
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, December 30, 2018

2019 - Brader Anwar Has Wrong Solutions And No Solutions

PH govt should focus on issues pertaining to rakyat's needs in 2019, says Anwar 

OSTB : This is stating the obvious. Everyone already knows this. Monday comes after Sunday. After Monday comes Tuesday. Tell us something that we do not know already.

In New Year he said 2019 will bring multitude of challenges – geopolitical, instability, community unrest, to name a few.

OSTB : Sounds like a repeat of last year's new year message as well. 

we must be even more alert to forces that would hijack reform 

OSTB : Your Timbalan Azmin Ali has released a media statement addressed to you  saying that YOU are not telus and you dont practise fair play. Azmin seems to know who these forces are.  (Brader Anwar supporters - Ini bukan saya cakap tau. Ini Azmin Ali cakap. So jangan marah saya tau.)

anxiety regarding low wages and employment opportunities 

OSTB :  So what have you Anwar Ibrahim learnt from this 'anxiety'? You must stimulate economic growth. The economy will only grow when productive capacity  is not blocked, obstructed, stunted, controlled, prevented from achieving its full potential. When the productive capacity is prevented from growing, then the less productive capacity - which will and must benefit from the more productive capacity - will have a smaller chance of growing. They will become more and more unemployed.  Boleh faham ke?  

Here are two more brain twisters for you.

1. You cannot tax the people into prosperity. Every single tax removes more from the peoples' pocket. 
2. The unemployed and those who do not know how - WILL NOT BE ABLE to generate new jobs for themselves. Only the more productive people can generate jobs. This is basic. You prevent the productive elements in the economy, you create UNEMPLOYMENT. Is this too much for a Sunday?

left behind if we do not embrace digital revolution,  unable to escape global trends, change landscape, accept change, bla bla bla.

OSTB : I say Brader, who is your speech writer?  This is copy paste from Newsweek kah?

anxiety lower rung : fishermen, rubber tappers, labourers, struggling 
This is why I voiced out the need to maintain specific subsidies 

OSTB : I say Brader, you have to be cleverer than just thinking of subsidies all the time. 

Subsidies come from tax collections and government revenues. The more people are on subsidies the lesser the tax and revenue for the government. This is also why the BN lost the elections. 

Subsidies are just taking money from the right pocket and putting it into an empty left pocket and then declaring  'left pocket is now full'. 

If you want to subsidise the fisherman and the farmers, subsidise them AFTER they catch the fish or AFTER they harvest the paddy. Not before. 

For every kilo of fish caught, they get x Ringgit. Subject to a minimum catch of say 50 kilo of fish.  Or 25 kilo for small sampan fishermen. If they catch less than 25 kilo - then no subsidy. So they must work a little harder. 

Think outside the box lah.

PD MP was currently looking into digital sphere to uplift his constituents 

OSTB :  Digital sphere in Port Dickson? 

PD is a half dead tourist spot lah. 
You have to revive tourism. 

May I make two simple suggestions for PD? 

1.  Build a long (at least 500 metre) and wide (at least 50 metres wide) public pier (ok lah its a jetty) in Port Dickson where people can go fishing, go for walks over the sea etc, artists can paint, etc.  It must have restaurants, shops, clean public toilets etc. No tepi longkang type warung keropok lekor, no tepi jalan type pisang goreng stalls ok. Keep it super clean.  

Fisherman's Wharf San Francisco

Err . . .these things DO NOT cost a Billion Ringgit ok.  The State or Federal government can JV with the private sector.   A  200 feet wide, 150 feet long 'pedestrian mall bridge' over the Klang River costs less than RM5 million. It is just steel and concrete.  I checked it out years ago and the architect fellow quoted even less.

And please NO ISLAMIC ok.  
Siapa suruh hang makan babi atau minum arak? 
Emak bapak hang tak ajar kau ke?

2. Organise an annual PD Jazz Carnival. Like the Jakarta Jazz Festival.  Or the Rainforest Music Fest in Kuching. Dont worry about the maksiat lah. Who asked you to maksiat?  Once a year set up huge tents on the beach area, with music, lights, food etc.  Invite Jazz musicians from all over Asia,  Australia. They will come. And people will also come. Hotels will fill up. Boleh lah budak-budak kita tumpang cari makan.

Ada banyak lagi benda boleh dibuat.  The 'hugest' problem is 'thinking is required'.

address the challenges of climate change 

OSTB :  Climate change? I say brader, the climate got no change lah. Dont believe all the hocus pocus ok. Port Dickson still got beach lah. PD Beach not yet under water. If got climate change, PD beach will tenggelam and you will become MP for Waterworld. 

Bottom line - other than jogging on PD beach and picking up some garbage what is the Brader planning for PD?  Or for Malaysia? 

Maybe you want to WhatsApp your friend Yusuf Qardhdhdhoowee of the Muslim Brotherhood and ask him first?  Maybe they can suggest buka restoran roti Arab? Boleh lah jadi gemuk macam makcik arab.

There must be more to life than the useless and failed  philosophy of the Ikhwan.
There must be more to life than staring up the back door.
Will the day ever come when the Brader grows up?

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