
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 16, 2018


UMNO, the Malay nationalist party which was defeated in the most shocking and humiliating way one can ever imagine, is in self-denialand self-destruction mode. That’s quite sad considering it had been in power for 61 years since independence in 1957. Although many think UMNO deserves to perish for good, the fact remains it is still the biggest opposition party.
However, being the country’s biggest opposition party isn’t something that UMNO is proud of, for obvious reason. After 61 years being the “Lord” ruling the country, UMNO is embarrassed – even insulted – that they no longer walk the corridors of power. That is understandable. They have not become an opposition before and have no idea how to play the role.
To make matter worse, their accounts have been frozen by the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) because they are believed to be linked to the money laundering and misappropriation of 1MDB funds. The 1MDB Special Task Force has frozen a whopping 408 bank accounts of individuals, political parties and non-government organisations (NGOs) worth RM1.1 billion.
Najib Razak Praying - 1MDB - Handcuffs
The task force said the frozen accounts involved 81 individuals and 55 companies that are believed to have received funds from 1MDB. Close to 900 transactions made between March 2011 and September 2015 were traced to the money laundering activities. As a result, UMNO is in disarray with its so-called 3 million members being demoralised and disillusioned.
If not for its assets and property across the country – still worth billions of ringgit – the party would have had closed shop yesterday. With 51 parliamentary seats (after three of its MPs quit the party), UMNO presence is absolutely essential primarily because their past experience in practising corruption is valuable to provide check and balance on the new government Pakatan Harapan.
Unfortunately, UMNO doesn’t seem to be interested in rejuvenating itself. Under the weak and clueless new leadership of Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the party struggles to keep itself afloat. Like a broken record, they could only play the same old and boring racial, religious and royalty cards – screaming until foaming at the mouth about Malays, Islam and Royalties losing face, dignity, power and whatnot.
That’s fine. After all, UMNO has been a party synonymous with corruption, extremism, racism, cronyism, nepotism, gangsterism and arrogance all this while. What is shocking and entertaining was when the party actually appointed former Attorney General Apandi Ali as among 11 people to the party’s powerful supreme council on Saturday (July 14).
Holy cow! What had UMNO President Zahid Hamidi been smoking? Didn’t he know that Mr. Apandi was appointed by the scandal-plagued Najib Razak specifically to clear him of wrongdoing in 1MDB two years ago? Didn’t Zahid also know that the party lost power (and the gravy train) directly due to 1MDB scandal?
By appointing Mr. Apandi just 2 months after UMNO losses power, it proves that the ex-attorney general was indeed the perpetrator who had acted immorally and illegally – NOT independently – to bend the rule of law to protect Thief-in-Chief Najib Razak. So, how does Zahid plans to explain to Malay folks that Najib is innocent because an “independent” ex-AG Apandi had cleared him?
The most comical part was the way Apandi Ali reacted to his appointment as UMNO Supreme Council member. He idiotly told all and sundry how happy he was, saying it was like a “fish returning home”. He said – “A long time ago, I was a member of UMNO. But when I joined the Bar Council, I left the party.” Clearly, it was an indirect admission that he has always been a UMNO man.
But this is not the first time Mr. Apandi has demonstrated his idiocy. After he had cleared his boss Najib of wrongdoing in 1MDB scandal, the then attorney general was caught dancing happily with Najib’s ministers, suggesting he wasn’t apolitical at all. Can you imagine Donald Trump dancing with Vladimir Putin after he denied conspiring with Russia to rig the 2016 Presidential Election?
Amusingly, just hours after Apandi celebrated his appointment (as UMNO Supreme Council member), he abruptly rejected the post. Apparently, Kedah UMNO Youth Chief Shaiful Hazizy had criticised the new party supreme council line-up, particularly the appointment of Apandi, saying that it was a “political mistake” and will only drag the party further down into the mire.
Shaiful called Mohamed Apandi’s appointment a “desperate move” and showed UMNO’s inability to cultivate internal talent and compete with the ruling Pakatan Harapan government. He said the appointment was a political mistake as the people knew about Apandi’s involvement in covering up the 1MDB scandal.
Well, if an unknown such as Shaiful Hazizy could tell the appointment of Apandi by UMNO President Zahid Hamidi was a dumb move, what does that tell about Zahid’s intelligence? Former UMNO Youth Chief Khairy Jamaluddin, who initially congratulated Apandi but later insulted his U-turn, said – “The initial appointment was disappointing. This is now just embarrassing.”
But the message behind the drama isn’t pretty among UMNO members still angered with Zahid and other bootlickers who played along with Najib and rubbished the issues over 1MDB and GST. The fact that Apandi has to back down because of some dissatisfaction in the party means Zahid Hamidi is indeed “a pariah”, a weak leader who cannot even push through his appointee.
PM Najib and Deputy PM Zahid Wear Crowns
Other warlords or little Napoleons within UMNO, seeing how Kedah UMNO Youth Chief Shaiful Hazizy could easily bring down their president to his knees, will be emboldened to threaten the useless Zahid Hamidi whenever they are not happy. As the captain of the biggest pirate ship, it’s breathtaking seeing Zahid struggles to assert his authority.
More importantly, why would Zahid appoint Apandi Ali, a not so clever lawyer, to the prestigious UMNO Supreme Council? Zahid knew the rule of the game in UMNO – never promote someone who is smarter than you. Najib Razak, still very influential, could be the man who had recommended Apandi, pulling the strings from behind the curtain.
Has Zahid reduced to being a puppet of Najib Razak? It appears so, judging by his silence over the flip-flops of Apandi Ali’s appointment. Instead, it was the crook Najib who has been actively telling how UMNO should be run, as if he is still the UMNO president. His latest bitching was over those who had deserted him, calling them “turncoats” who are not “willing to die” for the party.

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