
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 20, 2022

Malaysians Must Come Out In Full Force To Vote, Plus Some Thoughts For The Opposition

 First of all let me repeat that come hell or high water (because it is the monsoon season) a very large majority of Malaysian voters will be going out to vote in the 15th General Elections, which will most likely be held in November, after the schools close for the holidays. The schools usually become the voting centers.

It is a total mistake if the corrupt think that they can reduce the voter turnout by having the general elections during the monsoon. The corrupt are in for a surprise. 

Just 4 1/2 years ago in 2018 the people kicked out the Barisan Nasional who had been in power for 63 years prior. Through manouevring and some trickery the BN has wiggled back into some power but their wings have been seriously clipped. 

We the people of this beautiful country should come out one more time and make sure that the Barisan Nasional is kicked out of power for good. They are corrupt and they are blood sucking parasites. We have no choice - we must vote them out.  

I first voted against the Barisan Nasional in 2008 - when Abdullah Badawi was in power. Then in 2013 and 2018 I again voted against them when that corrupt fool was under the power of Her Ugliness.

To all Malaysians who care about the future of this country we all have to come out again in full force and make our votes count in GE15. 

We are Malaysians. We are not afraid of the monsoon. During the monsoons we have played in the flood waters.  Or driven through flash floods. When I was little my neighbourhood friend Ah Meng once hoisted me on his shoulder and waded through chest deep floods (at the edge of Birch Garden in Ipoh, near the tobacco factory and beside the Sungai Pari which had overflowed).  I lost one slipper in the muddy water.  

To Malaysians in Singapore and those who are overseas please make another attempt to come home and vote. It will be worth the effort. In 2018 my friends who were overseas asked me  'Can we do it this time? Should I come back?' and I said 'Yes'. Come back and vote. 

Friends in New Zealand have registered with the Malaysian High Commission to vote from there but I am not familiar with that process.  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should make a public statement how to go about voting from overseas but I have my doubts about those folks as well.   

Folks may I strongly advise Dr Mahathir and Anwar Ibrahim to go back to Kedah and Cheruk Tok Kun respectively and sit on the stairs in front of their houses and just count the number of cars and lorries going by? Or just sit quietly and listen to the grass growing.  You are way beyond expiry date. You cannot do any good for this country.

Let others take over.

The Opposition seems to be pulling in different directions. 

May I suggest one solution. May I suggest that the Opposition maintain 'status quo' in the seats which they already won in 2018.

DAP has 42 seats. So let the DAP nominate its candidate to defend their 42 seats. All other Opposition parties stay out. Amanah has 11 seats. So let Amanah nominate the candidate for those 11 seats which they already won. All other opposition parties stay out.

This way it will always be a straight fight between the BN versus the Opposition only. The votes will not be split by other parties also nominating candidates in those seats.


You can see that the PH already has 90 seats. Plus other Opposition who hold another 14 (?) seats.  That is already 104 seats.

Then Perikatan Nasional are also standing against the BN. That is another   47 seats already.

If all these 'Opposition' parties agree to maintain the status quo in these seats that they have already won, that is already 104 + 47 = 151 seats. 

The BN will have no chance.

May I suggest that the Opposition then sit down and decide how to divide up the remaining 71 BN seats to be contested by their own candidates.

But at all times, keep it 1 to 1, straight fights between the Opposition and the BN. The BN will stand no chance. 

We must really get rid of UMNO and the BN. They have become a sick disease that infects this land. We really have to exterminate this disease.

So do not worry about the monsoon or the rains.  Get umbrellas and raincoats and get ready to go and vote. Malaysians in Singapore and overseas - come back home and vote.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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