
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The Schools Have Gone Dumb, Now Universities Are Becoming Dumber, Tips On Curing Saka And Puaka

Here is some really dumb news. Predictably it is coming from Kelantan, the land of pas-pis-pus..  


BACHOK: Spirits (saka) may find a 'home' at university lab in Kelantan

Univ M'sia Kelantan (UMK) researchers plan lab to study supernatural beings

idea hatched by Dr Yohan, Dr Stark and Dr Burhan 

studied spirits through “concession” between families and supernatural

initial methods centred on Islamic medical treatment

before utilising electrical device detect “colours aura” called “Winaura”

colour of aura will turn red if detects spirit presence in someone’s body

possessed were immature, had relationship issues, little control over  emotions

academicians to study methods by local shamans to “cure” possessions

My comments : This is the dumbest thing I have heard about our local universities, after that anti hysteria kit by Univ M'sia Pahang. It looks like they are racing each other to be more dumb.

"initial methods centred on Islamic medical treatment" ?? What in the world does that mean? Poo kanan poo kiri ??

I say professors (?) there are no spirits, no saka, no puaka, no hantu, no polong, no jembalang, no langsir (or langsuir), no toyol, no pontianak, no pelesit, no jenglot etc.

These are pagan beliefs (mushrik) which are just not true. 
They are false beliefs. These things are pure imagination. 
They do not exist.

You are wasting time and taxpayers money in pursuing these useless research to 'electronically detect' a saka, puaka or whatever.

You can certainly study and research (as a research area in psychology, anthropology, cultural studies etc) about the various beliefs in ghosts and spirits. What are they, where do they come from, their effects on Malay society etc - perhaps with the objective of : 


Not the the other way around - do not waste taxpayers money and the university's time to prove the existence of the non-existent. 

Aura photography aka Kirlian photography (click here) has long captured 'aura' around all living things including leaves and plants. No big deal.  But don't create a hantu out of a tree stump ok. Its just a tree stump.

Our former Indon maid of almost 20 years used to believe in hantu and spirits. No big deal except that sometimes she would say things that would be irritating. (Another maid kept closing the windows as soon as the sun set - to keep the hantu from entering the house at night. A rather stuffy superstition).

But I asked our  maid what was it that the hantu would do? 
She said, 'dia mahu takutkan kita'.  

Then I asked her what would the hantu benefit from takutkan kita? 
She could not answer. 

I asked again why would the hantu want to takutkan kita? 
She could not answer. 

I reasoned with her like this - Bila kita kerja kita dapat gaji, kita boleh belanja (buy groceries in Indonesian). Kalau kita tanam sayur kita boleh makan sayur. Habis hantu pula dapat apa bila dia takutkan kita? 

Of course she could not answer. 
But more importantly she was beginning to feel silly, which was what I was trying to achieve. To make her feel silly over her silly beliefs.

These are irrational, silly and pagan (mushrik) beliefs - left over from a jungle culture that feared tree stumps, volcanoes and wild animals. You cannot dignify these "superstitions" by giving them any sort of credibility, by trying to engage intellectually about them  and worst of all to try to prove their existence in a university laboratory. 

So to the saka researchers at the University Malaysia Kelantan just answer this : 

If you can capture a saka in a bottle or on camera, tell us what does the saka  get by 'possessing people'? 

Here is some simple logic. 

If (its just an 'if' ok) there is a saka, puaka or whatever and these things like to 'possess' people - it means there is some deliberate behaviour on the part of the saka. There is some intention. The saka wants to possess people. This is deliberate behaviour. 

So my question is "to what purpose" ?
What does the saka get in return from possessing people ?
(Other than laughing from the top of a mango tree - which they are also supposed to do).

If the saka deliberately possesses people, then does the saka  have a KPI (Key Performance Indicator) ? 

Meaning does the saka target a certain number of people to be possessed every day, per week, monthly, annually? Does the saka follow any calendar? Islamic? (Nauzubillah).

Does the saka report to anyone? 
Like a chief saka - on how many people it has possessed?

How does the saka gauge its success?
Why would a saka gauge its success? 

I ask this question because what happens if a saka fails to possess someone? 
Which does happen too (otherwise the bomoh will be out of work).

So can the saka take some tuition to improve its methods of possessing people? 
To defeat that clever bomoh?

Because if the saka cannot improve its skills, it means it cannot learn.
If it cannot learn, then how did it learn its first bag of tricks?

You see where this conversation is going? 
Its going nowhere.

This is a silly conversation. 

These are silly, superstitious and mushrik beliefs.
A left-over from the pre Islamic jungle bound culture.

This is the 21st century lah.

Still believing in hantu, polong and pelesit.

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