
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, December 31, 2018


UMNO will find a “new normal” as an opposition party that includes reviewing the way it champions Malay rights, acting party president Mohamad Hasan said today.
In the clearest statement on the party’s direction since it lost power in the 14th general election, Mohamad also confirmed that Umno would stay an opposition party, debunking earlier speculation that it had plans to cooperate with PAS or with ruling parties in Pakatan Harapan in a bid to return to federal power.
“The championing of the Malay agenda can no longer be done by sidelining other races in anyway. It is time for Umno to review the Malay agenda. It must be redrafted and given a new outlook.
“Umno needs to find ‘a new normal’… it needs a new way of thinking that is radical and not based on rhetoric and empty slogans.

“We must adjust our attitudes and mindset to our new role. The old politics that have weakened Umno from within must be stopped and members must listen to the people even if they say what we don’t want to hear.”
Umno would strive to rebuild itself as a principled and respected opposition party, said Mohamad, who is deputy president but took over the duties of the president after Ahmad Zahid Hamidi went on leave on December 18.
The party’s re-evaluation of the way it upheld the Malay agenda must involve a “Malay renaissance” that would lead to concrete steps and progress to help Malays become more competent and competitive, he said.
“With a review of the Malay agenda, Umno will be able to offer a new deal to the Malays and all Malaysians.”
Umno was founded as a nationalist party to seek Malaya’s independence from Britain. It has since adopted a “Malay supremacy” ethos in its policies and outlook on the basis of constitutional provisions that guarantee Malays a special position in terms of quotas and privileges to raise their economic performance to be on a par with other races in the country.
Abuses and corruption involving these privileges over the years, however, have led to many calls for a review as well as an end to race-based policies.
Mohamad said Umno has to undertake this transformation as it is at the most critical stage of its history and facing many uncertainties.
Urging party members to be patient, Mohamad said rebuilding Umno would take time as there is no easy or immediate solution.
“Do not expect any instant success.” – https://www.themalaysianinsight.com
We did not vote for Umno 2.0, Twitter users tell Bersatu veep
SOCIAL media users today reminded Bersatu vice-president Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman that they had voted for Pakatan Harapan to replace the corrupt Barisan Nasional regime, not for Bersatu to become the new Umno.
They slammed the former Election Commission chairman for supporting political corruption during his closing speech at Bersatu’s annual general assembly yesterday.
They also backed polls watchdog Bersih’s disapproval of Abdul Rashid’s support for the culture of corruption.
Abdul Rashid had said yesterday that the party should use its position as the government of the day to channel resources and projects to division chiefs so that they could win elections “by hook or by crook”.
While his remarks appeared to run counter to the principle of separating government and party, the speech was greeted with a standing ovation from delegates.
Twitter user @drcolinfu, in a reply to reports of Abdul Rashid’s speech, said that the new government was supposed to crack down on the old culture of political bribery.
“This guy Rashid whatever is stupid or what? Ppl try to rid of Umno warlord culture and yet come along this clown?!?!” he tweeted.
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Dr. Colin Fu@drcolinfu
@raishussin, this guy Rashid whatever is stupid or what? Ppl try to rid of UMNO warlord culture and yet come along this clown?!?! https://m.malaysiakini.com/news/458243  cc. @chedetofficial @MuhyiddinYassin @MukrizMahathir
Bersatu VP says ‘stupid’ not to use gov’t resources, gets standing ovation
Rashid’s comment comes after Syed Saddiq spoke out against demands for gov’t contracts, positions.
Meanwhile, @manejemenn sarcastically suggested that the Bersatu vice-president had been influenced by substance abuse when making the speech.
“What is Rashid smoking? Expected better from former EC chairman. You are making it easy for Bersatu to become Umno 2.0. We did not vote for this,” he said.
The Management@manejemenn
@AmeerFaris said Abdul Rashid’s ought to be ashamed, as there was no difference between what he had said and the cronyism and back-channelling reminiscent of Umno’s old ways.
“Tan Sri Abdul Rashid’sstatement is shameful, ‘grant tenders to division chief?’ What’s the difference between Bersatu and Umno that valued cronyism and back channeling. This is an example of a veteran who finds difficulty in transformation. The Malays who cheered are also bingai.”
Ameer Faris@AmeerFaris
Chan Tsu Chong highlighted the worrying response of Bersatu delegates who had cheered Abdul Rashid’s speech, which he described as more detrimental than the speech itself.
“The more worrying thing is the standing ovation, which shows a bigger problem beyond Rashid. Really disgusting and repulsive,” he said.
Chan Tsu Chong@tsuchong
Bersatu VP says ‘stupid’ not to use gov’t resources, gets standing ovation https://www.malaysiakini.com/#.XCk-9RLT2p0.twitter 
In a statement today, Bersih said that abuse of power through channelling government resources was one of the reasons why the previous ruling regime had lost Putrajaya.
“Has Abdul Rashid and the cheering delegates forgotten so quickly why Malaysians rejected the previous Umno/Barisan Nasional government just seven months ago?
“The abuse of power by the ruling elite, through the channelling of government resources, corruption and political patronage, was such a revolting stench that it united Malaysians to say enough is enough on May 9,” said Bersih.
It, however, expressed gratitude to Bersatu’s youth wing Armada, which had immediately rejected Abdul Rashid’s suggestion.
“The fact that these future leaders of the party understand that such culture of corruption must be eradicated is most encouraging.”
Bersih also called upon the government to pass laws, such as Administrative Neutrality Act, to deal with cronyism patronage and the Political Financing Control Act to introduce transparency in political financing and funding.

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