
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, February 7, 2020

Datuk Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay appointed Johor police chief

Special Branch Counter Terrorism Division (E8) head will be Johor's top cop

Datuk Ayob will be promoted to rank of commissioner

transfer and promotion will be in effect on March 6

DCP Ayob in forefront of efforts against terrorism for several years

Hailing from Pendang, Kedah, DCP Ayob led E8 in combating terrorism

instrumental in thwarting various terror plots 

nabbing more than 500 militants since Feb, 2013

My comments :   In Malaysia terrorism used to mean the communist insurgency. When I was in secondary school (for a time) in Melaka the communists were still active. And Melaka was a hotspot. One day in Melaka the communists shot and killed a Chinese Special Branch officer in his house.

The communists also shot and killed one of our IGPs in Kuala Lumpur. That was a time when there had been a serious break in the Communist Party of Malaya. They had again broken up into mazhab or sects - to become the CPM and the CPM (Leninists) or something like that.

The new sect had to show their prowess and also to gather supporters. The acts of terrorism were just that - to show their supporters and would be supporters that they were relevant to the struggle.

Because there was almost zero tactical advantage to the communists from shooting a police inspector or even of shooting the IGP. It did not even create fear among the police or the people. If at all it only made the people and the police more determined to get rid of the communists.

So why did they do it? I think it was because of money. (If you read Chin Peng's book - say three times - the money aspect jumps out even more. Not once does bapa komunis Malaya venture into communist ideology or theory). 

Well that was a long time ago. Today terrorism is largely identified (throughout the entire world) as only one group of people - the 'allahuakbar' shouting salafi and wahabi terrorists.  You will never find a sufi or ahmadiya  terrorist. Almost all these terrorists today are salafis and wahabis. 

No money no religion. This is rule number 1. These so called religious leaders who head these terror organisations are in it for the money. Religion is just a convenient label to fool the ignorant.  

Plus religious people are all liars. That is rule no.2. 
Did you see how those cebuk dale sungai morons defended buying those Mercedes? That's exactly them.

And just like during the communist insurgency there will always, always be some people who will support the salafi terrorists and the ISIS terrorists. Its almost like a law of nature.

They will support their favorite terrorists with money and material. 
And then they will want to see some payback - some bang for their bucks. 
They will want to see some action.

And that is why these useless bomb explosions, shootings, rapes, killings etc are carried out by these salafi terrorists. There is zero strategic advantage from blowing yourself up. As my son, a super wit would say, "You cannot make a career out of suicide bombing".

Almost all suicide bombers come from poor families. The few very rich salafi suicide attackers like in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh were aberrations. Unique to their circumstances. They do it for free. That is why they also disappear. You cannot make a career out of suicide bombing.

But for the average poor as dirt suicide bomber, their families are paid money by the salafi terror leaders. The strategic benefit from a suicide bombing is zero. But each suicide bombing will make some sick people somewhere in the world open their wallets to give money to their favorite salafi guru or salafi group. The money will flow. It has become a business. No money no religion.

And with the accelerating failure and utter doomsday type destruction of "Islamic" societies all over the world - religious terrorism is going to increase. 

Frustrated people, unable to realise the falsehood of their "religion" - will turn to the terror gurus to lash out at everything. This is a losers' game. And there is an endless supply of losers. They will fork out money to the salafi terrorists to kill, bomb and blow up. To gain some sick satisfaction.

So religious terrorism is going to be a growth industry. Especially salafi terrorism. Folks the threat to peace all around the world is already here - salafi terrorism. 

And Dato Ayub Khan was very well placed to observe the growth of religious terrorism from its birth. I believe Dato Ayob was already involved in Counter terrorism from the early 2000s. That is a very long exposure for a Police officer to gain a detailed understanding of terrorist groups, terror tactics, organisation, the money trail etc. 

Few policemen have had such a long exposure to a threat spectrum that is only going to increase in the future. Congratulations to Dato Ayob Khan on the promotion to Commissioner of Police. Perhaps the stint in the state will round off his long experience at Bukit Aman. 

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