
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 1, 2018


Papagomo was one of the most notorious gangsters UMNO Malay nationalist party has ever possessed. His real name is Wan Muhammad Azri Wan Deris. There are basically two major Malay criminal gang groups in the country – the “Tiga Line” and “Double 7”. He belongs to the Double-7 but has a close relationship with other gang organizations too.
In the world of internet, he used to be a blogger blogging under the blog “Papa Gomo”. The controversial blogger was more often than not “untouchable” and “above the law” due to the special protection given by UMNO. As UMNO itself operated like a mafia organization when dealing with critics, it’s not a surprise that a thug like Muhammad Azri clicks very well within the party.
As a former policeman, a law enforcement organization known for corruption, gangsterism and abuse of power in the country, it makes perfect sense why blogger Papagomo was nothing but a bully and a thug employed by UMNO to do dirty works. His job was to defame and intimidate opposition parties and leaders, including the then-opposition de-facto leader Anwar Ibrahim.
UMNO Gangster - Wan Muhammad Azri Wan Deris - Papagomo

On February 28, 2014, Muhammad Azri was ordered by the High Court to pay RM800,000 in damages and RM50,000 in costs when it found him liable for defaming Anwar, who was then Pakatan Rakyat leader and Permatang Pauh MP. Eventually, UMNO Wangsa Maju raised the money so that he could settle his outstanding damages amounting to RM951,260.27.
It was not a coincidence that Papagomo was practically untouchable when Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, former Deputy Prime Minister (2015 to 2018), was serving as the Minister of Home Affairs from 2013 to 2018. Mr. Zahid himself was the “Big Boss” of the underworld by virtue of him in charge of Royal Malaysia Police, Prison Department, Immigration Department and others.
The underworld organizations such as “Tiga Line” was a subsidiary of UMNO and reported to Zahid Hamidi. In 2013, amazingly, the corrupt Home Minister openly declared his friendship with the secret society despite being outlawed by his own ministry earlier in that year. He said 6,171 Malay gangsters were not real thugs, but was merely “festivities gangsters.”
Zahid Hamidi – UMNO President
Yes, despite acknowledging the Malay gangsters were part of the Tiga Line group, Gang 30 and Gang Double-7, Zahid said the gang was not malicious and only gathered during festivities and projects. Heck, the gangster Zahid even boldly referred to UMNO warlord and former Perlis Mentri Besar (Chief Minister) – Shahidan Kassim – as the “biggest Tiga Line gangster.”
It was Big Gangster Boss like Zahid Hamidi that emboldened a thug like “Papagomo” Wan Muhammad Azri Wan Deris, among others. Birds of the same feather flock together – that explains why Papagomo won the UMNO Youth Exco (Executive Council) in June under Zahid leadership. On Friday (Nov 30), the police confirmed that the untouchable ex-policeman-turned-gangster has been arrested in Ipoh.
Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Mohamad Fuzi Harun said the notorious blogger was detained on Thursday (Nov 29) to help in a probe over the video post that was deemed seditious, allegedly spread racial hatred and touched on religious sensitivities. Apparently, Papagomo insulted ethnic Indians as “squatters” and urged for ethnic minorities to be stripped of voting rights.
Subang Jaya Sri Maha Marianmman Temple Riot - Car Wreckage
Papagomo had also defamed DAP (a component party of Pakatan Harapan new government) as the mastermind behind the riot at the Sri Maha Mariamman temple in Subang Jaya recently. He accused DAP Supremo Lim Kit Siang of plotting the bloody May 13 racial riots. The UMNO mobster appeared to be working very hard to incite violence and riots, and the plot has become more interesting.
There were already rumours and speculations that the 50-250 Malay gangsters running amok at the Hindu temple were members of the Tiga Line and Double-7 secret societies. This means UMNO under Zahid leadership was one of the hidden hands involved in the temple fiasco. Unfortunately, the riot did not spread as expected from the evil UMNO president.
UMNO realizes that putting ethnic Malay and ethnic Indian at loggerheads isn’t enough. The riots must involve the ethnic Chinese as well. UMNO President Zahid wants to re-create the history of how Tunku Abdul Rahman, the nation’s first prime minister, was eventually forced to resign after the bloody 13 May, 1969 racial riots spread like wildfire.
Low Yat Riot - Thugs and Pekida Extreme Organisation
Hence, the racist gangster Wan Muhammad Azri Wan Deris was given the responsibility of flaming racial hatred and inciting riots. This is not the first time he has been entrusted to incite the public over racial issues though. In 2015, he was arrested under the Sedition Act after falsely posted a picture of an injured Malay “accident” victim, claiming he was a victim of Low Yat Plaza riot.
Of course, three years ago, the police was forced to arrest him at his home after the “protected” UMNO thug repeatedly and deliberately ignored police’s request to turn himself in. Today, there’s a new government and a new sheriff in town. After PM Mahathir Mohamad gave him a jolt, IGP Fuzi proactively ordered his boys to arrest Papagomo, a surprise but commendable move.
Wan Muhammad, who has also been the Malaysia Bumiputera Brotherhood president from 2014, didn’t expect the police would act upon his video post so quickly. This will be the eighth times he is arrested and remanded by the police. Previously, the police would release him as fast as he was arrested. It would be hard to imagine how he could wriggle out without any punishment this time.
Mohamad Fuzi Harun - Inspector-General of Police (IGP)
In the same breath, Zahid Hamidi was caught by surprise after the police sprang into action at lightning speed. His plan to use Papagomo – known as “The War Machine” within UMNO politicians – to spark a nationwide racial riot has backfired spectacularly. The IGP Fuzi’s own job is on the line and the authorities seem to be monitoring for those who used social media to create unrest.
With the December 8 Anti-ICERD rally closing in and Papagomo thrown into detention, Zahid will need to fork out RM17.5 million to pay RM50 each for 350,000 participants. It would be a great humiliation if he could not mobilize his own UMNO members but have to rely on PAS Islamist party for the crowd. And the arrest of Papagomo will definitely make other UMNO thugs more fearful.


  1. Do not play with fire... Law is law n nobody is above the law

  2. Do not play with fire... Law is law n nobody is above the law

  3. For every PAPAGOMO or a Jamal Jamban that falls , there is the backing of known actors of evil that spawns life into these half brained twits and besides Zahid the terrible there are royals lending their blessings for this ignominy

  4. Elok buat rakaman macam cerita MI. He he he......dah report polis. Ganster tu .

  5. We all have to answer to God. Malaysian will ever irresponsible to their neighbourhood. To be Malaysian love Malaysia.


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