
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, December 1, 2018

Ayatollah's Iran 2018 Like Shah's Iran of 1979

Iran’s economy faced severe strain this year
currency plummeting, consumer prices soaring
Inflation top concern - spiked last month reaching 35% 
basic commodities out of the reach of poor
tremendous pressure on middle class

Iran’s own internal dynamic main contributor

Iran 35% inflation, unrest, growing sense among Iranians regime serves itself

ideology of 1979 lost purity, failed to deliver manageable life
regime increasingly relies on security forces
pacify public by threat of force
rather political leaders job to satisfy public’s needs

regime cannot solve extreme economic problems 

Now economic problems mounting, and cynicism
security forces ready to act

My comments :  

If you ate something that was "tak betul" within an hour or two your stomach will tell you that you have eaten something wrong. But you can fix it, hopefully within hours. 

(Unless it was that laksa stall in Baling, Kedah or that khenduri kahwin in Kedah which might cause you death).  

If you bought the wrong car, within a few months or a year you will see the negative effects of having purchased that car. You can fix it easily but it will cost you money. It is simply a function of money. But you can fix the problem. A solution exists.

I have mentioned before that when people screw up their systems of governance, when they screw up the education system, when they screw up their economic systems, the negative effects take a long time to manifest themselves and may take a longer time to be repaired.

The Iranian revolution is now 40 years old. 
They are discovering that they have been screwed. 
The Iranian people are poorer now than they were 40 years ago.

And here is the real problem : their situaion is getting worse. 
There is no positive solution anywhere on the horizon.

Malaysia is headed in this direction.  

Instead of satisfying the public’s real needs some groups are trying to "pacify the public" by threat of force.

These are the religious groups (the Pas, the various agama NGOs, some muftis, the Salafis, Wahabis, Muslim Brotherhood) and the racist political groups. 

We are now discovering that 40 years of 'unhinged' economic planning has not improved large segments of our society. (Unhinged from the real world). If we start today, and undertake massive repairs, we may correct the situation in about 15 - 20 years. But is that going to happen?

Iran must and will implode. 
More life wasted.

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