
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Yoursay: Malaysians did not vote for Bersatu to be Umno 2.0

YOURSAY | ‘There should be a moratorium of two years before these ex-BN members are let in.’
New Horizon: Pakatan Harapan, especially Bersatu, should not accept ex-Umno leaders like Syed Hamid Albar into the party.
If Syed Hamid and other ex-Umno leaders are sincere in wanting to help Harapan succeed, they can do so from outside by forming an ex-Umno government leaders grouping to offer constructive advice without expecting positions and financial gains in return.
However, Harapan and Bersatu should not bar any Umno or even PAS members who are not in major leadership positions but are now fully convinced that being in these two opposition parties will not be in line with a more progressive and inclusive Malaysia.
On the Other Hand: We don't want people whom we voted out. These leaders are just using the back door to come into power again.
There should be a moratorium of two years before these ex-BN members are let into Harapan.
The Fog of Life: Syed Hamid, wasn't this all too obvious a long, long time before GE14?
Where was your conscience when then PM Najib Razak and Umno were destroying the rule of law, perverting the course of justice, allegedly embezzling from 1MDB and other institutions, promoting racial disharmony, protecting cronyism, the corrupt and those who stole from the rakyat, applying selective prosecution on those that stood for law and order, and lying time and again to the nation?
What were you thinking then, Syed Hamid? Where were your honour and dignity then, Syed Hamid? Where was your sense of justice and integrity then, Syed Hamid?
Anonymous 9916: Bersatu and any other Pakatan Harapan party, heed the people's warning about accepting former Umno members. These individuals will spread their toxic culture once they are allowed in.
If Harapan fails to realise this, do bear in mind that Malaysians voted Harapan to get away from Umno's toxic culture of racism, radicalism, extremism and discrimination.
If you continue to take on former Umno members, you risk Harapan collapsing before GE15.
Fabian Sim: Indeed, wasn't Syed Hamid the home minister who banned Catholic weekly The Herald’s Bahasa Malaysia section from using the word ‘Allah’ for God?
Maybe after joining Bersatu, and when Bersatu expands to Sarawak, Syed Hamid should clarify if he ever plans to ban the Malay and Iban bibles.
Myviews: Yes, this is the filth that started the ‘Allah’ controversy. For the sake of unity in Harapan, opportunists like this should be barred from Harapan.
We must keep on reminding PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad that those who voted for Harapan in GE14 did so with ‘change’ in mind. We don't want an Umno 2.0.
It'll be a betrayal to the voters, as well as the other partners of Harapan, should they be accepted.
If indeed Bersatu deems it fit to accept such tainted personalities, then it's time for PKR, Amanah and DAP to part ways with the former. Harapan de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim and company must make a stand on this issue.
Malaysians have suffered long enough under Umno and May 9 was the beginning of a new Malaysia. Let's keep it that way and keep out the contamination that is Umno.
The Pragmatist: Syed Hamid, your letter portrays you so differently than your years of conduct and roles as a minister.
Strangely, folks don't believe you are not racist when you banned the use of Arabic word ‘Allah’ for other faiths.
Even in Saudi Arabia, the other faiths use ‘Allah’ for ‘god’ (theirs). How can you not see yourself being an extremist when you did such a stupid thing?
Only in Malaysia that its home minister claimed ownership of the ‘Allah’ term for only the Muslim faith...
Dont Just Talk: Another recycled Umno leader jumping ship to join party Bersatu after Harapan won the 14th GE.
Had Syed Hamid been as vocal as former Umno leaders Daim Zainuddin or Rafidah Aziz before May 9, his intention might be credible, but the question is… why now?
Anonymous_1529020255: With these strange Umno beings, who suddenly one day decided they are awakened and suddenly able to distinguish what is morally wrong and right and decide to cleanse themselves by joining Harapan, it is indeed worrisome.
They should remain in their sunken, if not sinking ship, to help its burial as the proud sons and daughters of Umno.
Just a Malaysian: Another useless rat jumping off a sinking ship with the hope of getting into Harapan. I have never heard Syed Hamid talking like that for the 40 years when he was in Umno.
Gaji Buta: Choosing Bersatu over other parties - PKR, DAP, etc - shows he still prescribes to the Umno racial ideology, minus (so he seems to claim now) the corruption.
There is nothing to praise him for, unless you subscribe to race politics as well.
Stevie Chan: This is sickening to the gut. We voted Harapan because we do not want these Umno people. Now, with Bersatu accepting them, what is the point of voting then?
Fateh: Is Bersatu just a turncoat Umno? Are we getting rid of Umno but having Bersatu taking over its place instead?
Khalid Gibran: Bersatu will take any rubbish from Umno, for that is the quality of the party.
Its ultimate motive is to close down Umno and take over its assets and MPs and its members and emerge as the next Malay-based party.
The sly old fox’s son will be the next PM. So, Harapan, beware.
Shibboleth: If and when Umno and BN win the next election, Syed Hamid will say, "My heart had never left Umno." - Mkini

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