
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, March 14, 2025



Sahabat saya the financial consultant ada sebut a few things.

  • So, it's now a loan, not an equity investment. 
  • Comm described it as a subscription of shares. 
  • In Bursa filing . .subscribing to redeemable convertible loan stocks RM1.1b
  • If it's a loan, what is the loan period and what is the interest rate ?
  • CULs are more equity than debt since there is no fixed maturity. 
  • I don't think they know the difference.

Maksudnya Tuan-Tuan, kalaulah benda ini adalah loan atau pinjaman atau hutang, then apa tempoh pinjamannya? Setiap pinjaman mesti ada tempoh dia.

Lima tahun ke, 10 tahun ke, 12 tahun ke? Apa tempoh pinjamannya?

Kalau benda ini adalah loan atau pinjaman, apa interest rate dia bagi setahun? 
Mesti ada interest rate dia. 5% per annum ke, 8% per annum ke whatever lah. 

Kalau 'Islamic' pun tambah "al" sahaja. Tapi mesti ada peratus dia 5% per annum ke, 8% per annum ke whatever lah.

So kalau tidak ada tempoh pinjaman dan tidak ada interest rate dia, then it does NOT look like a loan.
Maksudnya once the money goes in, it will stay there.
Lepas tu latest news pula nak tambah due diligence.
'..will go through an additional due diligence process' 
Isnt it a bit late for due diligence?
Hari itu Communications sudah kata :
  • denied claims RM1.1b investment  was bailout
  • money gomen poured into company was “strategic investment”

So the decision has already been made.
Habis pasal apa pula nak buat due diligence lagi?

  • Let me make a prediction. 
  • Due diligence akan lulus dengan flying colours.
  • Mesti dapat 10A.



Tuan-Tuan, jangan salah faham. Bukan saya tak sokong bailout atau investment atau pinjaman ini.  I just want it to be done right. I think we all want it to be done right.

If it is worth saving, go ahead and save the company. It is now a solid GLC. Gomen punya company. Depan, belakang, kiri, kanan, atas, bawah gomen control segala resources nya.

Gomen control the company, gomen control the investors, gomen control the bankers, gomen control the oil and gas resources, gomen control the national oil company. Everything gomen control.  With so much control you can create enormous amount of wealth.

But without the 'ketirisan', without the stealing, without the corruption, without the cronyism, without the siphoning out the money. Especially the public funds. We have had enough of that. 

Dan jangan pula Mamak-Mamak Advisor sudah 'take positions in the market' dengan segala insider informationnya. Like the bad old days.

The last round was ridiculous. Sepertimana Comm sudah kata : Before it was Mahathirism.

Masa Mahathirism, the MD / CEO was paid hundreds of millions of Ringgit.




Tuan-Tuan dengar baik-baik ok.

For NINE years, 2013 - 2022, dividen syarikat hanya RM480 million.
Tapi bagi tempoh yang sama, NINE YEARS, gaji MD (atau CEO) was RM443.9 Million!
Publicly listed company dengan berpuluh ribu shareholders dapat dividen RM480 Juta for NINE YEARS.
Bagi tempoh yang sama, CEO satu orang sahaja dapat remuneration RM443.9 Juta !!

What d' hell?  
Ini style korporat bumiputra kah? 

  • Ok Tuan-Tuan sekarang bukan lagi zaman Mahathirism.   
  • Sekarang adalah zaman entah apa.
  • Sekarang sudah masuk zaman insan kamil, syumul, ukhuwah, insaniyah
  • dan entah apa lagi lah.
  • So Tuan-Tuan are we saved? 
  • Apakah Imam Mahdi sudah turun dari langit untuk selamatkan kita semua?

Saya tanya seorang lagi sahabat saya. Dia pun consultant juga. Ini jawapan dia:


The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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