
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, October 1, 2022

DAP leaders lambast Umno over decision to hold early GE15


DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke has lambasted his Umno counterpart Ahmad Maslan over the latter's "arrogant" statement on the date for Parliament’s dissolution.

Loke, in particular, referred to Ahmad's remark yesterday that Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob will be proposing the date for Parliament’s dissolution to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in line with Article 40(1) of the Federal Constitution.

This was after a meeting last night where the Umno supreme council decided that Parliament should be dissolved soon to pave way for the 15th general election (GE15) to be held this year.

Apart from arrogance, Loke said, such a stance also reeks of disrespect of the Federal Constitution, and belittling the Agong's role in matters concerning Parliament dissolution.

"The key word in Ahmad Maslan's statement that the Parliament must be dissolved soon to pave way for GE15 this year, with just three months left in the year, sounds like a pre-requisite set by the party to the YDP Agong without taking into account that Article 40(1) of the Federal Constitution must be read together with Article 40(2) of the Constitution.

"According to Article 40(2) of the Federal Constitution, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong has the discretion in the appointment of the prime minister, the withholding of consent to a request to dissolve Parliament, and the requisition of a meeting of the Conference of Rulers concerned solely with the privileges, position, honours, and dignities of the Rulers," Loke (above) said in a statement today.

He stressed that never in the country's history has an open statement about Parliament's dissolution been released, prior to getting the King's consent.

"Is this not a treasonous act against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong?

"Umno should also be reminded that the party only has 38 MPs out of the total 222, or just 17 percent in the Parliament. Thus, they cannot act arbitrarily, as if they are the party with the biggest majority in Parliament today," Loke, who is also Seremban MP, noted.

He further expressed hope that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong will use his wisdom and discretion in deciding the best course of action, for the good of Malaysians and the country.

'Don't gamble with people's lives'

Meanwhile, Kuching MP Dr Kelvin Yii Lee Wuen also said those in Umno were ignoring warnings about the monsoon period and pressing for an early election for their self-interests.

"It (statement about the decision to hold an early election) is not only arrogant but also highly irresponsible as an election during the monsoon season will not only cost more but forsake the rakyat's interests, especially those who are going to be affected by the floods.

"Even with clear and early warnings by MetMalaysia (Malaysian Meteorological Department), politicians from Umno continue to forsake it for their own self-interest and are willing to gamble with people's lives just because of a bunch of people who are scared of ending up behind bars for their criminal acts," Yii, who is also DAP Youth chief, said in a statement today.

Kuching MP Dr Kelvin Yii Lee Wuen

He was referring to the recent warning by MetMalaysia that heavy rain and thunderstorms can be expected from October to November as the country moves through the monsoon transition phase following the end of the southwest monsoon period.

According to the department, the transition phase is expected to begin on Oct 3 and continue until the following month, when the country will experience winds from all directions, conducive to thunderstorms that usually bring heavy rain and strong winds within a short period of time.

Yii questioned whether Umno politicians have learned nothing from the devastating floods in December last year, which claimed 54 lives and caused billions of ringgit in losses, across several states.

He also noted the Election Commission's (EC) forecast that a monsoon election will be up to double the cost of a normal election.

"This is why we, the people, must stand up and make our vote count in the upcoming election, regardless of the situation.

"Remember these politicians who are gambling with your lives and make sure you punish them not only to send a message but also to ensure the court cluster continues to face justice." - Mkini

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