
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, February 1, 2020

Guan Eng’s Fake News About Fake News And 100 More Days For Mahathir To Retire

Fake news kepala bapak kau! DAP is the one that is churning out fake news like there is no tomorrow and then complain that fake news is hurting the country. Even the story that fake news is hurting the country is fake news. What is hurting the country are the broken promises, bad economy, U-turns by the Pakatan government, and the non-stop bickering regarding the succession of PM7-PM8.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Lim Guan Eng said Malaysia is doing great and the economy is booming but fake news is hurting the country (READ HERE). This is like Stalin lamenting that atheism is hurting Russia or you-know-who complaining that the LGBT culture is encouraging immorality.
Guan Eng’s statement on fake news is itself fake news because there is no truth in what he is saying.
First of all, Guan Eng is the only person out of 32 million Malaysians who claims that Malaysia is doing great and the economy is booming. Everyone else laments they are facing hard times. And, according to the economists, the coronavirus crisis is going to wipe out at least RM1 trillion or maybe more.
So, expect the economy to suffer even more over the next few months.
But the more important point is who are those people who are spreading fake news?

Pakatan alleged 40,000 illegal Bangladeshi voters voted in the 2013 GE and then did a U-turn and denied saying it

Was it not Pakatan that said Barisan Nasional won the 2013 general election by importing 40,000 illegal Bangladeshi voters? Later they changed their story and said the 40,000 illegal voters are not all Bangladeshis but includes many nationalities (READ HERE).
Then the story was changed again and they said they never stated any figures or alleged the number of illegal voters were 40,000 (READ HERE).
Before the 40,000 illegal-Bangladeshi-voters story could die down, Pakatan said that Barisan Nasional is an illegal or illegitimate government because it did not win 51% or more of the popular votes but won just 47.38%.
Yet another fake news.

In the UK 2019 general election, Conservative won only 43.6% of the votes versus Barisan’s 47.38% in the 2013 general election

In December last year, the Conservative Party won the UK general election with only 43.6% of the popular votes. No one screamed that the new British government is illegal or illegitimate even though they formed the government with just 43.6% of the votes. Pakatan, however, screamed that the Barisan government is illegal or illegitimate because they formed the government with 47.38% of the votes.

Not only was Pakatan spreading fake news but many Malaysians actually believed this fake news and considered the 2013 government as illegal or illegitimate because it did not win the general election with more than 50% of the votes.
Yes, fake news after fake news. And Guan Eng (plus Lim Kit Siang) has the gall to complain about fake news when they have been spreading fake news since decades back.
Apa benda ni!
Then they said Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim had been bought by Umno and when he sued them they begged to settle the matter out of court by apologising for the fake news.
Then they said Abdul Hadi Awang and/or PAS received a RM90 million bribe from Najib Tun Razak and that they have the evidence or documents to prove it (and will reveal that evidence or documents in a week or so). But until today, after so long, they have not done so.
Bukan ke fake news tu?
What about the fake news that said Malaysia’s debts just before GE14 was RM1 trillion (when it was only RM680 billion) and that they have successfully reduced it (when, in fact, it has increased to more than RM1.1 trillion from RM680 billion)?

Satu lagi fake news

And did they not claim they are going to create one million new jobs and build one million new affordable homes? Mana those one million new jobs and one million new affordable homes? Fake news ke?
And what about the fake news that once the GST is abolished the cost of living will come down and that they are going to reduce the price of petrol to RM1.50, abolish highway toll charges, and fix the minimum wage at RM1,500 a month? Satu pun tak jadi!

When will it be reduced to RM1.50 as promised, ke fake news?

The best fake news yet is DAP threatening that if the government does not recognise the UEC then DAP is going to resign from the government. Mahathir replied to that by announcing that the teaching of maths and science will be in English.
Is DAP going to now announce that if Mahathir does not resign and hand the post of Prime Minister to Anwar Ibrahim in another 100 days (by 10th May 2020) DAP is going to resign from the government? They should because DAP promised the Chinese that Mahathir will be in office for just two years until 10 May 2020 after which he will resign and hand power to Anwar Ibrahim.
Ke fake news and DAP just bluffed the Chinese?
Fake news kepala bapak kau! DAP is the one that is churning out fake news like there is no tomorrow and then complain that fake news is hurting the country. Even the story that fake news is hurting the country is fake news. What is hurting the country are the broken promises, bad economy, U-turns by the Pakatan government, and the non-stop bickering regarding the succession of PM7-PM8.

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