
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 9, 2018

"..almost all (the terrorists) requested to be sent to Malaysia" by Norman Fernandez

norman fernandez said...

That there were terrorists living in their midst must come as no surprise.

Just this year, Bukit Aman’s Special Branch Counter-Terrorism Head, Deputy Commissioner Datuk Ayub Khan revealed that some countries (and I am sure he was referring to Turkey) would actually ask the suspected terrorist where they would like to be deported and almost all requested to be sent to Malaysia. 

Further, between 2014 and 2017 some 59 foreign terrorist were sent to Malaysia at their request.

Foreign extremist making the base and transit camp in Malaysia is nothing new.Afterall, two of the 9/11 hijackers met the operatives in Malaysia to plan their attack.

  • Malaysia as the perfect terror base, had also provided sanctuary to Hambali who arrived from Indonesia at the age of 21 and lived in Malaysia for some 20 years. 
He was implicated in the 2002 Bali bombing and even in the 2000 Christmas eve Church bombings. 

He was caught in 2013 in Bangkok when he was planning to bomb the venue of the APEC summit which was also to be attended by George Bush. 

Hambali was until his capture labelled as the Osama Bin Ladin of South East Asia. Presently, he is incarcerated in Guantanamo prison.

  • Then you have, the Bapa Terrorisma, Abu Bakar Bashir, an Indonesian fugitive. 
He too lived in Malaysia between 1985 and 1998 and established Jemaah Islamiyah, an al-Qaeda franchise off-shoot. He is their spiritual leader and emir and Jemaah Islamiyah was responsible for the Bali bombing and the Marriott Hotel bombing. 

  • In 2008, he also formed a new terror franchise called Jemaah Ansharul Tauhid.  
  • His son, Rohimi who spent his formative years in Malaysia then together with his brother formed Jemaah Ansharusy Shariah.

Even more amazing was that Abu Bakar Bashir together with Abdullah Sungkar and Abu Jibril@Fikiruddin established the Tarbiyah Luqmanul Hakeem boarding school in Ulu Tiram,  Johor modelled  after the Pondok Al-Mukmin, an established terrorist incubator madrasah in Indonesia. 

In Tarbiyyah Luqmanul Hakeem, the headmaster was Bali bomber Mukhlas, his brother also Bali bomber Ambrozi was a regular there and Abu Bakar came once a fortnight to give his spiritual lectures. Mukhlas and Ambrozi were indicted for the Bali bombing.

Also to be highlighted is Ibrahim Maidin and Mohd Yusof who used to meet al-Qaeda operatives in safe houses on Johor Bahru.

  • For foreign Muslim extremists and terrorists, Malaysia is their perfect terror base. 

  • Almost every Muslim country and particularly from the Gulf do not need visas to enter Malaysia. 

  • Unlike Singapore our security is lax, it is easy to set up base, command centres and sleeper cells. 

  • It is easy to do financial transactions and even open businesses and use them as cover for terror activities. 

  • Importantly, there is no other Muslim country like Malaysia which welcomes Muslims, no questions asked and all in the spirit of the Ummah. 

  • The longer the beard and the more baggy the trousers the easier it is to come into this country. 

So, Malaysia can take pride that every terrorist’s country of choice is Malaysia. 

Oh yes, living amidst you and attending the local mosque could just be a terrorist or their sleeper cells.

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