
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Afghanistan Curse : After 20 Years The US Chickens Out With "dignity"

Image result for Afghanistan. Pakistan and USA

It has been 20 years since the US attacked and occupied Afghanistan in 2001. It was based on the flimsy excuse that the Taliban worked hand in hand with Osama bin Laden to carry out the 9-11 attack. 

Finally Osama was caught living peacefully in Pakistan. 
But the US never attacked and invaded Pakistan. 

However after 20 years and three presidents, the US is now exiting from Afghanistan.

Let me give you my assessment first.

1.  There is an old player who will need to keep Afghanistan on the boil.  That will be Iran. The Ayatollahs are living on borrowed time. After 40 years the Iranian people are finding out what Syed Akbar Ali has been warning about for decades. 

Pimpinan Ostard Wal Retard will destroy any country. 
Why? Their religious beliefs are fake. 
They cannot present any evidence for their falsehoods. 
Their religion is plagiarised from the Jewish theologies and from the Old Testament. 
It has nothing to do with the Quran. 

Bottom line : Their religion is false.  So they will constantly fail. 

This means the Iranian Ayatollahs will need more "mis-adventures" to deflect the Iranian peoples' attention away from their failures. 

Afghanistan minus the US will become a new frontier for the Ayatollahs to stir up trouble. Afghanistan has a 35% Shia population (13 million Shias in a population of over 37 million people).  That is a lot of Shias.

2. Pakistan will interfere more in Afghanistan for the same reasons. They too need misadventures to deflect their peoples' attentions away from their crappy lives.  Also to get money from the Pentagon 'to keep Iran in check'. But under Trump, this money may not be coming. And also to check India's machinations  in Afghanistan. 

3. India is involved in Afghanistan to stir up trouble between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Not that any extra help is needed to stir up trouble with Pakistan.  

Out of Pakistan's 220 million population, 30% or 66 million are Shiahs. This means there are about 80 million Shiahs in Afghanistan + Pakistan.    Happy fighting.

Here is some analysis by Ali Soufan:


Bottom Line Up Front:

After month of on again, off again US and Taliban reached agreement 

could lead to temporary cessation of violence in near term

next hurdle is negotiations between Taliban and Afghan govt

withdrawal of U.S. troops looming 

even if Taliban stands down, can they enforce the order

issue of Islamic State Khorasan Province still remains

Trump to move forward with deal 

Taliban's continued cooperation with al-Qaeda 

Islamic State Khorasan retains fighters in east 
borders Pakistan’s lawless FATA

Iran could destabilize Afghan to bog down U.S. troops
to extend Iran’s influence in Afghanistan 
Iran well placed to lead this effort 
long history of training Afghan Shia foreign fighters

OSTB :  Trump is negotiating directly with the Taliban.  But the Afghan government is not part of the negotiations. This means Trump is sacrificing the Afghan government to the Taliban. But this is what the Afghan government wants - that the US leaves Afghanistan. And they should.

After the US leaves Afghanistan, the Sunni Taliban will take over Afghanistan again.  Iran (and India) will  interfere and support the 13 million Shias in Afghanistan.

Folks, I have figured out what is their problem.
They do not know how to manufacture their own underwear. So they fight. 

If only they had factories manufacturing underwear, if they had computer factories, if they manufactured their own TVs, furnitures, cups, plates, watches, etc. But they dont.  So they fight.

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