
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, December 13, 2018


‘To do otherwise would be a travesty to Dr M’s commitment to a clean and fair gov’t.’
Vent: Granted, we cannot expect others to live by our own values and standards.
But where is there even a modicum of shame in former communications and multimedia minister Salleh Said Keruak and former Dewan Rakyat speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia now quitting Umno, and lo and behold, pledging their support for Pakatan Harapan and Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad of all things and persons?

The former speaker was nothing but a lapdog for Umno and former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak, and Salleh even appeared to be willing to die for Najib.
If this isn’t opportunism of the lowest order, I don’t know what else is.
I expect the Harapan ministers, especially those from DAP, to never forget Pandikar’s dastardly treatment of them and never allow the two into the fold.
Even notwithstanding the fact that there is no honour among thieves, it will be a travesty of the highest order to Mahathir’s commitment to a clean and fair government if the old man, in his desire to gain the support of the Malays, accepts these two.
Getting a two-thirds majority will never justify including all these individuals of no honour, shame, decency or principles and certainly of no value to the nation as they are nothing but lowlives and assorted vermin.
Anonymous 2436471476414726: Yes, Harapan/Parti Warisan Sabah, you are well advised not to accept Salleh and Pandikar.
Those two were staunch supporters of Najib, and Salleh especially was very much anti-Mahathir. Pandikar was well-known for playing dirty when he was the speaker of Parliament.
FlabberPro: They can quit all they want, but the rakyat has already seen through them. They cannot be trusted, and neither do they have any credible character.
They are the has-beens and the bygones. They may as well retire quietly into their own cage and never go into the limelight again.
Najib, the world is abandoning you. I wonder what goes through your mind at night.
Anonymous 770241447347646: Politically, it will be good for the parties to accept as many as possible into the present regime. Together, they can pass certain bills that they need a two-thirds majority for.
On the other hand, there are certain leaders who have no choice but to jump ship. Their loyalty is questionable. They have their own personal agenda, and not the interest of the rakyat at heart.
Harapan should seriously consider whether to accept their applications if they decide to join Warisan. You may have the numbers, but you might lose your popularity.
Anonymous 2362021442199789: The rats are all abandoning the sinking ship. However, once a rat, always a rat.
They should be shunned as they are only trying to save their own skins and cannot be trusted.
Anonymous_ab618355: Let’s hope Warisan does not accept these “traitors”. The Sabah rakyat will vote Warisan out if these goons are accepted back into the party that holds power.
There’s no loyalty, just power-craziness. If they can abandon Umno, they can abandon Warisan too.
Ed: Indeed, Harapan will lose its credibility if it opts to take these people into its fold. These are people who were “willing partners” then and equally party to our country being in its current state.
Having enjoyed the spoils, they now jump ship? What poor personal values. Worst case, just stay independent.
I hope Harapan does not evolve into “BN Baru” with lots of ex-Umno candidates and parties “void of ideas” such as MCA and MIC.
Anonymous 24331438100949: Don’t jump to conclusions. We have to accept the fact that Umno is no longer relevant. It’s normal in Malaysian politics for people to jump to another party.
Harapan is very clear on this. If you want to join any party in Harapan, they must follow the new culture, that’s why they have to be independent first but to work for the rakyat is a must.
The Wakandan: It is a moral victory for Harapan. With the exodus, it is a foreshadowing of the turning point of Malay-Muslim abandonment of Umno and BN.
With weak Malay support, Umno will never be able to rise to power again, and so it will be for PAS as well. It will be a dream shattered for them to form a government with Umno.
Pisang Goreng: And so it continues. The fall of Umno does not mean the fall of right-wing ideology and corruption. It simply means that it will find a new place to call home.
And the new landlord? None other than our beloved Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Pat20231: They just changed ships but everything else remains, including all the vices linked with the previous party.
One moment Mahathir is talking about eradicating corruption, and the next moment, this. Who is going to monitor these MPs?
Roar For Truth: It’s time for Harapan to have a minimum quality control (QC) for frog jumpers.
Political expediency is one thing, but total disregard for the choices made and people’s will on May 9 is totally unacceptable.
Don’t end up a one-time wonder because of your betrayal of the voters. Too many self-serving politicians justifying their personal interests with hypocritical statements of national interest.

Bung Moktar is new Sabah Umno chief

Kinabatangan MP Bung Moktar Radin has been appointed as the new chairperson of Umno Sabah Liaision Commitee, replacing Hajiji Mohd Noor who had exited the party with more than a dozen others today.
This was among the appointments announced by the party’s secretary-general Annuar Musa in a special press conference at Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur today.
Annuar also announced that Sepanggar MP Takub Khan would be Bung’s deputy, while Tenom MP Raimi Unggi would be the new information chief.
Umno Kinabatangan deputy chief Jeffry Ariffin was announced as the new secretary of the liaision committee.
Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who was present at the press conference, said Umno Sabah would not be dissolved despite the exodus of its leaders.
“What happened in Sabah was something that has been expected and this will not weaken Umno, which has contributed a lot to the people in Sabah.
“Umno’s entry into Sabah in 1991 had changed the landscape of the state’s socio-economy and this Malay party will continue to defend that,” he said, adding that the party would take immediate action to reorganise the Umno Sabah liaision committee.
Replacement for PAC chair
Commenting on PAC chairperson Ronald Kiandee, who had also left the party, Zahid (left in photo) said that Umno would suggest other names to the government for the position in the parliamentary committee.
“The position of PAC chairperson is part of the current government’s manifesto, and it is a different issue compared to Sabah Umno’s position. If we hold on to that (jika kita berpegang kepada itu), Umno will identify Kiandee’s replacement.
“The BN chairperson will send a notice to the speaker in regards to the position of the PAC chairperson and we will suggest other names,” he said.
“From our observation, no division will be dissolved. The support from the grassroots is still strong so far but whatever the situation will be, we will face it together,” he said.

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