
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, December 5, 2018


‘Is not what the Perkasa leader says seditious?’
Anonymous Malaysia2018: Deputy Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Nazrin Muizzudin Shah has spoken out that Malaysians must rid our “hatred” mentality.
PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad has already warned against crossing the line. His warning is as clear as daylight. The full force of the law will be applied on troublemakers.
Malaysia is a beautiful and peaceful country, and all Malaysians who love the nation must promote peace and harmony. Using race and religion as a way to hoodwink people is wrong.
Meritocracy is the way forward. We want the best people to be ministers!
Kangkung: These extremists are openly making the most inflammatory speeches while threatening to run amok.
Perkasa leader Ibrahim Ali is trying his best to instigate race hatred and clashes as he knows he has no issues to debate. Of late, Umno, Perkasa and their supporters have continuously been threatening to run amok.
Minister of National Unity and Social Wellbeing P Waythamoorthy and the DAP are being used in their inflammatory, hate-mongering rhetoric.
If these bigots and extremists are allowed to continue this path, they will eventually succeed in their ambition to get the Malays to run amok. Ibrahim Ali knows that it is only through violence they can bring down the government.
TehTarik: From Wikipedia – ‘Running amok’, sometimes referred to as simply ‘amok’ or ‘gone amok’, also spelled ‘amuk’, is “an episode of sudden mass assault against people or objects usually, by a single individual, following a period of brooding that has traditionally been regarded as occurring especially in Malay culture but is now increasingly viewed as psychopathological behaviour”.
The syndrome of “amok” is found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV TR). The phrase is often used in a less serious manner when describing something that is wildly out of control or causing a frenzy (for example, a dog tearing up the living room furniture might be termed as “running amok”).
Mano: Is not what Ibrahim Ali says seditious? But then again, arresting him may just give him all that he wants to further escalate his baseless accusation.
It’s a real dilemma. Are the silent majority Malays really agreeable to what this ill-bred fellow is saying?
Meow-Meow: In GE14, only about 30 percent of Malays voted Pakatan Harapan and the other 70 percent chose either Umno or PAS. The majority (the 70 percent of the Malays) too might have the Perkasa mentality.
Since the majority still feel this country belongs only to the Malays, the other races should consider seriously the other option – emigration.
PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad is too busy to look after the welfare of the bumiputeras and might not be keen to control Perkasa. Yes, nothing “new” in this New Malaysia.
BTN: Ibrahim Ali is bad news to all those progressive Malays who have spoken loud and clear that they reject all forms of racism and are true followers of Islam.
The Malay race has been tarnished all these years, with politicians making use of them as if they are devoid of thinking. To all those countless Malays that have excelled and contributed tremendously to nation building, people like Ibrahim Ali, PAS and Umno are just a disease that needs to be neutralised.
Malay truly need to ‘bangkit’ for the right reason but definitely not run amok.
MA: Money donated for their welfare by Malays and Muslims in Malaysia is stolen and used for holidays by Tabung Haji and other Muslim organisations.
These are not issues for these idiots, but to catch Waythamoorthy is.
Simple Malaysian: Indeed, why didn’t they run amok when the previous PM stole the rakyat’s money, abused his power for his family’s benefit, a previous DPM had used money meant for Islamic development for personal use, ministers used their positions to enrich themselves?
Or were these wrongs not wrong in the eyes of Perkasa or it did not harm the wellbeing of Malays or their rights or welfare?
Quigonbond: Ibrahim Ali has made many seditious statements and every time he gets away with it by backtracking. Harapan needs to show resolve instead of whatever ‘bending over backwards’ refrain that it’s doing.
One wonders if it is Bersatu’s agenda to tell their coalition partners ‘I told you so, your airy-fairy moderation won’t work’.
If there is actual violence, I am going to pin the blame on Bersatu ministers because there may well be sufficient existing laws to deal with these extremists, or otherwise its minister(s) has had six months to amend laws or design new laws.
No doubt, you need to get rid of draconian laws but you need to put more balanced laws in place first, otherwise extremists are taking advantage of the perceived vacuum.
The National Harmony Bill has been drafted years ago and now sits on a shelf collecting dust. It’s time to get past review and start enacting reforms. No more delays!
The Wakandan: Obviously, Ibrahim Ali is testing the government’s resolve; how far they would deal with him. He is playing catch me if you can.
He knows that being a Malay fighting for Malay rights, he is almost untouchable. No Malay leader would dare to touch him, and he is prodding, testing the water.
Unfortunately, he is proven quite right. Who is willing to take him head on? Not Mahathir, and if it is not Mahathir, the rest would be non-starters.
So we have people like Ibrahim Ali playing clown with Harapan, and so are opposition leaders Abdul Hadi Awang and Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, though the latter two do it more subtly.
Newday: Police, it is 100 percent clear and truthful that Ibrahim Ali made these remarks. It is recorded live. Not much of an investigation is required. This is an open-and-shut case.
Ibrahim Ali did try to tone down his rhetoric later, but the damage had already been done. He incited racial violence.
Abd.Karim: In other countries, people are embarrassed to utter racist remarks. But in Malaysia, they are proud to be the hero of racism. Shameless!
Something is seriously wrong with our education system. Young minds growing up thinking that it’s okay to be a racist. Their role models are the mentally deranged adults that we see spewing all the racist remarks.
Umno and PAS are responsible for this disaster. Shameless!

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