
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Anwar Ahead Of Mahathir In The Race For PM8

That means His Majesty the Agong has only two choices: either dissolve parliament and let GE15 be held, or swear Anwar in as PM8 and then let him attempt a vote of confidence in parliament in March. And if Anwar fails to get his vote of confidence, then parliament will still be dissolved and GE15 will be held.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
What exactly is Azmin Ali trying to say (READ THE MALAY MAIL NEWS ITEM BELOW)?
Note the words and phrases Azmin used in his statement.
National reconciliation. Greater good for the nation. Narrow party politics. Prioritise the wellbeing of the public. Focus on addressing the people’s problems. Under the leadership of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Nation’s wealth can be shared regardless of race and state. Who want Malaysia to be stable and continue progressing. While addressing the nation’s challenges. Non-partisan government. Limitations of a single bloc leadership. Dr Mahathir’s leadership as prime minister for a full term.
What a whole load of nonsense. What Azmin is saying, in a very long-winded and pusing sini pusing sana way, is: “let Mahathir continue as Prime Minister until GE15”. That is all. All those other words he added to his statement are meant to make him look smart and wise.

Azmin admitted that Team Mahathir is losing the race

Azmin just gave a hint that Team Mahathir has lost the race. If not, Azmin would not need to come out with that long list of meaningless words. So, has Anwar Ibrahim won after all?
I do not think so. If not, Khalid Samad would not have needed to also issue his statement: “Tun must resign. Be the interim prime minister. Give chance to DSAI to become the 8th PM. This is not a hereditary position or one that can be passed on. There must be majority support from MPs. I hope PPBM fulfils the promise. Tun is 7th PM, Anwar is 8th PM.” (READ MORE HERE)
That gives the impression that Anwar, too, does not have the majority, just like Mahathir.
The latest count is that Anwar may have slightly over 90 MPs with him. Mahathir has about 70 or so. And about 60 or so support neither side and want parliament to be dissolved to make way for GE15.

Anwar is ahead but needs more MPs to win with a simple majority

That means His Majesty the Agong has only two choices: either dissolve parliament and let GE15 be held, or swear Anwar in as PM8 and then let him attempt a vote of confidence in parliament in March. And if Anwar fails to get his vote of confidence, then parliament will still be dissolved and GE15 will be held.
The only difference is the Agong will not make that decision but parliament will decide.
If the Agong swears Anwar in as PM8, it would be a minority government and hence a very unstable government. Anwar would need to get at least 112 MPs to support a vote of confidence for him in the coming parliament sitting in March for him to continue as PM. If not, the government is going to fall, again, next month.
That is how it stands now but the numbers are shifting by the hour since last night — and by tonight it is going to shift gain.

The MACC warned they are watching the 222 MPs

The MACC has warned the 222 MPs, especially the Umno MPs, that they are watching (READ HERE). The MACC knows that MPs are being bought at RM25 million a head and in the event of a hung parliament the price can go up even higher.
The MACC should have just shut up rather than make that statement and reveal that a lot of money is going around buying up MPs. Now Malaysians know that whoever becomes PM8 will have to spend hundreds of millions to buy that post.

Azmin’s faction now pushes for national reconciliation

(Malay Mail Online) – Gombak MP Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali’s team of 11 MPs are now calling for national reconciliation in order to foster “greater good for the nation.”
In a statement today signed by the 11, the MPs also called for politicians to dump “narrow party politics” and prioritise the wellbeing of the public.
“After the people rose to defeat kleptocracy in the 14th general election, they want a stable government. A government which can focus on addressing the people’s problems.
“Fix the economy, generate growth, create jobs, execute policies so that the nation’s wealth can be shared regardless of race and state. Isn’t this the people’s aspiration?” they ask.
“The national reconciliation would be executed under the leadership of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, together with the support of all parties who want Malaysia to be stable and continue progressing, while addressing the nation’s challenges,” they added.
The group also reiterated its support towards Dr Mahathir’s leadership as prime minister for a full term, to execute the national reconciliation plan.
They also thanked Malaysians for keeping calm despite the current political tumult in the country.

PAS and Umno are pushing for GE15

Dr Mahathir’s new government is likely to contain new and old faces but could be smaller and reflect a theme of national reconciliation, according to analysts and sources.
Malay Mail understands that the model of government being looked at is along the lines of a Winston Churchill wartime Cabinet because the country is facing serious economic challenges and an urgent need to accelerate institutional reforms.
A non-partisan government could lift the limitations of a single bloc leadership, freeing Tun Mahathir from thorny issues like race, religion and the party schism that dogged a large part of Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) 22 month-rule, and allow him to focus on more pressing matters like the economy and reform.
Currently the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is in the midst of interviewing the remaining 132 MPs, to determine who holds the majority support to form the next government.
He had yesterday, interviewed 90 MPs.
The interviews are set to be a one-one-one, with His Majesty Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah.
The 94-year-old Dr Mahathir unexpectedly announced his resignation as the Prime Minister and Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia chairman on Monday, shortly after his party president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced that it was abandoning PH.

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