
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 18, 2020

Lim Guan Eng And Tony Pua Again Demonstrate Why DAP Is Unfit To Be In Government: Najib Tun Razak

Najib Tun Razak
They ask the government to seize the US$688 million yacht “Topaz” but they do not dare tell you who they want the government to seize it from or who the DOJ had alleged to have misappropriated 1MDB money to pay for the yacht.
The DOJ clearly said that the yacht is owned by the Chairman of IPIC who is also the deputy prime minister of the UAE, minister of presidential affairs, member of the royal family of Abu Dhabi, owner of Manchester City FC and the half-brother of the current President of UAE.
I would like to see Guan Eng and Tony be sent to serve a repossession notice for the yacht on him.
Guan Eng and Tony should also explain to their supporters why they allege that I stole the 1MDB money but the person buying and owning the luxury US$688 million yacht is someone else from another country.
2. Guan Eng and Tony also brings up the seizure of the yacht Equanimity by the PH Government and selling the yacht for US$125 million when the original cost was US$250 million – meaning the government had lost US$125 million.
Both cases above show why the previous BN government signed a settlement agreement with the Abu Dhabi Government in 2017 to give the them a deadline until 31 Dec 2020 to return to us every single sen suspected missing from 1MDB.
Using this approach would mean that every sen is returned in full instead of recovering assets that would be worth much less while still protecting and maintaining international relations.
But the PH government deliberately tried to cancel this settlement agreement by suing the Abu Dhabi government in the high court of London.
By doing this, the PH government wanted to change the status of the 1MDB money from “waiting to be repaid” to “missing” – despite the fact that this will mean Malaysia will recover far less compared to what could be recovered under the settlement agreement and that our relations with UAE would deteriorate.
Their priority was never for the interest of the country but to persecute me and BN.
If the settlement agreement had stood and all the money was recovered as per the settlement agreement then the PH government would not have been able to charge me in court.
That is why the UAE decided to invest US$22.9 billion (RM97 billion) in Indonesia and nothing in Malaysia over the 22 months period PH was in power.
“Indonesia hails ‘historic’ $22.9bn mega-investment deal with UAE”
3. Suddenly, both Guan Eng and Tony Pua agree that the total outstanding debt of 1MDB is RM32 bilion – exactly what I had said many times despite Guan Eng issuing an official Ministry of Finance statement with the country’s crest stating the debt is RM50 billion and also stating during the official budget announcement in parliament that the loss is RM150 billion.
Guan Eng has no qualms in using his official position to lie and has no problem lying in parliament even during a budget speech.
“Guan Eng: Malaysia on the hook for RM50bil of 1MDB’s debts”
“Najib wants PAC probe on Guan Eng’s ‘RM150b robbery’ claim during Budget speech”
This RM32 billion figure has remained unchanged during the entire 22 months PH was in power as not one sen of principle was ever repaid despite them receiving billions from DOJ, selling a 60% interest in Bandar Malaysia for RM7.41 billion and despite them telling the Rakyat for 22 months that the government had to save money in order to pay for 1MDB.
Not one sen of 1MDB’s debt was ever reduced by PH.
But is is laughable how RM32 billion was increased by Guan Eng to RM50 billion, then to RM150 billion and suddenly reduced back to RM32 billion when they are out of government.
DAP’s dishonesty while in government, their continued use of official government machinery to release fake propaganda and lies and also their total lack of care over international relations are among the main reasons why investments into Malaysia and our economy had slumped and we became the worst performing share market in the world during their time in government.
Penjelasan saya hari itu (more detailed explanation here): https://www.facebook.com/najibrazak/posts/10157207511800952

Tony Pua urges govt to file suit to seize world’s seventh largest yacht bought with 1MDB funds

(MMO, 14 July 2020) – Damansara MP Tony Pua today urged the government to file an international suit to seize the Topaz and ensure that the proportionate part of the proceeds from the disposal is repatriated to Malaysia. (READ MORE HERE)

The matter of The Topaz was reported by The Edge in Feb 2019: How did Guan Eng, Tony Pua & PwC fail to secure Topaz , leaving it to the DOJ (yet again) to do what Team Guan Eng were paid for

(Ganesh Sahathevan, 14 July 2020) – As reported earlier this week:
More 1MDB embarrassment: DOJ finds USD 700 Million yacht, one of the largest in the world, purchased in part with 1MDB money, missed by Guan Eng, Tony Pua , PwC and friends
It has now been brought to this writer’s attention that the matter of The Topaz  and 1MDB funds was reported back in February 2019 by The Edge, which said among other things;” if Malaysia can prove that money from 1MDB helped pay for Topaz, it can make a claim.”
The DOJ managed to do so, but not Malaysia where the recovery effort was beig led by then Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng, his political secretary Tony Pau, and their advisors PwC.  The DOJ would not have had easy access to Malaysian Government documents that Guan Eng and team would have had, but managed to do what they did not.

Tak boleh dedah perjanjian penyelesaian 1MDB-Ipic, kata Guan Eng

(FMT, 3 November 2018) – Putrajaya tidak boleh mendedahkan dokumen berhubung perjanjian penyelesaian antara syarikat Abu Dhabi, International Petroleum Investment Company (Ipic) dan 1MDB kerana berbuat demikian akan menjadi subjudis, kata Menteri Kewangan Lim Guan Eng. (READ MORE HERE)

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