
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, July 12, 2018

Yoursay: How can Rosmah afford to buy such high-end jewellery?

YOURSAY | On the salary of Najib, she can't even buy one of the cheapest items on the list.
Vijay47: At first glance, it would seem that the recent turn of events actually favours Rosmah Mansor in that she was not the de facto owner of the jewellery.
As had been occasionally the case in previous years, the gems were with Rosmah for viewing and ownership would only transfer to her when she agreed to buy them.
However, before she could do that, Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) director Amar Singh got into the act and confiscated the precious stones. 
But other related facts damn her. How and when did she acquire this habit of indulging in baubles worth millions when her husband just last week could not even find the funds to bail himself from police custody and had to resort to shameless public begging?
The “Despatch to Rosmah” act occurred in February 2018 – Rosmah helpfully acknowledged receipt – and this, despite the controversy she was involved a few years ago over another batch sent from New York, and secondly by early 2018, 1MDB was burning with full fury.
The Empress simply could not be bothered if her allegedly obscene lifestyle was again featured in the news - you must give her “A” for confidence that her husband would win.
Victor Johan: In its statement of claim, Global Royalty Trading SAL, the Beirut-based firm, alleged that Rosmah was a long-standing customer.
Now, Global Royalty Trading has to provide in detail just how long has this ‘long-standing customer’ been a customer of theirs, what had she purchased all these years and how did she pay for all her items?
Ruben: Well, like someone said, this well-known jeweller had on many occasions sold precious stones to Rosmah.
So get the invoices for these items as well as the details of payment. Police must act soon.
Something is also very fishy here – the pieces of jewellery were sent in February 2018 and Rosmah only sent an acknowledgement letter on May 22, 2018; four days or so after the police raid.
It is just not right that so much jewellery, reportedly worth RM60 million, are only acknowledged more than three months after they were sent.
Also smells fishy is that the acknowledgement was sent only after the police raid. No jeweller would wait for so long for the acknowledgement.
Duniaputra: Why would Global Royalty Trading trust the prime minister's wife to pay for these pieces of jewellery which are beyond her means?
What is Rosmah's purchasing track record with the company that allowed her to receive such a huge consignment of jewellery without any collateral or deposit?
Were all the jewellery insured? Was proper documentation issued to Customs and insurance? How much GST was paid?
The Pragmatist: Indeed, how does Rosmah justify being a long-time customer of such a high-end jeweller and a consignment worth RM60 million?
On the salary of Najib, she can't even buy one of the cheapest items on the list.
As many of these claimants come forward, we will see all these exposed. The facts are unveiling bit by bit.
Save Our Currency: Firstly, how were the jewellery kept when found during the raid? Do the police have pictures and records?
Secondly, were there documents together with the valuables? Thirdly, can Rosmah pay for the jewellery with her husband’s income so much so they were sent to her for viewing?
Were the jewels sent by Global Royalty Trading kept separate or mixed up with the rest? If they were mixed up, then the claim is bull.
Later, all the jewellers in the world will be making the same claim and the circus will start - all the items were for viewing; the handbags were for viewing, too.
And how did the jewellery reach Malaysian shores? Illegally or through Customs?
Hmmmmmmmm: The Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) should check whether the description of the jewellery given by the Lebanese jeweller matches exactly (minus all the codes, etc) the description on the list given by PDRM to the ex-PM.
For all you know, Najib could have just passed that list to them and asked them to reclaim some of the jewellery (should they be unjustly seized).
Also, why would Rosmah acknowledge receipt of the jewellery after they were seized by PDRM? Aren't the jewellery pieces insured?
Shouldn't the jeweller talk to their insurance company and let their insurance company deal with recovering the goods?
Gerard Lourdesamy: Yes, the suit is highly suspect. Why did the plaintiff wait for so long? Why did Rosmah only acknowledge the receipt on May 22, after the police raided her residence and seized various items of jewellery?
Why would any jeweller loan such expensive items to Rosmah for three months without any security?
This Lebanese company should be investigated by the police and MACC. Their claim could be false.
Kangkung: Imagine a person who can purchase RM59.831 million worth of jewellery through a wholesaler.
For Rosmah, buying jewellery must be like buying fish. What is a piece of jewellery costing between US$124,000 and US$925,000 to Rosmah and Najib?
Now, Umno members are collecting donation to help Najib. Why don't they start another donation campaign to help Rosmah fight the suit brought by Global Royalty Trading?
Clever Voter: This is probably what they meant by 'gifts'. They receive and choose the goods. A third party, presumably those who are foolish enough, allegedly pay on their behalf. Isn’t this unethical?
Ex-PJ: How much jewellery does one require, even for a person with a larger-than-normal body mass; upon which more jewellery is required to drape. - Mkini

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