
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, February 24, 2020

Yoursay: In politics, no honour among thieves

YOURSAY | 'This is the biggest betrayal of the millennium. I can't believe what I'm seeing.'
RR: The rakyat were happy that the transition of prime ministership was amicably resolved at Pakatan Harapan presidential council last Friday, with Anwar himself agreeing that Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad would step down after the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) summit on a date which Mahathir will decide.
We know that politics is dirty, but this backdoor entry to form a new coalition of parties with vested interests really stinks. It is best that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong advises the PM to dissolve the Parliament and call for a general election.

Fairman: The king is the custodian of rakyat's mandate (people’s power). The current government was elected as the voters gave more than 112 seats in the Dewan Rakyat to PKR, DAP, Bersatu and Amanah, plus Warisan, to administer the country until 2023.
Now you can't have a backdoor government by excluding PKR, DAP and Amanah and then bring in PAS, Umno and Sarawak and a splinter group led by PKR deputy president Azmin Ali.
This is undemocratic, unparliamentary and unprecedented. I hope the monarch will use his wisdom to refuse such a government.
He could, if the PM advises, dissolve the House and return the mandate to the voters. A new government can be formed, based on the wishes of the voters in 2020.
Slip Sliding Away: This is the biggest betrayal of the millennium. I can't believe what I'm seeing. How these people can sleep tonight is beyond me.
Non-evader: Finally, Mahathir can't resist it but forming a backdoor government to conclude his political life.
How is he going to face all those people who fought with him in GE14, just two years ago? Perhaps these are small matters to him, but we will see if the outcome of a backdoor government will really be as what he wishes.
Fortunately for most of us, we will have the time to see how Mahathir will end.
Anonymous #33227154: Mahathir has shown his true colours. He has betrayed the people of Malaysia, including the Malays who voted for reform and a better Malaysia.
We will always remember Mahathir as a traitor and will never forgive him and his family. He will get his retribution. The people will suffer, but we will continue our fight for our future generation.
Odysseus: I remember Mahathir's final speech during GE14, where he complained that Malaysia is no longer an Asian tiger.
Now, he is sleeping with those who slew the Asian tiger, whom he groomed when he was the country’s fourth PM.
Anonymous_1547638573344.86381547637684419: A tyrant will always be a tyrant. You fools got fooled again. Some even believed that he was the ‘hero’ that saved Malaysia.
Anonymous Malaysian: Most politicians think that Malaysia belongs to them. They don’t consider themselves public servants, they don’t want to be responsible to govern nicely but instead trying to reap as many goodies as they can.
They are a bunch of opportunists.
Jehangir: The repercussion of this disgusting move led by a disgusting spent leader will be enormous. We didn’t vote for Bersatu.
Can PKR please claim that since Harapan contested under PKR logo in GE14 that the power of the government has been illegally wrested from them?
I haven’t felt unsettled like this since the sacking of then deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim in 1998.
Lionking: A sad day indeed for Malaysia. The wishes of the rakyat have been trampled upon. How can we allow such backdoor government to come in place?
Ata: This makes no sense - is it so easy to change the government, just by getting the numbers? What about the people’s mandate? Shouldn't the Parliament be dissolved and a fresh mandate be sought?
What's happening is nothing short of a coup. My God, the greed of some politicians!
Fair Play: Look at the bright side of life. After GE14 on May 9, 2018, the rakyat went to sleep blissfully.
Now they are rudely woken up to face the stark new reality. I suppose they will now have to continue their life where they left off before May 9, 2018.
But I wonder how the outside world, especially the financial and economic sectors, would rate the country that would now be governed almost exclusively by one community.
Kangkung: I cannot express how angry I am over what is happening. It is the blackest day in the history of this country. It is nothing but another illegal coup d'etat, like what happened in 2009 in Perak.
The rakyat did not vote for this. It is truly sickening to see all these treacherous elected leaders led by Mahathir to bring down a legitimate government to serve their political ambition.
Clever Voter: Today's flurry of events confirms all's not well at the political front. Speculation on Mahathir's successor has gone forever. Anwar, once regarded as Asia's renaissance man, is likely to be left out once more.
There has been a never-ending trading of ideas, and options. Quite unlikely, there will ever be a national coalition as there is no guarantee each of the warlords will not fight for their share, and everyone from west to east will want a stake.
There are others such as DAP, despite the second-largest party, being despised, and many were disrespectful to a party seemingly representing the country’s second-largest ethnic group.
If all of these political parties have their agenda and do not share common beliefs and ideology, they should return to the voters to seek a fresh mandate. It is fair, and democratic.
Dummies Dhimmi: We don't need elections anymore. It’s the saddest day and probably the death of the little democracy and space we had. Greedy thieves masquerading as politicians finally won.
All the talk about a good and just religion is a farce. Greed won.
PB: We had one chance to remake Malaysia into something we could be proud of. Instead, the politicians have 're-staked' their claim of the country.
We are being reminded that the country isn't ours; it is theirs. I cannot begin to express the depth of my despondency. -Mkini

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