
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, February 6, 2020

Yoursay: ‘Rosmah, can we advise you something about your MC?’

YOURSAY | ‘In ordinary time, the court would be sympathetic to an MC presented by an accused…’
Lone Star: The very fact that Rosmah Mansor, former (self-appointed) first lady of Malaysia, did attend court yesterday, and lasted the whole morning session, is a miracle and that no medical certificate (MC) was required.

Maybe they expected the MC to be a “Miracle Certificate” to avoid showing up for her corruption trial.
The fact that lawyer Jagjit Singh’s prominent client is able to attend court, not in a wheelchair or lying on a hospital bed but walking on her own, albeit with some assistance, is testimony that she is not facing a life-threatening disease, which was the reason given for her to miss her first trial date on Monday.
The senior lawyer should be thankful that his client's case can speedily proceed and be wrapped up so that he can get on to attend to other cases requiring his much-needed legal expertise.
Don’t Just Talk: Can we say something, Rosmah? Please stop all your play acting when you were so healthy and active in the past, so much so you could shop till you dropped.
You were fit to shop flying from Hawaii to Italy in a VVIP jet, which was an abuse of privilege. Suddenly, when you are charged in court for corruption, you submitted an MC and called in sick on the first day of trial.
Every honest Malaysian can see through this trick.
Now that you have your day in court, it is your chance to prove your innocence, which we doubt owing to your voracious appetite for pink diamonds.
Anonymous_15434: Rosmah was admitted into the hospital after lead prosecutor Gopal Sri Ram refused to accept her MC.
Rosmah claims to have chronic health issues, but the judge made a sound suggestion – she can attend her trial in a wheelchair.
The charade of the hospital admission ensued and now the doctor is panicking as questions are being raised. There is no reason why she cannot attend her trial in a wheelchair. And yes, bring the doctor along as well.
Anonymous 2465: The doctor does not need to worry if he had given the MC on a professional basis without the intention to stop the court hearing.
MACC is doing the right thing, as Rosmah’s husband, former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak, went on MC but yet could campaign during a by-election.
JBL: MACC is doing the right thing. It is only a phoney doctor or lawyer who would be afraid of MACC.
Professional doctors would happily cooperate, what more if they are truly professional as they would gain a lot of good publicity.
For her earlier stated illness, Rosmah should have come in a stretcher or wheelchair or with six or eight ‘bodybuilders’ carrying her.
Strangely, the cat is out of the bag as she came to court just like before, walking like a strong woman.
The Wakandan: In ordinary time, yes, the court would be sympathetic to medical leave certificate presented by an accused to skip court proceeding.
But alas, this is not an ordinary time and the court has reason to question the sincerity of the medical certificate.
There is nothing wrong to get a second opinion if the court is not satisfied, but then the accused voluntarily decided to appear before the court.
So how? Why is it that she is able to come suddenly? And we did not see any doctor accompanying her.
Beluga: If the doctor didn’t do anything wrong and everything is above board, why should she/he be worried about MACC enquiring about it?
It’s only when people have something to hide that they fear being questioned and will make a big deal out of it.
Enough of all this drama. Don’t waste the court’s time, please.
Anonymous_gem49: All the doctors out there who think that their MC will not be questioned, think again.
Legit: "Client's blood sample sent to Australia for testing," said defence lawyer Jagjit. Now, come on, you mean Malaysian laboratories do not have the capability to do the testing?
Maybe her blood is too infected with wealth and publicity.
Anonymous 1981: Which lab Down Under? Can it be trusted? Is it certified by the Australian government? Australian MACC needs to also be involved then.
Anyway, does Australia even allow the import of blood samples? I suppose that would involve some irksome red tape.
Sphzxcv: Why send the blood samples to Australia for testing? Aren’t our hospitals or labs good enough to do the testing?
It’s just delaying tactics. One day it’s food poisoning, then it’s fever, then headache and what not. The rakyat know this is all fake.
Anonymous_1537: She looks as fit as a fiddle.
MS: More accurately, a cello. - Mkini

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