
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Dr Wan Azizah - 'For The 3,569th Time, Your Hubby Aint Gonna Make It'

DPM Wan Azizah said Dr M should keep promise 
hand over leadership to Anwar - Bernama

A promise is a promise she said 

 in response to Dr M saying PM must have majority support in Parliament

Dr M said promise on leadership transition remained 

but PM must command support of majority in Parliament

"..if I wanted to break promise, I can only be PM with majority support"
if majority of Dewan Rakyat rejected me, I will fall, that’s democracy

MPs hold power to decide
If I don’t have majority support, I can’t be PM” 
Dewan Rakyat could reject anyone from party with most seats

My comments :  

A long time ago, in Industrial Engineering class I studied the use of statistics and probabilities to make decisions. (Sudah lupa lah). The mathematics is sound but the probabilities were all a guessing game. You had to determine whether there was a 30% chance or a 65% chance of a bunch of things happening. Then you multiply here and you multiply there and you get a final figure. Its actually a guessing game. You can calculate the production runs, those are givens (they are known). But the mystery parts are always the sales volumes and the prices (for whatever product you are producing). No one can really know that. Just ask Petronas. Or Felda. Or Proton.

Having said that everyone has only so many days and so much energy to achieve things. You have to assess your capacity, assess the circumstances and assess your upsides, downsides, the outcomes (positive or negative) and the outcome of those outcomes. Most important is this - if you fall down, can you get up and walk again? How high a fall can you suffer without breaking your bones? That will determine how far up the cliff you wish to climb. Everything is a risk.

So for the 3,569th time, let me say it - Panglima Pintu Belakang is not going to be PM.  With or without the presence of Dr Mahathir. That has already become clear since a long time ago. 

This is not 1993. There are no more TNB pink slips to be dished out. But more importantly all of his long time supporters have long since abandoned the Panglima Pintu Belakang. 

So when Dr Mahathir says "..even if I wanted to break (my) promise, I can only be PM with majority support";  'if majority of Dewan Rakyat rejected me, I will fall, that’s democracy'

what Dr M is actually saying is that he can break his promise only if the majority of MPs still support him. And since the majority MPs still support him, that is what he can and will do - break his promise.

Dr M is also challenging the Panglima to go and find enough MPs who will give him majority support in Parliament.

This is where Panglima Pintu Belakang is missing the point. 
His accession to the throne does not depend on Dr M's benevolence. 
His accession to the throne depends on him getting 112 MPs to support him as PM.
That is all.

Dr Wan Azizah's lament that a promise is a promise is not relevant.

Say Dr M has a seizure tomorrow and he agrees to hand over the PMship to Panglima. There is still the little tiny detail of the YDP Agong having to call for a show of hands from 112 MPs that they support the Panglima. 

Even if you have 112 statutory declarations it may not be of much use. 
On the day of reckoning, the Agong must be satisfied that Panglima has 112 MPs.

So Dr Wan Azizah, you really have to change your venue. 
You should be appealing to the Istana. 
Not to Dr Mahathir - that is a waste of time. 

You have to show the Agong that your hubby has 112 MPs on his side. 
Maka jadilah Perdana Menteri baru.

But you cannot just call the Agong and say you are coming over for tea.
First you must make sure you have those 112 MPs on your side.
Can your husband get 112 MPs ?  

May 8th 2020 will be exactly 2 years since PH won.
But it is the Panglima's time that is up.

Your seventh mistake was you acknowledged "after APEC in November (or December) 2020" for the handover.  That is a postponement from May 8th, the end of the two full years. You should just stick to May 8th, 2020 for the handover.

If it is not going to happen on May 8th 2020 then it is not going to happen in November or December. "It" refers to that "happy, happy, lived happily ever after" handover from Dr M to Panglima. That is not going to happen.

Go get your 112 MPs and then go see the YDP Agong.

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