
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Politicians to blame for feeding violent culture

YOURSAY | ‘Sulaiman, have you appointed yourself the custodian of good manners?’
Dont Just Talk: What a shame that such an incident by someone who claimed that the slapping of film director David Teo in front of the guest-of-honour is to teach him the meaning of ‘adab’, when he knows nothing of manners.
His action is that of a bully - when you cannot tolerate others for speaking out, the next best thing to do is to use the fist. Shame on you, comedian Sulaiman Yassin.
JusticeNow!: An uncivilised, no, uncouth man, trying teach someone ‘adab’, and some NGOs are jumping on the bandwagon to continue the attack on the victim, not the attacker.
What is our Malaysian society coming to after more than half a century as a nation? This is the direct result of irresponsible leaders who continue to play on race and religion for their own selfish ends.
The continued demonisation of other races and the need to be seen as champion of their own race has resulted a generation of racists and supremacists. They think that an occasional call for unity can change the ingrained attitude of this generation. It is self-deceiving.
It is so sad that this beautiful country has been damaged almost beyond repair by a few utterly irresponsible and evil leaders.
Slumdog: Sulaiman, have you appointed yourself as the custodian of good manners.
Your very act of assaulting Teo in front of the prime minister is in itself a display of bad manners, lacking decorum and self-control.
Anonymous 2436471476414726: Sulaiman aka Mat Over, taking the law literally in your own hand is unacceptable in this modern and civilised society. We are taught to value peace and decorum.
By your action, you are being disrespectful to the PM and all those present. That you seem not to have any remorse makes you the more despicable.
For those who intend to lodge police reports on his behalf, remember Sulaiman is the aggressor here. Sympathy should be with the victim. Do not let race and religion cloud your judgement.
Pemerhati: Essentially, there are two categories of ‘dedak’ receivers.
In the first category, you have newcomers who try and earn ‘dedak’ by first gaining MO1’s (Malaysian Official 1’s) attention and then saying and doing things that will make him happy. After that, the newcomers wait and hope that a pleased MO1 will reward them.
In the second category, MO1 has people on his ‘dedak-roll’ who do the dirty work for him, such as supporting his kleptocratic activities (for example, DPM Ahmad Zahid Hamidi who saw the allegedly fictitious donation cheques given by the Arabs), harassing and physically attacking the opposition at meetings and rallies, or attacking people who ask pertinent uncomfortable questions which MO1 does not like.
It will be interesting to know if Sulaiman belongs to the first or second category or perhaps he belongs to a third category, which is that he is a stupid and shameless (according to former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad) supporter of MO1.
CQ Muar: Never in the history of this country have we seen so much despicable and uncouth behaviour.
It's not just hefty corruption, but uncontrollable menace and disorder shaming the country. Does this reflect well of the person leading this country as its PM? I wonder!
The Price We Pay: So, every bystander is now a morality enforcer. How idiotic is this? If Teo has broken any rules, then the law should be applied, as it should to Sulaiman who is an assailant in this case.
These incidences, which we see increasingly at different forums in different forms, are all indications of a failing society.
Do you even need to wonder why top brains are leaving our shores and low-level worker class from impoverished countries flock here?
Shunyata: Sulaiman, since when has it been ‘adat Melayu’ (Malay culture) to slap another person as a means of teaching him a lesson?
I'm afraid that in your zeal to kiss the PM's feet, you've lost the plot and the nation's admiration. Those who believe that violence is the first go-to in preserving so-called dignity, yes well, they would still buy your brand of funny.
Anonymous 29051438068738: With apologies to Isaac Asimov - violence, as in this case, is the first resort of the grossly incompetent, the inarticulate and the Umno-nourished imbecile.
Jbsuara: Malaysia has been a laughing stock time and again for all the gimmicks from our big mouth politicians and now, from the show business industry.
We do not need any comedian to produce the jokes for Malaysians anymore.
Hence, from now onward, the comedians can changed their role to slapping film producers and other actors/actresses who opened their mouths and speak up at town hall meeting or similar meetings!
Sulaiman might as well go around the country slapping any Tom, Dick and Harry around to fill up his time instead of sticking to his miserable role as comedian.
Spinnot: Perhaps Mahathir has forgotten in 1996 during his tenure, an Umno Youth mob stormed into a conference on East Timor at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur and broke up the event.
The police moved in shortly after and arrested 35 foreign participants of the conference. The conference was attended by 150 delegates from 25 countries.

Justice for Malaysia: My only hope is that the good Malays, who are the majority, will rise and speak up against this minority who are allegedly paid idiots.- Mkini

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