
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, February 3, 2020

Imran Khan Needs Money. Dr M, You Can Give Him Your Own Money, Not Ours Ok?

Pakistani PM Imran Khan is coming to KL in a couple of days.  
There is speculation on why he is coming.   

Some say he wants to make up to Dr Mahathir for missing that KL Islamic Summit after the Saudi's threatened him and told him to stay away. 

I don't believe this 'lets kiss and make up' story.

After reading the following I think I know why he is coming - to ask for money. 

Here is Pakistan's major newspaper The Dawn : 

Published in Dawn, February 1st, 2020

Finance ministry admits to debt limit violations — Reuters

40% increase in Pakistan’s public debt and liabilities in 15 months

Govt conceded major violations of Fiscal Responsibility Act 
for massively exceeding debt acquisition limits

total debt and liabilities stood at Rs29.879 trillion 2018 
Rs41.489tr end Septem­ber 2019, increase of Rs11.6tr or 39pc

end 2019 total debt increased 35% or Rs10.344tr to reach Rs40.223tr. 

govt required to limit fiscal deficit excluding foreign grants to 4pc of GDP

due to a series of factors
most of them because of govt policies
delay in renewing telecom licences
delay in sale of state assets 
weaker than anticipated tax proceeds 
State Bank of Pakistan heavy exchange rate losses 
sharp rise in domestic interest rates 
exchange rate depreciation 
escalated debt servicing burden
overall slowdown in economy 
lowrevenue collection

My comments :  The Pakistani government has broken their own laws. The government has borrowed money in excess of 4%  of their GDP, a legal limit they have imposed on themselves.

Why do they need to borrow so much? 
Well because they are broke.
In many aspects Pakistan is already a failed state.

Their public debt increased by 40% in just 15 months.
Without borrowing more their government will stop functioning.

However by their own law, their government cannot borrow any more money.
But they can accept grants - gifts of money - from the US and other countries.

But the evil Donald Trump has cut this free money - US aid has been reduced.
US aid to Pakistan has been cut by half from over US8.0 billion to just over US4.0 billion in 2019.  And I think Trump is tightening the screws even more.

I suspect Imran Khan is going to ask Dr Mahathir for money. Maybe a grant.

If this is the case, may I suggest that Dr Mahathir hand over some of his own money to Imran Khan ok? Please do not use taxpayers money. 

Nak bagi duit sendiri please go ahead.
Jangan bagi duit kita ok. Tolonglah.

Or tell Imran Khan to go and ask the Saudis for money. 
He listened to the Saudis and avoided that KL Islamic Summit.
So go and ask them for more money.

There is already a Pakistani - Malaysian JV company of sorts that has been incorporated in Singapore. Its a private venture. Please keep it that way. No pumping taxpayer's funds into Pakistani JVs incorporated in Singapore. 

Pakistan reminds me of my famous "fly - lizard - cat - dog upset the drinks stall" story.  Now Dr Mahathir also reminds me of that same story. 

Continuously up to no good. 
Jangan buat hal ok.

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