
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, February 24, 2020

H2O Shall Be DPM Then PM ? Whither The DAP?

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Well what a Sunday. I was not able to update the blog earlier.  

So Dr Mahathir has gained extra MPs from UMNO, PAS and other BN parties to form his own government - minus DAP, minus Amanah and minus Anwar and gang? Is this the case?

Folks indeed Dr Mahathir has gone for the nuclear option. 
But there may be twists. Do read on.

So far nothing is certain. 
No official announcements have been made yet. 
Its 12:26 am now (Monday 24th Feb 2020). 
Will have to wait for the morrow.

Since there are so many different angles to this I will use numbered paras.

1. It is still not clear what exactly is the situation. 
Has Dr M met the Agong or no? 
Reports are contradictory. 

What is Dr M suggesting? 

a. That he wants to kick out the DAP and the Anwar gang from his line up? 
That seems to be the conventional idea tonite.

b. Or does Dr M still want to keep the DAP (and maybe even Anwar) in his government but bring in UMNO, BN, PAS etc ? Then just reshuffle the Cabinet to accommodate the new comers. Meaning there will be no more opposition. All the political parties will be part of the government. 

Is this why the DAP has gone quiet. 
They are still contemplating their options.
(I think this is why Dr M has not been able to make any announcements. Perhaps Dr M is waiting for Mr Lim Kit Siang to make up his mind.)

If such a scenario exists, I hope the DAP will stay with Dr M. 
To provide a check and balance - hopefully.
Plus if the DAP and the Anwar gang remain with Dr M, then Dr M will control a 2/3 majority again. The Federal Constitution can be amended (for example to chop down those limp noodles who are living off the land for free).
If they have this option the DAP has to think carefully.
Do not answer hastily. The future of the country is at stake. 

All this need not happen if Anwar was not so psycho about becoming the PM.
All this need not happen if the DAP had not shown so much support for Anwar.
Never bet on the horses. But if you do, make sure you pick the winner. 
Anwar Ibrahim is the wrong horse. 

3.   From the look of things the next DPM and then PM (after Tun Dr M) shall be Hishamuddin Hussein Onn (H2O). If so, congrats bro.  

You really need a good team. 
The right people. 
It is going to be difficult without a good team around you.

4. What is the public's reaction?

The public is generally very angry. 
On May 9th 2018 the public voted overwhelmingly against the BN and UMNO. 
For the first time in 60 years we overthrew a corrupt BN and UMNO. 
Now are they back in the fold? 
If so this goes completely against the public's choice.

Some of my friends have released a statement. Here it is:

Press Statement from Concerned Malaysians:

We the People are concerned that some politicians think that they own this country and can do whatever they wish without the legal and moral mandate of the Rakyat. The Rakyat WILL NOT agree to or cooperate with any Back door government formed out of the selfish self preservation agenda of certain MPs. If PH has failed, then the Rakyat demand  a fresh mandate. The YDPT Agung should consider this position and concern of the Rakyat.

1. Professor Tajuddin Rasdi
2.Professor Terence Gomez
3. Datuk Dr Johan Arriffin Samad
4. Dr KJ John
5. Dr. Lim Teck Ghee
6. Siti Kasim
7. Hussein Abdul Hamid aka SteadyAku47
8. Sevan Doraisamy SUARAM
9. Mohamed Tawfik Tun Dr Ismail
10. MAJU
11. Datuk Noor Faridah Ariffin
12.Datuk Ramli Ibrahim
13. Dato Dennis Ignatius
14. June H.L. Wong aka So Aunty So What
15. G25
16. Cynthia Gabriel
17. Ivy Josiah
18. Dr Molly Cheah
19. Ir Rajinder Sud
20. Shakuntala Sharma
21. Professor Johan Saravanamuttu
22. Dr Maznah Mohamad
23. Anil Netto
24. Professor Zaharom Nain

As of this writing (now 1:18 am) we do not know the exact nature of what is going on.

Legally it is allowed for Members of Parliament to switch allegiances. 
Hence such things as the Vote of No Confidence (or Vote of Confidence). 

When PAS and UMNO made statements that they would support Tun Dr M for a full term as PM, that was already a precursor of today's excitement. We could see this coming for weeks now.

N'theless the following statement is very, very true. And the two people who should bear this in mind are Dr Mahathir the Prime Minister and Hishamuddin Hussein Onn the likely DPM and the next PM :

The Rakyat WILL NOT agree to or cooperate with any Back door government formed out of the selfish self preservation agenda of certain MPs. If PH has failed, then the Rakyat demand  a fresh mandate.

I agree 100%.

Nope the rakyat will not agree to the likes of Zahid Hamidi, Ku Nan, Najib, Ismail Sabri, Annuar Musa and a bunch of other UMNO morons from walking the corridors of power again. 

Or working out some kind of deal to reduce their sentences and jail terms (for those awaiting the axe to fall on their heads in Court.) 

5.  As I said yesterday this could cost Dr M (and now possibly H2O) not only the future elections but also the anger of history. History will not forgive you. Better be careful.

There is very little time left. 
Only three years before the next GE in 2023. 
The economy is tanking. 
People have no good jobs. 
Businesses are closing.
The religious charlatans are crowing like arrogant cocks (the feathered kind). 
There is much that needs to be done. 

Extreme focus and single mindedness is required - over the next 36 months. 
Get it done or you are going to get kicked out.
As I said yesterday, Dr M has opted for the nuclear option. 
There is no turning back.

The clock that is ticking against you is not UMNO, Pakatan Harapan, Anwar or the DAP. 

It is an axe that is hanging over your heads.
The axe that is hanging over your heads now is the peoples' total disgust and unhappiness with ALL you politicians and political parties be it Pakatan Harapan, UMNO, BN, GPS, Warisan etc. 

For the first time in our history the majority of the people dislike ALL the political parties altogether.

6.  Now is an opportune time for new players - new political parties and/or new political players (NGOs, Concerned Citizens etc) to step forward and organise themselves and present a better option to the people.

The people are fed up with the political parties.

7.  Having said that if Dr Mahathir follows through with his move  (as I said we still don't know the final form) the country can simmer down. There is no more need to worry about who shall be PM8. (Or if Anwar shall be the next PM). That issue will be put to rest. It looks like Anwar will certainly never be PM8.

And what was Anwar's reply to all this? 
He says he wants to use his 'panah sakti' or sacred arrow !!  

I could not believe my ears but listen to the video clip. 
That's exactly what he said 'gunakan panah sakti'. 

Not once can he say anything about how to create economic wealth or how to create manufacturing jobs and move the economy. Or how to reform the really sick education system. 

All he can say is 'gunakan panah sakti'.

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