
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, February 7, 2020

Perangkap Dasar Ekonomi Baru - Breaking 10 Commandments, Among Many More

Here is a video someone sent me. Its by the Atlantis Report (donno who they are). I have truncated it, just before the spot where it becomes a PR thingy for Pakatan Haprak. It is very short, 1min 10 seconds. Do listen to it :

This video lists some TEN COMMANDMENTS which have been broken by 50 years of the Dasar Ekonomi Baru or New Economic Policy.

I would rearrange the order of priority of some of these 10 Commandments that have been breached by the Dasar Ekonomi Baru.

I would place 9. in the No. 1 position:

9. low quality education, graduates who know nothing and can barely speak English

Well this applies largely to Malays. 

Because Chinese and Indians also attend the same government universities like UKM, UPM, USM, UM etc. But they seem to fare much better in their careers in the private sector than Malay university graduates. 

Chinese and Indian university graduates from the same UKM or UPM also seem to be able to communicate better in English than Malays. Why is this so? 

And here is a cepu mas observation : Chinese and Indian graduates from UKM, UPM, USM etc can find jobs in Singapore, Australia and Hong Kong. On the other hand Malay graduates become part of the "who know nothing and can barely speak English"  group. Why? What happened?

I would prioritise the rest in the following order

No. 2 -   7. too much reliance on govt handouts

No. 3  -  2. rent seeking activity, property being obvious

No. 4  - 8. Reliance on monopolies - many Malay biz are reliant on govt licenses that give them large profits, without licenses they are not viable businesses

No. 5  -  1. concentration  of wealth in the hands of relatively few families

My No. 2 to No. 5 above are actually iterations of the same problem.

What these policies have done is killed off any chance of the Malays developing business acumen, participating aggressively in the wonderful gift from Allah swt known as the free market or coming to grips with understanding that other gift from Allah swt - competition.

Instead at every step of the process the poor, unsuspecting Malay was shielded from competing, was prevented from participating in the free market, and was instead kept stupid and dumb through low quality education and overdoses of religious paranoia. Fast forward to the 21st century : Melayu adalah pemalas says Dr Mahathir.

But more dangerously No. 2 to No. 5 has created its own larger problem. 

From 1970, for at least FOUR GENERATIONS now, the NEP or the DEB has created Malays / bumiputras who have become less and less competitive and more and more tongkat oriented. 

FOUR GENERATIONS of Malays in a row who have become "lazier" as Dr Mahathir said it. 

The 1st generation of Malays who were already adults in 1970 (70s yrs or more now).
Or they were in their teens in 1970 (63 yrs or more now)
The 2nd generation of Malays who were just born in 1970 (50 years old now).
The 3rd generation of Malays, born to the 1st generation (30 - 40 yrs now)
The 4th generation of Malays born to the 3rd generation (below 10 yrs)

Of course Tun Dr Mahathir is the laziest Malay of all because he is the one who made the Malays so lazy. 

YAB Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamed, Bapak Melayu Malas.

If Tun Razak and then Dr Mahathir had not come up with their 'Dasar Memalaskan Melayu' aka DEB then today Dr Mahathir would not have to insult the Malays every other day as being malas. 

Dr Mahathir is being highly irresponsible. 
You created the lazy Malay. 
It was your mistake.
And you refuse to say sorry for your mistakes. 
Instead you tai chi your mistake by calling the Malays malas.
Banyak pandai. Atau bodoh?

Because it has failed the Malays so drastically, the Dasar Ekonomi Baru has actually become a threat to national security. DEB sudah mengancam keselamatan negara kita.  It is a security threat. Tun Razak and the 'architects' of the NEP should have been arrested under the ISA (Internal Security Act). 

The other thing the Malays must understand is that NONE of these economic policies of the Dasar Ekonomi Baru or DEB can be found written in any economic textbooks.
  • Reliance on govt handouts
  • rent seeking activity
  • monopolies
  • concentration  of wealth in the hands of relatively few families 
etc are not part of any economic theory.  Dasar ekonomi seperti ini tidak boleh dijumpa dalam sebarang buku ekonomi.

So where did they get these strange ideas? 
Ideas which have destroyed the possibility of the Malay bumiputras competing in the free market and to berdiri sama tinggi, duduk sama rendah with the other people.

The most pathetic example would be that 'first Malaysian astronaut'. We bought those Russian Sukhois or MIGs and as part of the price that we paid for those jet fighters the Russians gave us a slot to send one Malay boy on a shiok sendiri trip to space aboard a Russian rocket. The taxpayers paid RM70 million for that junkie trip. 

The boy went to space and returned. 
And what happened after that? 
Dr Mahathir masih rindukan bulan. 
Brader pula masik rindukan pungguk (which is a bird ok, ha ha ha). 

'So what is the solution' you may ask?   Oh Syed Akbar Ali, the big mouth sitting behind OutSyed The Box - please give us the solutions?

The solution is the easiest part. I have said time and again, again and again and again - the solutions are so easy.

  • stop the govt handouts, or cut it drastically. 
  • stop all rent seeking activity
  • abolish all government granted monopolies
  • remove the concentration  of wealth in the hands of the chosen few
  • create equal access to opportunities in the economy
  • abolish the race based licenses and quotas in the economy
  • create equal access to education and the government universities 
  • revert to the education system before 1970 (which was exactly like Singapore)
  • keep religion inside the home and the heart
The solutions are so easy. 
These are the solutions. 
There are NO OTHER solutions.
Can you accept these solutions? 
Yes or no? 
Malas or no malas?

To cap this off, here is something I received this morning from an old ACS Ipoh classmate (from 1973) :

Fake Bumi Bubble Economy 

When the mouse was inside a deep rice  jar, it was all rice around him. Free rice. 
He felt that life was peaceful and plentiful and so he just stayed there and enjoyed it.
Until one day, the rice ran out. It was then that the mouse discovered that it was too deep in the bottom of the jar and could not climb out.  He looked out through the jar and began to cry.  

Moral of the story : If you are at an age where you can withstand the challenges of life, then do not choose "bumi privileges”.  Do not fall into that jar. If you do you will die there.

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