
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 10, 2020

Anwar PM, Mukhriz DPM 1, Darell Leiking DPM 2?


So, Pakatan Harapan has now reverted to its original stand and that is where it should be - Anwar Ibrahim as the coalition’s candidate for prime minister.
To Harapan supporters and sympathisers, it’s a relief that the merry-go-round over the choice of the coalition’s PM candidate has finally come to a halt.
I am also pleased with the decision of the Harapan presidential council meeting on July 6 because that was a commitment to the GE14 mandate - Dr Mahathir Mohamad was to be interim PM for two years and Anwar would take over after that.
Let me repeat. That was the mandate from the majority of Malaysians who voted for Harapan and I expect that to be fulfilled. It does not matter whether we love or loathe Mahathir or Anwar.
I am also glad that the council has given Anwar a full mandate to continue discussions with all parties in the best interest of the coalition.
Anwar is now the undisputed leader of Harapan; that mandate of leadership was necessary to allow the coalition to move forward as one. No more tussle between Mahathir and Anwar as to who is the real boss. That is over.
Here’s a personal message to the Harapan boss: Anwar, the real test of your leadership of Harapan is now before you. This is probably what you wanted and your wish has been granted.
Do not falter and let your Harapan allies, DAP and Amanah in particular, down. More importantly, the rakyat should come first. The burden on your shoulders is heavy. You have to act statesmanlike from now on, if your target is to lead Harapan to Putrajaya.
One more thing - be wary of what you do in your professional and private life. You have been through a lot of pain and agony in the past. People are watching your every move. Time to really wise up and leave the dark chapters of the past behind. Concentrate on the difficult job ahead.
One important task before Anwar (above) today is to build support for the coalition he leads and he should start by continuing to engage with Mahathir and Mohd Shafie Apdal.
We are aware of the existence of Pakatan Harapan Plus – the additional “Plus” was to include Mahathir and his group, as well as Parti Warisan Sabah.
Anwar and Harapan would do well to have Mahathir and Warisan on their side. The numbers game is crucial and Harapan should do its utmost to keep what they already have on their side.
I believe many of us have noted with great interest Mahathir’s proposal for Shafie to be the coalition’s PM candidate with Anwar as DPM 1 and Mukhriz Mahathir as DPM 2.
It is clear now that this is unlikely to happen, despite Shafie having said he believes he offers a solution to the PM-candidature impasse that has paralysed Harapan Plus.
Let me offer another option to the coalition. What about Anwar PM, Mukhriz DPM 1 and Darell Leiking DPM 2?
Mukhriz (above) is well known as he has been an active politician over the past two decades. He has the stature to move up in national politics and the experience to be deputy prime minister.
Daddy Mahathir should be happy and contented that his lofty ambition for his son is on track. He can now tell the world that his son’s name was put forward by others and not by him. This time, everyone will believe Mahathir.
Who is Darell Leiking? Except for his 22 months as the International Trade and Industry Minister, Leiking is not a prominent name in national politics.
However, in his home state of Sabah, he is the new kid on the block and a name many people are talking about today.
He is Warisan deputy president and Shafie’s right-hand man.
Leiking made his electoral debut in the 2013 general election and defeated Upko president Bernard Dompok by an over 10,000-vote majority in the seat of Penampang, just outside Kota Kinabalu.
He stood on a PKR ticket then but was lured by Shafie to be his deputy in Warisan. Leiking’s move to a local party was approved by his Penampang constituents as he triumphed with more than a 20,000-vote majority in his second outing in GE14.
At 49, age is also on the side of Leiking (above). Mukhriz is 56. Anwar should do well with two younger, energetic deputies to assist him.
With a Warisan man as deputy prime minister, Shafie should be happy that Warisan is given its due recognition as a Harapan ally.
Shafie is the Sabah Chief Minister and his priority is to lead the state, at least until GE15. That means three more years of a tough ride to go.
Putting Leiking up as DPM also means that Harapan has finally taken its first step to appease the Borneo states by giving one of their leaders a senior position at the federal level - something befitting the status of an “equal partner”.
Perhaps this option is something worth pondering for Anwar and Harapan. Let go of partisan politics and from now on, Harapan’s tagline should be “Malaysians first”.
I rest my case.

FRANCIS PAUL SIAH heads the Movement for Change, Sarawak (MoCS), and can be reached at sirsiah@gmail.com. - Mkini

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