
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, December 6, 2018

BN MPs stage walkout after speaker stands ground on Sivaraajh's eviction

PARLIAMENT | BN lawmakers staged a walkout after Dewan Rakyat speaker Mohamad Ariff Mohd Yusof refused to retract his decision to evict MIC vice-president C Sivarraajh pending clarification on his status as an MP.
This followed an argument in the House when opposition MPs urged Ariff to retract and apologise for his decision. The verbal jousting went on for about 30 minutes.
However, Ariff said he would only make a ruling on Sivarraajh’s status on Monday, after studying the matter.
“After hearing debates, I hope it is clear to you that the legal position is unclear, so I need some time to issue a ruling.
“I have spoken to (Sivarraajh’s) lawyer and he will get in touch with me,” he added.
Ariff said he had told Sivarraajh and his lawyer to obtain Election Court judge Azizah Nawawi's written judgment and send it to his office.
Yesterday, Ariff told Sivaraajh to leave the Housepending clarification on whether the Election Court in Kuala Lumpur had issued a stay order on its declaration that the Cameron Highlands seat is vacant.
[More to follow] - Mkini

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