymaster Najib is in the House, they will keep silent to protect him, hoping he can help engineer a turnaround in their fortunes later.
But when Najib is found guilty later, first, the remaining Umno lions will attack and maul him and then leave the rest of the carcass to the hyenas finish him off.
Jaded: Malaysia needs to create a culture of accountability on every level if we are to move forward. Money spent must be accounted for.
Was it really spent? Was it properly spent? What were the considerations taken into account when it was spent?
These questions are posed in the private sector, so there is no reason why this accountability is not imposed on public servants. The money belongs to the public.
If it was the public servant's own money, we wouldn’t give two hoots about how they spend it. - Mkini

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